Well...the mosquitos think I taste good! And the dog....and the goats...and sometimes the cats! So THERE! Straw!!!!
I must've been tired yesterday...got home...picked up the EVIL ONE....went to a follow up Dr's appt....came home...cooked supper (meat pasties in the oven and microwaved pancakes!)...passed out! Slept through my two alarms...and my DH's two alarms...and apparently two phone calls from my carpool buddies! Woke up 35 mins before the EVIL ONE's bus shows up...and I'm trying to wake everyone up...from my cozy position on the bed! Finally drug my sleepy butt from bed, got dressed, and am FINALLY at work (on my off day to make up hours) after a SERIOUSLY harrowing commute in with DH driving. Does anyone have any horse tranquilizers I can give him before he gets behind the wheel?! I swear...and he complains about MY driving! Good gravy! The poor man is going to have a stroke behind the wheel one of these days...he gets so worked up about other people! (I have my psychotic episodes to be sure...but he just starts off frustrated!)
Tummy is still 'sensitive'...but a lot more stable now. I think I need a couple more nights of 10 hours of sleep and I'll be good to go! (I'm a SLEEEPER type...always have been!)
See Bon? You just get some good ol' fashioned rest and you're body will heal itself...eventually! Although I think I'm at that "age" that my body is all messed up again! Aaaah...isn't getting older (I prefer WISER) great?!
Sleep IS helping...I can't wait until the weekend...when I can sleep IN! I'm a SLEEP-A-HOLIC....always been best at sleeping! (I can't catnap....never have been able to.)
Thanks everyone! Not much has been going on on our front. I DID get my FIRST goose egg 2 days ago! It's AWESOME! I probably have a few more...but I haven't been home early enough to slosh through the mud and muck to check! Those geese are SO noisey sometimes! WOW!
As I'm sure y'all heard...we got flooded with rain yesterday. Now we're in a wind advisory until 6 PM today...then snow showers tonight and snow tomorrow! I tell ya...this is REALLY fun....NOT! How is everyone else faring? Heard about that tornado in GA...hope everyone out there is OK. Crazy weather!
So...those "snow showers" we were supposed to get? Yeah well...we ended up with about an inch+ out by our place. I had to fix the driveway gate last night...in the cold, darkness cause the wind had sorta broken it loose. Gus is AMAZING! She had kept the goats AWAY from the compromised gate ALL day! She even did it while I was there...fixing it! She herded Flora away from the pasture gate as well...when I was getting back in from feeding the pasture birds! WOW! What an amazing, rewarding investment she has been!
Ok...back to the snow. Schools are supposed to be on a 2-hr delay...but just talked with hubby and they STILL haven't seen a plow. It's not looking good for school today. I made it over the mountain...but I'm pretty sure the buses wouldn't...not with them being the way they were. Took FOREEVER to get into work. Lots of people...little snow on the roads...just people being stupid. I swear!
Got another goose egg too. SOOO eggcited about that. They're soooo huge! It's cool.