Coffee anyone ?

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
Not me. Never even heard of them. What do they taste like?
I didn’t try any since I didn’t know what they were. By the time I found out they were done. I stood by the tree with my phone comparing pictures and noticed a large snake sunning itself. “I’m not asking you for advice on fruit, that got a lady in trouble awhile back”. ;)


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Good Morning All,
On my second cuppa - still need to get over to the barn for the sheepies, but am totally enjoying the first day of my favorite time of year - Standard Time. YAY. I'll get with my "standard" program tomorrow grazing sheep by 7am or before :) because it won't be DARK. I sure hope they don't make things a permanent DLS time.
It's probably "winter" now here - water from the tap is cold (not warm like in summer), layers are the rule of the day, yay - jackets, and it smells like winter. It seems we have winter and not winter for seasons LOL or translate - green and brown seasons.
Hoping the shredder I ordered gets here soon - it was "Arriving Tues" when I ordered on Thursday, but it hasn't shipped yet. :idunno 🤞for Tuesday - which in actuality would be Wed at best because the PO doesn't deliver packages here, just pick up slips.
Hopefully this is the last one of the year ---
a wood pile find...

dispatches accordingly.

Forecast is for rain Mon-Tues - time will tell - but it IS that time of year.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Pretty impressive tail... very thick above the rattles... SOOOO GLAD that we seldom if ever see them around here. There are a few timber rattlers, but they stay more in the higher up mountainous areas and there really are not that many in this area. Suits me just fine.

I also LOVE standard time... so am very glad for the fall "time change"... Might have to move to a state that does not change it if they decide to go to the DST all the time.... I am always running late - feel like I am behind with DST.... and it seems like it is so late to get in the house in the evening and when I wake up in the morning, it is already "late"....
We are getting the rain today... had some yesterday, just light showery sprinkles... more last night and this morning... Should be gone after noon.. SUPER WARM for this time of year... not complaining about that....


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I also LOVE standard time... so am very glad for the fall "time change"... Might have to move to a state that does not change it if they decide to go to the DST all the time.... I am always running late - feel like I am behind with DST....
We can stand on the standard time soapbox together!! We can get SO much done - barn/livestock/etc before the rest of the world wakes up. With the DST everyone starts the "rat race" at the same time. While we're feeding/cleaning/etc everyone else is a step ahead of us with businesses etc. I think mostly country folk, farmers and ranchers understand this. Sigh - at least we still have it part of the year. I think businesses like it because they get more daylight when people like to shop (they lose that daylight hour when the time is standard time) IMHO.
Yeah - that was a fat snake. about 28-30 inches. I get squeamish AFTER the fact. During I'm solid take care of things.
--- reminder to self -ONLY ONE CUP of coffee before going to the barn 😵‍💫 :rolleyes:

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
Well... that sucks. I hate not having a cause.

:hugs and condolences on the several recent deaths.

Have you figured put a possible culprit for the other losses? I know you were thinking maybe a poisonous plant.
Ram lamb was just weaned and showing a nice set of horns, around 5 months old. This seems to be a vulnerable time and I try to keep stress at a minimum. However late summer/ fall the flock was moved, moved to an area with different forages (suffering from severe drought) and a more
hilly, forested terrain with a glut of green acorns hitting the ground. The older rams went into rut that kept the flock stirred up and we’ve had big swings in temperature. Sort of a laundry list of things not singly important but trouble when combined. Some sheep appeared to have acorn issues. One looked like tetanus. One older ram may have had a neck fracture after vigorous fighting. The previous owners had horses was there spilled feed I didn’t notice? I think we’re done with this spell of trouble (I put up extra syringes with Talan for shipping fever that never materialized- man proposes God disposes). We have more pasture fenced, they seem to be enjoying it. Lambs on the way in about 6wks. Sheep can drive you crazy and simultaneously renew your optimism.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Acorns can cause more grief than most people realize. It is a problem in cattle and most all farmers try to fence cattle out of oak groves in the fall due to acorn poisoning. I don't see why it would not be a problem in sheep also since they are ruminants. Sorry about the losses.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Ram lamb was just weaned and showing a nice set of horns, around 5 months old. This seems to be a vulnerable time and I try to keep stress at a minimum. However late summer/ fall the flock was moved, moved to an area with different forages (suffering from severe drought) and a more
hilly, forested terrain with a glut of green acorns hitting the ground. The older rams went into rut that kept the flock stirred up and we’ve had big swings in temperature. Sort of a laundry list of things not singly important but trouble when combined. Some sheep appeared to have acorn issues. One looked like tetanus. One older ram may have had a neck fracture after vigorous fighting. The previous owners had horses was there spilled feed I didn’t notice? I think we’re done with this spell of trouble (I put up extra syringes with Talan for shipping fever that never materialized- man proposes God disposes). We have more pasture fenced, they seem to be enjoying it. Lambs on the way in about 6wks. Sheep can drive you crazy and simultaneously renew your optimism.
Well... at least you have ideas as to why...

I hate not having any idea at all....

I hope your lamb crop is great


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Fed the sheep, let them out, took two green bins full of alfalfa straw to a friend who is going to try using it. At this rate I could supply the whole town with the stuff. SHEEP -- EAT -- PUHLEEZZ! (they are eating - just leaving a lot behind).
Forecast for rain tomorrow so today is do the Monday AND Tuesday stuff AND get ready for wet.