Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
I wish! I don't have that choice yet... Morning feeding is before work and these days the sun isn't up when I go out. :( After the time change both feedings will likely be in the dark. Retirement can't get here soon enough!

Yes, yes & yes! If I have to be at work early that day, dark when I start...almost always dark when time changes next month. Just not fun.

Bugs? Well, cooling at night here so many are kaput...

Romans really were so advanced and even had like those spas/bathhouses they'd all sit in together with like the hot tubs or whatever, piped water, all that stuff, yet when they fell everything just went with them and we went into the dark ages

Many years ago when DH & I spent a while in Italy we went to these old ruins and saw the roads, aquaducts, bathhouses. AMAZNG. Many of the bathhouses were also connected with brothels. Wooowee, some of the porn paintings still on those walls :hide. We also went thru the ruins at Pompey, walked up Mt Vesuvius and visited the Greek isles for a while. Glad we saw the history there because at the rate the world is going it won't be left there for very long. :( Yeah, I have a LOT of pictures & video.

I slept late this morning -- hadn't gone to bed until 1ish -- cooked a lovely breakfast :D =D and prepared enough for heating tomorrow AM as I have to work & leave early. Chores were done, goats taken to other pastures for the day (they are on honeysuckle clearing duty) , did laundry, ran dishwasher and going to make cheese, spin out cream, hopefully do butter also. Then clean the frig.

My one day off until next Sunday and I will feel good to have this all done.:D I'm on a roll.

Hope you enjoy your day as much as I am mine. :thumbsup


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Odds are pretty fair, that the title would be fitting for you as well Bruce. The farther back you go, the more you will find that contemporary time people are 'related' in some form or fashion.
Be descendant from royalty is so common, that it is no big deal.
Could be. 3 grandparents immigrated from Spain in the very early 1900's, no royalty there. But other grandparent's "stock" goes back to 1630's (from England) and I believe a Mayflower passenger ancestor married into the line in there somewhere as well.

But you are saying I shouldn't be planning for my royal installation any time soon?


True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2014
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SE Massachusetts
AD for most people means 'after death' (of Christ) tho it really comes from a latin phrase anno domini which means "in the year of our Lord", (year Christ was born) which is one of the reasons it is confusing. If, AD meant 'after death' then 33 years would be left completely out of history.

Now, most scientists and atheists use the 2 references that reflect whether a time is of "Modern Age" or prior to "Modern Age) but are referred to as the 'common era', which is abreviated "CE" and equates to AD. We are in the Common Era (AD) now.

Prior to the modern (Common) Era is referred to as BCE which simply means Before Common Era and is any time prior to the birth of Christ.
(There is no year zero.)

Thanks for the explanation! I think I understand it a little better now.

Yes, yes & yes! If I have to be at work early that day, dark when I start...almost always dark when time changes next month. Just not fun.

Bugs? Well, cooling at night here so many are kaput...

Many years ago when DH & I spent a while in Italy we went to these old ruins and saw the roads, aquaducts, bathhouses. AMAZNG. Many of the bathhouses were also connected with brothels. Wooowee, some of the porn paintings still on those walls :hide. We also went thru the ruins at Pompey, walked up Mt Vesuvius and visited the Greek isles for a while. Glad we saw the history there because at the rate the world is going it won't be left there for very long. :( Yeah, I have a LOT of pictures & video.

I slept late this morning -- hadn't gone to bed until 1ish -- cooked a lovely breakfast :D =D and prepared enough for heating tomorrow AM as I have to work & leave early. Chores were done, goats taken to other pastures for the day (they are on honeysuckle clearing duty) , did laundry, ran dishwasher and going to make cheese, spin out cream, hopefully do butter also. Then clean the frig.

My one day off until next Sunday and I will feel good to have this all done.:D I'm on a roll.

Hope you enjoy your day as much as I am mine. :thumbsup

Wow that sounds amazing!! I am going tp have to visit. Europe has so much history, it's awesome. I have barely been outside US. Only Canada and the Bahamas a few times each. And only been to all New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida. And I think I had a layover in New Jersey and Atlanta once. But stayed in the airport.


