Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
@Bruce, the medicare increase is monthly. Everyone with medicare gets an increase.🙁

My goat buyers came and .... Surprise .... Asked if I wanted to sell a mini they were loving up while here. A little stallion got in their trailer! Best for him, as they will work him and have a little 8 yr old son who is so excited!! It's a great home and only 2 miles up on my street. 😁. Plus. I now have an acre fenced and barned pasture freed up!!! Yah!

This is working into a great day!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce in case you haven't noticed that is what inflation is.... your wages go up a little so you think you are doing better then the costs go up more so you are actually behind.
I haven't gotten my mail in awhile, will have to have my son pick it up for me.
@Mini Horses and I were talking and she was telling me about the increases. and now I realize that the prices I had mentioned to her were not the Medicare costs, but my supplement increase in costs.
I am not sorry to say that I have gotten more than my fair share out of the medicare the last 2 years with the replacements..... I did sign up for an RX part when I did because of the penalties down the road. Got an rx plan that costs me 200/yr... because I also didn't take any prescriptions for years and years. The only ones now are what they have been giving me during/after the surgeries., And all the pain meds are done so the only things are over the counter stuff now... but that cost is better than paying the penalty that she got hit with due to not signing up for it. My ins lady from work explained that to me and so it made more sense to get a very bare bones basic plan even if I didn't use it.
It's all a racket.... and like @Mini Horses says, paying for those that don't and won't take care of themselves. I figured I am "due" the replacements for the 50 years of working for a living and NOT living off the gov't....but paying in my fair share.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
Reaction score
Our dog’s name is Rory… that could get confusing. We love both of them! Actually now that I think of it the dog’s registered name is Aurora… well maybe I should pick another
The child will outlive the dog by a lot, and it’s easier to change a dog name than find a perfect child name. Hence when my sibling was coming the cat got renamed cat cat.


True BYH Addict
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Zone 5b
The child will outlive the dog by a lot, and it’s easier to change a dog name than find a perfect child name. Hence when my sibling was coming the cat got renamed cat cat.
You’re funny! Aurora was never my favorite to begin with. It was Gianna’s. Rory is a show dog. Her registered name can’t change 😕. I feel so silly!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good morning all! Slept well last night after all day farm work outside. 🙂

Enjoying my coffee after looking at our first frost of the season. It's a good one! 32 out there, also lowest temp of season. Everything is white and sparkly in the sun. Ok, that's pretty but, now I'm over cold!!!!!! Stop. No more. Enough!

Need to get tractor diesel this morning. Move manure piles from field of just sold mini to garden. Put fresh shavings in the run in I just cleaned yesterday.....ready for a new tenant. 👍. Want to add more nest boxes to one of the coops today and intro the soon to lay pullets to it and the current few hens there. Yep, wake up to new friends. 😁. No one is aggressive so, expect good results...they've been together at feedings already. So everyone will need to stay in their adjacent fenced yard for the week but, need them trained to this coop. That's my day! Another one on the farm. 🤗 Feels good.

Going for another cup. Help yourself to some if so inclined.

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