So yeah, cold weather returning here, also!! Maybe I can sit inside, drink coffee and see if I need to hit the button. Probably I'll just be toting jugs of water again.
Lol - Silver Diner was calling me yesterday. Something from memories of the past, when I lived near civilization, reminded me of a skillet that Silver Diner use to make special for me...
Scrambled eggs
Fried potatoes
Cream gravy
I added a gluten free toasted bagel in pieces and so enjoyed that treat yesterday!! And again this morning.
Temps here have plummeted to single digits again. Not counting wind chill.
My crew (all animals) have been troopers. Those inside have been patient. Those outside have tough guys and gals. Only the roosters have complained some about the cold.
In the duck house, *chuckle*, you can see their breath as they quack. You can see my breath as I breathe! Then a bit of steam came of one of the male duckies backside! Visible duck fart! He didn't even say "Excuse me please." He acted like nothing happened and quickly moved away from that spot, muttering something about it being too cold to go outside. I agree with him - it IS too cold to go outside.
Thanks for the coffee!
I have electricity when the sun shines continuously. The generator is in the shop getting a new motor.
Sara, that is the most vivid description of a duck fart I recall hearing(reading). I read it to my boys. One said, That's gross! The older said, That's funny.
Don't have ducks but my dog does that ant the drift is
That's when she needs to be outside!
Once again, off for 3 days and its butt busting cold! Water brigade of one will be at work in AM. So I hope SOMEONE has coffee ready!! Hey, some nice Danish would work too.......I'll probably gulp down some hi-protein yogurt before heading out.
Have I mentioned that I hate the cold??? I'm in an area that normally does not have this much, this long. It doesn't make me accept it more because it is not normal. Nope, the opposite. Hate it more. I'll survive nicely but, I won't be happy about it.