Overrun with beasties
She loos g
She looks great, keep checking her for milk and you'll know you're pithing the last 24 hrs or less. You're doing a great job, the first is always a nail biter soon you'll be an old pro at this. Pigs are way easier than goats when it comes to labor and very quiet too. If you're used to goat labor like my partner was you'll be as shocked as she was at how quiet pig labor is.Good morning!! We got snow last night again. Ugh. Not much, but, still, who needs It? Our mini pig, Petuna, is due any day...we keep checking her for milk, per The V’s...still no goop either..but, man she’s miserable and can’t really move. I keep doing my research on how to help a mini pig farrow!! View attachment 71801View attachment 71802View attachment 71803