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- #141
Mini Horses
Herd Master
Another kid arrived a few minutes ago. Saw from back door....sunny & warm, she's licking it off. More info later
Believe a single will be all, a FF. A single gives practice.

Great day!!!Yep. After I put them together in a stall last night mom was anxious. I had bottled kid earlier with colostrum for my doe, Brat, who had kidded 18 hr prior. Then bottled kid at dark, as Mom was have no part of nursing or my milking. 2:30 am I was out with bottle. At 6:30, another bottle & tried to milk mom. Not happy with my idea but she was held to wall!no milk coming out. Finished chores and went work, a few prayers later. Mom had water, hay & grains. During the day the two seem to have become acquainted. Tonight, kid had full tummy, didn't want bottle AND as Mom ate, I reached under for a teat -- milk expresses with barely a squeeze or fight. Yep, kids nursing
It's only been 30 hrs since birth but, feels like a week
they'll get a few days stalled!!!
THEN -- like that wasn't enough! -- Brat, my other doe & kid, another stalled pair, my fav milker....this morn as I fed there's been an explosion of loose manure from her. That was a cleanup not expected and hauled a bag of shavings in to re-bed the stall. Sweet thing had emptied all at back end of stall, leaving clean area by feed & kid. So I worried all day at work, remembered I had wormed her the day before -- tonight she's almost normal poos, just a touch soft. Whew!!! Everything else seems fine. Eating hay well. I'm thankful, because she's special.