Coffee is ready, on my second cup. Sheba went back to work yesterday in her home pasture with Sentry. Those were 2 happy dogs!
We load the pigs this morning. Going to park them in the shade and spray them with the water hose today, then be at the slaughter facility at 7:30 in the morning. Going to load this morning while it’s cool instead of this evening when it’s hot.
I’ll put up more pears today. Maybe Wednesday I’ll make a pear pie. I used to have a recipe for fresh pear cake, but lost it somewhere along the way. Anybody got one?
Good morning.
So got those cages cleaned, still working on the school room, just needing to get books on the shelves and get organized... Then I should do something with the corn that's down... so canning corn today.
School will start on Thursday with the first day of co op. @Baymule I used to make an Autumn Pear Cake... I think this is it..
As for the horse girl vs the girl with horses debate.. I think there's always a few bad apples in anything you do. I was really quite terrified of what our I'd find at the barn where my girls are taking lessons. And was pleasantly surprised. Not many barn owners (of this nice of a facility) are found not only training the horses but also mucking stalls when need be. Or opening their barn (for no cost) to local 4H to hold events when the fairgrounds are unusable.
Pigs got loaded, Paris attacked the trailer trying to get the hogs. If she did, those hogs would eat her. Had to go to town, BJ broke the air chuck. He’s talented that way.
I got 11 pints of pears put up and gave away 2 buckets of pears. Total now, 31 pints. I have 6 pint jars left. 6.
Coffee is on.
Got 8 pints of corn put up. Not as much as laid down as I had thought. Had time to get the kid's desks moved and we'll be doing school today... but debating on moving a "game" dresser and putting my desk there. And DH isn't happy with the set up for his "side" table (he'd been using the one of the desks). I wasn't sure the other table would work. So will work on that.
This afternoon we have chiro apt, then DD1 has a riding lesson and a 4H meeting after that. Hopefully I'll get the crockpot going to supper tonight.
Really....???....nothing for 3 days? You CANT hit snooze that many times!
I've worked four long days this week. Time is tight. But coffee each morn. Gotta wake up. right?
Yesterday a lady close to my age came looking for canning lids, asking me if I knew where they were in store. Advised there were none. Very disappointed, she exclaimed she just needed a few to finish her pears. The tree was so full and how she loved them canned....some were done but wanted just a few more jars up. I told her I'd trade some of her excess pears for lids if she could wait until next day when I came in. She was thrilled and me too. What a deal! She got a dozen lids -- all she needed -- I got about 10# of pears, which she picked and brought to me.
I plan to can them but, cut one and put in dehydrator as I had just put 2 trays of figs in, from neighbor's tree....picked after I got home. Next picking, I need to make preserves.
Tomorrow a home day. Hope it goes well. Have a few things to do here... Talk tomorrow! Sleep tight!
Morning all coffee ready it is decaf through dh is to blame lol. Kids are waking up gonna cook french toast and bacon. Gonna be trying to gp through things. I am not sure what all to keep or get rid of i dont have a clue as to how much will go into the rv so part of me wants to wait till we get it so i know how much can fit lol.
Good morning all! Well, not exactly morning anymore.
Yesterday got a new goat shelter built with some help. I’m excited, it’s tall enough for me to walk in! Our others have been pallet height or just generally short to keep warmth in the winter or less materials or whatever other reason. But, after years, I finally got a full sized shelter! Anyway, happy dance over. Hope y’all are having a wonderful day.