Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Ok I got really stupid in the kitchen today. DH wanted creme brûlée so I made 6 ramekins. Had all these egg whites left over..... what to do with them? I love 7 minute frosting and haven’t made it in years. Looked up chocolate cake recipes but nothing was smacking me. Decided on a double batch of brownies, as they cooled I made the frosting. Y’all need to get started on these now, might not be any left for coffee in the morning.



Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
DD1 uses egg whites to make her gluten free bread. Then we have to figure out what to make that uses only yolks.

I can't tell you how many bugs I had for breakfast until I figured out what the red light was for, lol!
USUALLY the red light is so you don't screw up your night vision. But your reason for it to exist sounds really good too.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Grats on that little bundle of precious joy! Love puppies! :love:love My head lamp doesn't have a red light function... :hit So I eat and breath bugs and pick them out of the corner of my eyes, unless it's raining. I try to do chores when the light isn't required. Not cold enough here to kill 'em off yet...


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas

1,000 huh? Not a lot of documentation way back then!
Actually there wwas quite bit of documentaion prior to yr 1000, tho it will be neccessary to be able to read cuniform, sanskrit, Hebrew, Hittite, Old Chinese, and more recently, Latin (as well as another dozen or so dead languages), tho I suspect Bay is speaking of 1000AD(CE) and not the first year 1000...which is much much different than 1000 years before birth of Christ.

And, in the scheme and big picture of human timeline, the year 1000AD(CE) is not all that long ago.
There is way way more human history before that timeline than after it, which is why DNA is such a great tool to find out 'where we came from".
By the year 1000 (when writing was already greatly advanced) the Sumarians had already settled Mesopotamia 3000 years earlier, and the Indus Valley and it's civilization was founded about the same time. Both Babylonian Empires had already come and fell, the great pyramids of Egypt had already been built for the most part, the Bering land bridge had already been gone for over 20 millennia, and the 1st known North Americans were already here 13,000 years ago. And of course, 500 years before Columbus, (which fell in the last years of timeline 0-1000AD) Lief Erikson and other vikings had already "discovered" North America, and the Anasazi had already populated the SW area of what is now America. (some of their artifacts date back 1500 years BC)
So going back to Year 1000 AD is not so far back, and most people that have DNA done want to go a lot farther back than that. (as do I)

DNA don't give a rat's butt about records or years, or names or languages or how many of our ancestors were lost to the ages because the families of that time didn't want the black sheep of the family known about.

DNA does have some limitations, tho it is still far better than reading/writing on stone tablets.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mom and Dad took a trip to England and Scotland, tracing down old records and cemeteries. There is a lot of information in the old churches and cemeteries. She traced us back to the Plantagenet Kings of England. And yes, there was documentation, lots of it, even way back then.

History is a great study, the ancient Romans had piped in water and built great aqueducts that carried water from the mountains to the cities. They built 3 story apartment buildings. Romans had heat from boilers under the floors (operated by slaves). The things we think we are so smart to have in modern times, are in reality, old. They built massive road systems to move their armies and supplies.

the Roman Emperor Hadrian had a wall constructed to keep the Caledonians, later known as Scots, from invading Britain. Hadrian came to power in 117 AD and began construction on the wall, which was completed in 6 years and ran for 73 miles. Parts of it still stand today. I guess it was documented or else we wouldn't know who piled up all those rocks.

I love history.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
She traced us back to the Plantagenet Kings of England. And yes, there was documentation, lots of it, even way back then.
Which illegitimate child of the Plantagent royalty are you descended from?

The last legitimate Plantegent king was Richard III and he was from House of York. Richie III had only one son, Edward of Middleham, and he died very young, supposedly of TB. Richard's brother also had a son; George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 1st Earl of Warwick.
Clarence, but he was executed by Edward IV. Clarence left a son, but he too was executed in 1499, and that ended all except illigetimate heirs to the throne via the Plantagent line.
All the Plantagenet kings and royalty tho, had bastard children, none of which had any legitimate claim to anything. Several of the Plantagent kings and other royal family married within their own family...cousins were popular, tho one earl married his own sister. That line, is the only Plantagenet line in the world today.

There are btw, millions of people living today with lines leading back to the House of Plantagenet thru the bastard sons.
I'm one of them....a descendant, (like you and a million+ others) of an illegitimate "royal" child but via the House of York and not Lancaster.