Another kid arrived a few minutes ago. Saw from back door....sunny & warm, she's licking it off. More info later Believe a single will be all, a FF. A single gives practice.
Well -- she cleaned that kid up and mosied on off! . Since Brat had just kidded 24 hr before, I got some colostrum and fed kid. She was up looking for Mom and I didn't really want it to be me. Put her in a stall, mom wasn't wanting caught. Later I have a goat caught in fence -- guess who. Yep, teenage mom. I put a collar on her, removed from fence & carted her butt to the stall. Gave kid a few ounces by bottle to get her wanting nurse! Just came in. Mom's talking to her and I'm hoping for best. It'll be a few visits tonight. It's happened before, so otherwise another bottle kid. .
No Brat wouldn't let her nurse, gently pushing away but, I could milk all I wanted . So I know she got colostrum early on!
She's another brown, with socks & belly marks!! That buck makes cookie cutter duplicates!