Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thanks for the coffee PA. We woke up after 8:00. Yesterday wore us out, then we fell asleep in our recliners. I woke up at 11:00 and we stumbled off to bed where I was wide awake. Last time I looked at the clock was 1AM, then my phone went off with some sort of mass texting from a number I didn't recognize and I deleted it. Wide awake again. Carson barked like a lunatic, but the other dogs were silent, so I knew he was just being an idiot, but I didn't want to get out of bed to go tell him to HUSH. Taking my sweet time getting going this morning. All I have on my list is animal chores and being at the wedding venue at 12:30. 70%chance of rain, hope it holds off until after the wedding or we'll all be crowded under a former goat shed. Gotta love it.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
Reaction score
Awesome keep sharing and teaching it. Do you have a better link to the video?. I'm getting reports that not many have installed the telegram app.

I taught my two granddaughters how to us the HELP ME hand signal yesterday.

First I was teacher Paw Paw, then I was a pretend Bad Man Paw Paw. Their mom was the good person, who saw the HELP ME hand signal and called 911.

Within 15 minutes both my 4 and 6 year old granddaughters had it down pat :)

I’m afraid I don’t have a better one. I’ve been using emojis though.
✋ 🤜 is the best I could come up with.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Because yes, NO reason to take her in for something that clear cut. But, I am sure it is one of those things where they have been sued
Yep. JF do you have a benadryl pen? It is topical, I can't imagine there is a dosage, just roll some on the ant bites.

Got to battle Dallas/Fort Worth traffic coming and going.
Better you than me!!

Coffee is on.
on my new laptop, the other one was falling apart literally.
Maybe it wouldn't if you didn't put your coffee on it ;)

Fortified by Beaver Nuggets, its health food!
Must be, brown sugar, flour and corn syrup, in that order. What could be healthier?

Here is the link to the video
Can't see it

Good, see above ;)

I've not heard of that either but it is a good idea. I gather there are plenty of people in bad home situations that have no way to tell anyone given the Covid isolation.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on. Today church then I want to get the new cages organized. I made a scale drawing? But with scaled cages on contruction paper cages I could move until I was happy I was using all the cages I could. We are going to remove the chicken nest boxes. And will have about 55 holes, from about 30. We'll see how far I get without DH to help he has a Nascar race he wants to watch. Oh and our maiden almost 3 year old doe finally had kits!!!!!!!:bunny:celebrate
We cut and moved firewood yesterday, well the boys did all day. Girls and I had an Easter egg hunt and running after feed in the morning, then helped. Two of my trailer tires need new valves... so need to get those off and taken care of. So no riding lesson this week, and may just have to use the pick up to get hay.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Kits! How many?
Thanks for the coffee, it is needed this morning! Our friends wedding was real nice and everyone loved my husband as the minister. He injected humor, making fun of the groom and everyone got a good laugh. Then the reception , catered by a BBQ restaurant and lots more fun. Then there was a band at the BBQ restaurant and music venue at 8PM. We have eaten there during the day, hadn’t been there at night, much less when there was a band, and that place was packed. The groom was drunk and the bride was exhausted. We left around 9:30, we just aren’t party animals.


Our customers that buy a pig every year, along with 25 Cornish Cross, eggs and vegetables, are bringing their new neighbors over this afternoon so their two little girls can feed the bottle lambs. Their new neighbors are interested in buying chicken, eggs and vegetables from us. So they can see the chickens in the chicken tractor and the new chicks on the porch, meet the pigs, sheep, dogs and horses. We have had fun sharing the bottle lambs with kids and their parents.

Going for more coffee......

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Love the wedding went well! 😍They were able to do it even with all the "restrictions" this year. Years back, when DS married, we had an outdoor wedding at our farm. A pig picking was the eating! Huge tent for that....lot of fun.

Coffee is sure welcome this morning. Slept poorly with thunder rumbling midnight the rain has joined! It's supposed to be drenching this morning, slack off, then become more t-storms late day. So far, it's happening! ☹️. Yep, heavy rain and BIG thunder, now A LOT OF lightening! TV signals blinking and I'm surprised Dish is still working for net! I see mud in my day. 😲. Wet and annoying day.

@promiseacres congrats on the doe who finally became a mom! Hope she does well with them! Saw the pics on other thread.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Mornin' everyone! Thanks for the hot coffee, I'm glad it's Sunday and might rain, so a good reason to rest. Work is going great guns, snow is gone, tons of yard work needs doing, I've been so busy haven't had time for sitting and reading... miss y'all!
I did chuck all my responsibilities yesterday and took a long ride on my girl. She was amped and wanted to move out so we did a lot of trail loping. Fun stuff.
I'm trying to figure out a workable schedule that will allow 5 rides a week +plus work+ getting everything around here under control. Where all that energy is going to come from I have no idea, because because the sched I came up with only gives me 4.5 hours of sleep, haha.
Have a great day people!


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Good morning all. Thanks for the coffee. Going to be a warm day after a cold front came in yesterday afternoon. Glad the wedding went well without rain Bay. I lost a few chicks yesterday in the brooder after opening the door and turning off the heat lamp. The high was barely past 70 and a cold north wind by 5. Ahh. I may have to incubate a few after these get big enough to go to the coop.
It should dry up enough this week to flatten out some of the ruts and move the piles of hay and manure from where I've been feeding round bales all winter.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Woke up to a wet thundering rain this morning, on the western side of the state from @Mini Horses . Been some rain off and on, and they are saying we are going to have windy conditions later... showers off and on too for most of the afternoon.
We had a bunch of cows out and somehow the gate was open about 4 ft. I think we are going to have to start putting padlocks on everything as there is no reason that gate would just come open... the chain didn't come off by its self. And the cows are wanting green grass on top of it. There were 10-15 out, by the time I got the message and got up here, DS had taken a roll of hay in the field, then called the cows.... in my yard, the Christmas tree lot and one on the dirt road, and they all followed him and the truck right back in the field. Thank goodness....our cows know and like our trucks and follow instead of running everywhere.

I had a tough night sleeping, knees were really telling me that the nearly 5 hours was just too much.

Last few days have been upper 70's days, nights in the 50's. Today in the 60's then supposed to drop with 40's and nights in the 20's for the end of the week... It is still too early for these warm temps even though they are nice.

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