I haven’t joined in on the coffee thread yet but I gotta have my two cups every morning and it’s not unheard of to have a cup or two of decaf later in the day. (I’m not immune to the caffeine. )
I’m up early this morning since I’m on call at work and couldn’t go back to sleep after that call so I’ll start some fresh. I may or may not get into some macaroon brownies I picked up at the grocery yesterday as a guilty pleasure. I might even have enough to share!
Shocked and thrilled. Norm for four years has been trip bucks, white or tan. This year 2 black girls!! Mini Nubs. 4th gen. Next doe due within 24 hrs, will give mini nub 5th gen. Again, 3 yrs she's had trip bucks. Who knows -- maybe a new trend. I hope! It's a mother--daughter pair, more doelings would be awesome.
So my coffee is the smiley faced one for sure. Gotta be at work in 3 hrs. Easy day, giving out candy for food sampling! Not like the 14 hrs of product resets in a store yesterday. EASY today. Plus big smile just thinking about lucky twin girls. GIRLS!!!!