Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Coffee is very welcome this morning. Up at 5 :th Alarm set for normal 6:30 -- no one told the body. Guess body is not on DST, internally.

I'm out in stores every day with working right now. Basically the customers are "few & far between", taking heed to State orders. At "going home from work time" there is a little more traffic with the "stop & grab" stuff. Even that traffic has slowed due to outages. Working yesterday I noticed that WalMart was pretty well stocked. Well, paper product not & meats low. Way better than before all other aisles.. Meds aisles stocked back up, etc. Big improvement. Also cooler bunkers stuff with things not normally -- drinks, beer, etc. Dollar Generals are still pretty empty but often close to many who don't/can't drive further, thus buy there. Trucks are arriving with product. I do see improvements.

As a bonus, one co I work for has elected to give a $1.50 per hr "bonus" for work during this crap. One time, paid at end of 5 weeks. Then re-evaluate if another month of it. Appreciate that. Should help pay for some new fencing! Along with that "bonus" Uncle Sam is suggesting. I saw a blurp about "how/if" those who are not required to file taxes -- below income levels -- may/may not get this $$$. Some who could really use it! Hope that gets cleared up. :idunno Some from SS records? That part & time frame still a gray area of my understanding of procedure.

Yesterday mid morning I saw a doe separate self from herd and knew she was in labor. Couple hrs later, just before I had to leave for work, one buck. FF so, ok. Another doe, I felt would go today, decided to have her twins just before I got home yesterday. All is well. That's 3 does & 5 kids this week. LOL 3 doelings from that. Lovely weather and they chose a nice area in the field to kid. Upper 50s at get up this morning and 80s next couple of days. Believe 3 more to kid, soon. Grand total now is 23....15 boys! Of the 23, 17 are white! Largest number bred in years. Glad that buck is gone!! But, beautiful kids!!

After work, made TSC stop, get home -- inspect new kids, feed, milk, collect eggs, unload feed, shut coops. last coop I lifted the cover on their ground level nesting and am greeted by a skunk! Uhhh...hello! Head lamp was on -- thankfully! -- and I shooed it out. Then, closed the dig in. Need to add fence to bottom of building and onto ground now. Never an end, right? Also found a possum in the barn, night before. Set live trap last night....who knows if/what is in it today. :lol: Love surprises -- sometimes.
Everyone have a great day. Hope you have good weather for it!!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Upper 80s here....sun in & out. I'll take it! :D Weather is warmer & decent rain every few days sure has the grass coming in. I can use that! Tired of paying for hay. Just need a break from it -- both the paying, loading, unloading, hauling to feed, ALL of it!

Things are moving along nicely -- life is good.

Coffee was excellent -- even all by myself. Oh, cat had 4 kittens before daybreak.....another mouser crew begins life.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
In a day or two -- when she stops growling!

She's not one to allow handling of herself, a little feralish. So I don't want to risk her moving them. But, I hope to handle them so they will be tame(r)!. 4 tiny greys or grey tabby?

Right now, I have 8 momma does in a little area to help clean and enjoy the nice clover & vetch growing there. Vetch is such a powerhouse for them! Left the kids in their sleep & graze. The new moms from this week are not out there, they are "home with the kids". LOL They got a bunch of hay. There will be a kid feeding frenzy when the does go back to their field for the night! So cute to watch....just don't get in their way!


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
Lol that's no lie. My doelings we weaning are making life difficult. I am going to be hang a gate to the field this week to prevent the brats (this time mama) break in through the temporary fence. Apparently the electric fence in that area is to high. Need a new plan.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Came in from a "check" on's 78 out there. The goats are out laying in the pasture, near the barn....because it's cooler! Moms with new kids are inside. It is so amazing to actually watch herd dynamics and the "knowing" instinctively of the does. Same with the horses, & most animals, if you take the time to see what's happening. A group of kids will pile up to or two moms will hang real close, others will wander further to graze. Let just one babe cry out and you have a stampede. They definitely know their own, it's smell and sound. They will call to them. It is so amazing to see. 60 yrs watching & still in awe of it.

I have a big ole RIR hen whose decided she's gonna set!! So, I will set up a box for her, let her settle in it, then give her eggs and start the countdown. Should have 3 or 4 more soon, based on prior years. With 14 new pullets laying this year, I can "afford" to let a few go broody. Most are my older hens anyway.