True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
SE Massachusetts
I think we only traced back to 1620 or so, at least on my dad's side. I think my nana and grandpa (on mom's side) have done a lot of ancestry work and have a big huge family tree written down somewhere. I would like to ask them about it and/or find it and look at it. That is the one thing I, and I think we all kind of, regret about my grandma's (dad's side) passing is that we never really asked her about our family history before she passed and by the time we did, she was starting to go because of the meds and really couldn't remember much. She was always sharp as a tack and we should have asked a lot sooner. I think we do have a little book or our history though, like our family name, idk who wrote it. We do know though that one of our relatives was I think a ship builder and a captain and participated in the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party and I think he was in some clubs with Paul Revere and Sam Adams and stuff. One of our relatives also founded Ocean Spray and I think we have Nantucket whalers in our history somewhere too. And I know we are mostly English and Irish along with some Dutch, German, and some other stuff. I think we're like a 1/16th or 1/8th Portuguese, my grandma was part Portuguese.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
3 grandparents immigrated from Spain in the very early 1900's, no royalty there.
Maybe..maybe not.
This is where people make false assumptions and connections..and lack thereof.
Spain had it's own "royalty" which was intrinsically interwoven with both French and English royalty, as well as within the Italian and other houses.
Just one of many examples:
Eleanor of Castile was queen consort to Edward Ist (House of Plantagenet..King of England) and her father was King Ferdinand ruler of what is now Spain.
One issue (offspring) of that union was King of England Edward II.

Keep in mind, all royalty was expected to produce heirs and all royalty was expected to produce heirs from a union with other royalty. If there wasn't one available, they married royalty from another country and not a commoner, tho out of wedlock relations with commoners was.....'common'* both for male and female royalty which is how English kings came to rule over Spain and France, (and vice versa) thru claims of ascension due to intermarriage between royal houses.
*Offspring from dalliances were not legitimate and more often than not, came to a bad end, tho enough survived for the millions of claims today of being descended from this king or that king.

For much of England's history, they were at war and in those days, for the most part, the kings, princes, and lords were expected to lead their armies at least part of the time. This meant leaving the wifey/queen behind and she more often than not wasn't going to sit around for years and years with out being 'serviced' . First, came the 100 Years War (actually 116 years) with France, then right on it's heels came the War of the Roses which lasted another 32 years, so there was plenty of messin around time while Kingie was off to the four winds..

Click around the link below and you'll see what I mean and can get a good idea of just how many "descendants" there must be in the world today.
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Duckling and Spider

True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
:D Guess what?
284D919C-D482-44BB-9736-928E1A40767A.jpeg 98FA42E6-3A24-4E23-9E08-A39FF6B4BDD1.jpeg FF6CD3EB-4B6B-4163-8FA7-B4746AE2F52D.jpeg
The hunters (camp next door) gave him to me an hour before leaving. They didn’t think to mention it sooner. He “ain’t nothing but a hound dog... he ain’t never caught a rabbit.” Fine with the flock as long as they aren’t hiding (he does like to flush). :lol: He is careful of the broody duck though!
Their gd named his brother Uh Oh. So this is Maaco. :D AKC!

Duckling and Spider

True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
He pooped on the floor once. My bad! I was cocky, and thought he would be okay. I know better. He isn’t my first dog to house break.
Now I’m hoping he stays quiet. Beagles are beagles. They sing throughout the day and night. Maaco is quiet until I leave the room. I got him to quit down. Hopefully he stays quiet!! :fl

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Love beagles but they love to run, for the most part. Grdad used to have rabbit beagles. Always lead broke them when I was there. He used to say the pups learned before being strangled! He did hunt on his own property with them. Maaco looks to be a nice dog.

Today it was windy out -- steady 20mph & frequent gusts above. So, had an inside day. Guess it was "homestead" day as I made 4# cheese, chunky applesauce (only 3 pints), sliced and started 4 trays of dehydrated apple rings, spun out a quart of cream and made a half # of butter from last weeks left over cream. Was cleaning out the frig of some milk! Still 3 gals to get used up. Then, kitchen clean up. Wow, the cream separator is tedious to clean. Then also had to wash all those dish towels -- milk stuff & they will sour, ya know.

I'm thinking, "why" are you doing this??? I knew I could and wanted to use the milk vice just tossing it the birds. They are still getting plenty but, why not feed it to them? -- and I'm only milking ONE goat. She'll get dried off in a couple months -- maybe sooner with the shorter days. So now I have another quart of cream to use and haven't quite finished the last batch, I'll freeze the cheese for some lasagna next month. I'll measure & freeze some milk for batches of soap. Guess I need to find a family to enjoy some milk. Many just turn up their nose when you say it's "goat milk". It's not so easy to get this girl to stop producing! I kept 2 daughters, one will FF in Spring.

Did make a run to the feed store so I would have plenty as I work a heavy schedule all week. Probably the last of heavier schedules as they generally slow for Nov/Dec. The demos generally's a see-saw. Tomorrow is an up & out early day, well all week is.
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