CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Not much going on right now, I've procrastinated on cutting the trees out front, but will get it done over the weekend. Today we had to go out and get Gabbie her license and since we were half way to the nursery, well, we went and got the ginger plants and looked at citrus trees....we went to pay for the gingers and saw a bouganvilla that caught both of our eye and the price was right, so we brought it home too.....
IMAG4551.jpg .....the ginger foliage is annual and it dies back and returns in spring....which is March here....and tho the foliage isn't really spectacular, the blooming of it is.....
IMAG4552.jpg ....the pot we picked out is splitting from the amount of roots it has...we paid the price for a 3gal pot, but got a 5gal amount....we will have to split it up when we get it in the ground.....:cool:.....something else that bas been happening here is the neighbor across the street, whose pooch Gabbie ran back out of our yard and to the house, has started walking the basset hound on our side of the road right in front of the house, but close to the road in the ROW ground and lingers around while Gabbie is going nuts in the window. The guy must be a real dunce or he is baiting her to come charge the pooch and him again....tho, now he has it on a lead and not loose running around. I don't plan on saying anything, but when the fence goes up, I won't deter Gabbie from being there barking....I told Joyce he is probably wanting her to charge again and will try to take us to court. This is why I decided to go ahead and get the we are going to get video of him parading in front of the house. He does it to another neighbor on the backside of his property....they have a fence and a border collie mix dog....he will stand and keep his dog right close to the fence while the border collie mix runs the fence barking. He won't be able to do that here, cause I'm not fencing the property line, so he will have to come on the property to do that and that would be trespassing. There was a neighbor at DD4's house that had a poodle and when Gabbie would be running in the backyard, it would bark continuously and he brought it out one day and said they need to socialize.....well, after his dog quit listening to him and kept running the fence and barking....he gave up....Gabbie loved running the fence, but wasn't barking.....:)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We have a family of idiot neighbors, man wife and 14 year old son. They have a dog that they would walk on other neighbors property to let it poop. Discussions were held, no trespassing signs went up and there might have been mention of "target practice." The boy would come around the corner, walk the dog right down our fenceline with our GP's going nuts. I went out there and told him that the dogs could jump the fence and would kill his dog if he brought it so close to the fence again. I told him to go across the road with his dog, I wasn't nice about it. Nobody likes this family, they stay to themselves, the man is a jerk. The boy and his friends went on the property next to us, so I went over there and told them to get off and stay off. Then I texted the owner and he put up no trespassing signs.

Make sure that your fence is high enough to keep Gabbie IN the fence or put a strand of electric on the inside, where a stupid neighbor would have to reach over the fence to touch it.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I better get an update in before the "upgrade" takes place may be a bit before I figure things out enough to post again. We are still breaking records here with temps and suppose to get another break this weekend. I still haven't gotten to the trees out front yet....too dang hot, even in the was 84 with a realfeel of 96 this morning at 9am....I took Gabbie out and she wanted to walk around for awhile, but I had to cut it short...I was getting light headed and dizzy from the heat and humidity, I didn't figure that it was safe to use the saw in that condition.....:lol:.....she wanted to stay out, because there were neighbors having hedges trimmed and another was having a huge arm cut on a mammoth oak tree....she wanted to make sure they didn't invade our property with those noisy things they were toting......:gig.....she is very particular about that....and she has become extra sensitive on the yard out front and constantly looks for the across the street pooch when we go on "patrol"....;).....Joyce separted the gingers from the busted pot into 4 of the same sized pots, and she trimmed a couple of pieces off the bouganvilla and is propagating them.....:fl.....I need to get more trees down so we can get some of these we have in the ground.....BBQ'd some chicken legs on the grill and Joyce made some homemade baked beans to go with em....:drool....turned out really good....
IMAG4574.jpg ....only had 3 of them left, but they won't be around for long either....only a half cup of beans to go with them....we'll have to flip to see who gets those...:lol:......rumor has it that this section we are in, may be taken into the city limits before very long....saw some men walking the streets and measuring emblems on the vehicles....haven't heard anything definite, but at the rate the population is growing, it isn't surprising....anyway, guess we will have to wait and see, but if it does, it could be beneficial to us if we can afford the taxes.....:)....and if I don't get back for a bit, don't worry, I will get a message to ya thru others that I have contact with aside from the's one to tide ya over....
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Bonus pic....the stick got in the way of her dish, she left it in pcs.....:ep.....:lol: