Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I was able to sleep in this morning! Plus, I slept well last night! :celebrate Needed the lift of a good, uninterrupted sleep....8 hrs even. Just before dusk the predicted rain storms looked imminent with all the thunder, lightening, black clouds. Seemed to move on, then hit hard from back side of it. A hot shower...then cut my hair. Got a book and glass of wine, propped in bed. Heard the rain, settled in and went to sleep! Sure worked well.

Glad I got most of yard mowed yesterday, not happening today. Still pretty heavy cloud/sun mixed sky. Another heavy work week coming, so got any feed I needed, cleaned water tubs, etc., done yesterday. Got tractor diesel, mower gas, truck filled...think I'm covered. Another big meal cook day today, which will add to "heat and eats" for week, plus freezer fare. Will carry lunches, too, as this store isn't near much in way of places to eat. ;)

Temps are down today and next few, they say. Low to mid 80s sounds good. Typical scatterers poss all week. If this keeps up I'll need to put a flag device on animals to find them in the grass. Some areas are in ridiculous stage. As I walked the fields yesterday I noticed huge clearings of vines on fences.....thanks to my goat crew! It was needed and I sure appreciate their help. They took out a few things that I would have left but, can regrow. All trees are trimmed up evenly...nice job! Will make going into winter preps easier.

Other than no garden, things are going well so far this year. Still have a few rolls of new fence to go up....after it cools down but goat crew helping to clear old stuff off. Some cross fence already taken down, posts up and good. It's looking promising! :old After 20 years, some new things needed, will get done.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
@Baymule .... Whose pear trees?

I'm currently coveting a huge pear tree of a neighbor and another with apples! I don't think either use them. Plan to go knocking on doors and ask. I mean, why waste such a bounty?? These are a very solid pear and can well. Apples?? But tree is loaded! I know for a fact they don't use them, their next door neighbor is a friend. He's going to ask them if I can have. Maybe I'll get lucky with both. ;)

My own apple trees had about 3 dz started...first yr...goats broke in and now gone. :mad: The two trees are there, fortunately. Yeah, got new fence there!!! Like Fort Knox....adding fig and blueberry this fall to the tiny orchard. Hopefully a cherry tree, too.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma

I've got boys but thought others would still like this.


True BYH Addict
Nov 20, 2016
Reaction score
North central Ohio
Wow you must have different horse people in your area. In my area I don't want my girl running with horse people. My area a horse girl... A girl who's parents spend money to win who gets what she wants by being a brat who goes have fun while mom and dad muck stalls and fills buckets who doesn't due chores or learn to nurture who dates but never settles down who runs over men cause she can do it herself who ends up alone with her horse who eats ice cream and drinks alone wondering why who's sad bitter depressed who takes young girls in and teaches them the same thing.

Now a girl who has a horse is different than a horse girl. She loves that horse she takes care of it even though it's missing an eye has a sway back doesn't want to trot will come to her call at a full run shares the chocolate chip cookies she made doesn't care if a bridle or saddle is on or off stands still when she falls not wanting to hurt her. She learns to help others and to nurture the sick and little ones along. When the boy comes along she shares her chocolate chip cookies with him when he gets hurt she nurses him back when he's old and missing an eye and sway backed she stands beside him she doesn't bridle or saddle him she doesn't want them moon just to see the stars with him. They stand hand in hand threw it all. That's a girl with a horse not a horse girl.

Ask me how I know I grew up with a dad who was a farrier we did horses for people who had horses not horse people. My dad sold his horse to buy my mom's ring. I married a woman who rode horses but wasn't a horse girl. She stands beside me. While her horse girl friends are still trying to figure out what went wrong they try to figure out what she did right while she makes me chocolate chip cookies.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I got 20 pints of pears put up and cleaned up my mess. I’ll do some more tomorrow.

I was a girl with a horse. Now I’m an old lady with horses. And dogs, and sheep, and chickens, and until day after tomorrow-with pigs.

Then I’ll be an old lady with horses, and dogs, and sheep, and chickens , and a freezer full of meat.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
You made no mention of the happy Hubs! We know he's there. 😁

My dad always encouraged my love of horses. Mom, nope. To her surprise and annoyance, he got me my first horse when we were in Cuba. He traded a row boat. Mom moaned over $12.50 a month board at the base corral. :lol: That horse and I were BFFs. Cried so hard when we had to leave and I couldn't bring him home. All is true about a girl and her horse.....a connection you can't believe.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I was a girl with a horse too. My dad was very supportive, we had a family old pony that I learned on, got dumped off of, and mom was always there quietly taking care of everything in the background. Learned about the "horse girls" when I started barrel racing and my father put his foot down... I kept my horse through a marriage, divorce, move to Virginia and subsequent cattle farming. No horse right now, but hope once the knees get fixed, I can get back to it. Going to have some more of the animals I have slowly let go with some changes... want pigs back and more chickens again... and still have my saddle and all for the next horse(?)....


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
I agree yet my definitions of each may be switched to yours. A person with a horse is the one with the money and not the love.
Wow you must have different horse people in your area. In my area I don't want my girl running with horse people. My area a horse girl... A girl who's parents spend money to win who gets what she wants by being a brat who goes have fun while mom and dad muck stalls and fills buckets who doesn't due chores or learn to nurture who dates but never settles down who runs over men cause she can do it herself who ends up alone with her horse who eats ice cream and drinks alone wondering why who's sad bitter depressed who takes young girls in and teaches them the same thing.

Now a girl who has a horse is different than a horse girl. She loves that horse she takes care of it even though it's missing an eye has a sway back doesn't want to trot will come to her call at a full run shares the chocolate chip cookies she made doesn't care if a bridle or saddle is on or off stands still when she falls not wanting to hurt her. She learns to help others and to nurture the sick and little ones along. When the boy comes along she shares her chocolate chip cookies with him when he gets hurt she nurses him back when he's old and missing an eye and sway backed she stands beside him she doesn't bridle or saddle him she doesn't want them moon just to see the stars with him. They stand hand in hand threw it all. That's a girl with a horse not a horse girl.

Ask me how I know I grew up with a dad who was a farrier we did horses for people who had horses not horse people. My dad sold his horse to buy my mom's ring. I married a woman who rode horses but wasn't a horse girl. She stands beside me. While her horse girl friends are still trying to figure out what went wrong they try to figure out what she did right while she makes me chocolate chip cookies.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@CLSranch you have boys, but they will get every good thing you posted about a girl and her horse because you are their Dad. You are providing the best example of what a man should be, what a husband should be and what a father should be. You are showing them how to be a horseman, how to be a cowboy and how to be a man.