Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Ya noticed, huh. Yeah, I spent very little time at BYC today, and then only on social or greeting threads. I can't get in much trouble there. Had a discussion with a mod, one post pulled, and 2 posts edited. I have a real problem with folks suggesting crap that may be detrimental to animals' health or safety. Best to stay away.
You can hang out here, we would be glad for you to call people out for suggesting detrimental crap to animals health or safety. LOL Because we do it too, just in a nice way, if possible. The really stupid ones usually give up and go away. This is a FARM ANIMAL forum, where we use them for milk and meat. :ep

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
Back when BYC was down and so many joined BYH to have a place to go, so many complained of the rules, mods, and uppity atmosphere on BYC, I am surprised so many remain there. It is so laid back here that I can't imagine wanting to go there. I have visited the self sufficient site, and liked it.


True BYH Addict
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
New Jersey
You can hang out here, we would be glad for you to call people out for suggesting detrimental crap to animals health or safety. LOL Because we do it too, just in a nice way, if possible. The really stupid ones usually give up and go away. This is a FARM ANIMAL forum, where we use them for milk and meat. :ep

Farm bred and country raised here. I have no problem with humanely killing and eating. It's neglect or abuse (direct or inadvertent) That drive me bat dung crazy.

Back when BYC was down and so many joined BYH to have a place to go, so many complained of the rules, mods, and uppity atmosphere on BYC, I am surprised so many remain there. It is so laid back here that I can't imagine wanting to go there. I have visited the self sufficient site, and liked it.

Rules for civility help make it a true family friendly place. Recently there has been an influx of abrasive, rude folks who do not realize the limitations of their knowledge. "True intelligence is knowing your limitations." I suggested that to someone recently. It's difficult to try to help when you are chastised for 'inflaming' the poster who is inflaming the rest of the community. The mods are generally good folks. Some I consider to be cyber friends. They have a tough job. What I don't understand is how some of the recent uncivil folks seem to be granted free reign.

Anyway, coffee is brewed, and I have work to do. - F last week, 64 F yesterday, dropping to 20 F today. My hands are aching in anticipation. I wish a good day to all.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I first found BYC. I studied the coop forum and the predator forum. I read posts like, Help! Something ate my chickens heads off! And, Something is eating my chickens....and so on. I determined that a predator proof coop would be the way to go and that's what I built. I learned from other's mistakes. There is tons of good information on BYC.

Then I moved over to TEG, SS and BYH. I like them better and rarely go to BYC anymore.

I have had my 2 cups, but it is cold out there and I am warm and cozy in the house.......more coffee!


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
I dunno . . . I seem to manage to get up people's noses, even here.:rolleyes: I try to be tactful, really I do, but it can be hard to figure out how to tell someone that what they just said clearly demonstrates a lack of experience, knowledge, analytical and/or observational skills, without offending.:hide In the cyber world, opinion seems to carry more weight than fact, and a lack of data can be irrelevant, if you just shout loud enough (reference to an old preacher's joke, there). Even what is actually abuse seems to be a matter of opinion - I once had someone argue with me long and loud that turning a rabbit over on its back for any reason was abusive.:idunno

At my college graduation, I remarked to someone, "I am dealing with this panicky thought - 'what am I doing graduating? I don't know anything!'" Sadly, an awful lot of folks don't seem to have gotten to the point of "the more you know, the more you realize you don't know," and they know just enough to be dangerous.

One useful thing about the rude ones, is that they can't resist getting nasty when challenged. When I was a kid, I used to do this to my older brother - get in his way just enough to get him angry, and when he lashed out, tattle to Mom. It's a bit juvenile, I know, but when someone gets obnoxious, I have learned not to retaliate in kind, but give them enough rope to hang themselves, then hit the report button (channeling Tweety Bird here - "She don't know me too well, do she?"):lol:

We've had lovely and warm here for a couple of days, but now it's back to winter (whose winter, I haven't figured out yet; seems unusually cold to me!) I have a feeling I'll be drinking a lot of coffee over the next few days.:caf


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Well, there's another thing to consider........
Among the many rules here at BYH is the following:

Underlined is my way of emphasizing a particular part of the text)
We encourage everyone to be VERY careful as they read AND reply to posts on a forum (i.e., have a thick skin when reading and be very friendly and clear when posting).

Dis-agreeing with someone is not necessarily an 'attack' on that person, tho in today's world, it is becoming more often than not, viewed that way.

The older I get, physically/medically, my skin seems to get thinner, but mentally and emotionally, it has gotten a LOT thicker.
It would take an awful lot for anything someone said to me on the internet to trigger me to contact mod or admin, use the report button for something I might see as personal umbrage.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
Well, if someone calls me an "egotistical jerk" (as someone recently did), I might just consider the source, as it were, but that sort of thing is frowned on here. In that case, I don't think there was any room for misinterpretation - the intent was to be offensive. I have always made a point of trying to look at things from more than one perspective, but sometimes, it's just too obvious. Anybody can have a bad day, or just phrase things awkwardly, and I would hope anyone would make allowance for that, but some things really can't be seen in any other light. Disagreeing is one thing, being disagreeable quite another.:idunno
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Well, if someone calls me an "egotistical jerk"

Ehh..probably wouldn't bother me any more than making me spit/spill coffee on my keyboard. I've been called much worse, and frequently, I earned it.

I've related before, that I was once chewed out eyeball to eyeball by the Commandant of the Marine Corps. I earned that as well, but since that enlightening experience, someone would have to really bring their A game for words (even more so on a computer screen) to get me really upset.
chances are.......... slim to none.
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Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
So who's upset?:idunno Where does it say that being upset is required for reporting a clear infraction of the rules? I have reported spam too, and anyone who gets upset by that needs some serious therapy! :gigThere have been times when I have watched conversations that I wasn't even a participant in go downhill, and reported the offender (never you, Sour - I know your style too well to be more than amused a bit by it). I know bullying tactics when I see them. Life may not be fair, but I believe everyone here is accorded a fair chance to speak, without being belittled or bullied. It's like Parenting 101 - if a kid is misbehaving, you might condemn the behavior, but you don't condemn the kid. Someone may have just made one of the most asinine comments you have ever seen committed to print, but you aren't allowed to call them an ass for saying it. You can take issue with what was said, but you have to be civil about it. Unfortunately, an awful lot of people don't want a discussion, they don't want advice, they want validation and verification, and anything less than the equivalent of "rah, rah, you go, girl!" is perceived as "attacking" them.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Where does it say that being upset is required for reporting a clear infraction of the rules? I have reported spam too, and anyone who gets upset by that needs some serious therapy!

I too have reported spam, but not specifically because it's an infraction of the rules; I did it because it's a waste of my and other people's time. Of all the assets anyone has, time is the most valuable, and in the shortest supply. I certainly waste plenty of it, but I want to choose 'what' I waste it on.
Reading ads isn't one of those choices.

I may look at the internet differently than many. I spent over 50 years without it, then in 2006, went 18 months without when I moved to a location that had no internet connections at all, got back on it when I moved again in early '08 and if it were to disappear tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me much at all on a personal level and then, only because of all the infrastructure that's now tied to it. We're never more than 1 substantial solar flare away from the internet going down for an undetermined amount of time and that's fine with me either way as long my electricity still works. I tend to have zero emotional investment in anything on the internet unless I also have that investment with the same person(s) in the real world.

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