Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Coffee going strong. Cold but sunny predicted for today. Been a whirlwind few days. 3" snow Sunday, rained & melted that night. Work all day Mon. Tues at work & get call about dogs killing chickens. Witnesses & pictures. Go home find 7 dead & 2 injured -- may need to finish them today (?) will see. Found dogs, advised neighbors/owners and gave them a tentative $$$, pending today & last well as a "don't expect them to return if they come here again" talk. :mad: :somad (newly acquired dogs).

Needless to say, sleep was sketchy last night & up at 4: as I just gave up on it! Thankfully they didn't get into all the fields but, I sell eggs and now down 8 young hens & a traumatized flock. Days like Tues make you consider many options... not all good :idunno But, things happen and we move on.

Good news is that I am off until Sunday. Guess I'll be "carrying" for next few case. We are supposed to have 60s Thurs thru Sunday :clap Hope it happens.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I don't have a problem with that either. If we want to raise our own animals for eating and if that makes us "feel good" about giving our animals a better humane life then so be it.
which brings up another salient point.....a great deal of what we do and tout is not bout the animals at's about us. Making us "feel good".
I admit it..I do it and partially if not mostly for that reason. Cows don't give a crap if it's raining and cold, but I do, so I built a couple of good 22' x32' loafing sheds for when the weather is bad. They rarely ever ever use them, (maybe 2-3 nights/year here) but it's totally their choice....they're there for them. I feel I've done my due and 'feel good' about it. The cows don't give a rat's rear end about it and if they think anything about it at all, probably think; "crazy human....what's that for?...we got nice leather coats on......we ain't goin' in there."

We do things to make ourselves 'feel good'....a rationalization, whether we will admit it or not. We do the same in all sorts of aspects of our lives. Draw little circles of isolation/insulation around ourselves so we feel more comfortable in society....and within ourselves.
(Why do you think the condemned-to-death prisoners are offered a last meal of their own choosing (or at least used to be) ? To perhaps make society feel 'less bad' about the taking of life? exactly. We're about to kill the think we really really give a crap what he has to eat his last meal?
(Yes, I support capital punishment as long as we are SURE we got the right culprit and the punishment is applied equally across all demographics)

But again, everything we type and say on the internet will be here for a very long time, to be read by many more than just our membrs.
I looked a little while ago at the stats and this is what it showed:
Users Online Now
  1. greybeard,
  2. Sumi
Total: 134 (members: 3, guests: 100, robots: 31)
Evidently, the 3rd 'member' chose not to have his/her presence visible.
Be careful what we advocate....the world is watching.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It can be GF if you want it to be. Eating GF is expensive, our make-believe food is "free"! ;):lol:
Never, has the old saying "Ya get what you pay for" been more true.
I'm a glutton for gluten. It's filling. The make believe food is exactly that..make believe..kinda like the imaginary friends some folks had when they were children, tho the imaginary friends probably served more purpose.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I'm a glutton for gluten. It's filling. The make believe food is exactly that....kinda like the imaginary friends some folks had when they were children, tho the imaginary friends probably served more purpose.
Unless one is intolerant to gluten.

The Modern Savage.
Our Unthinking Decision to Eat Animals.
OK, so the guy is the same sort of emotional vegetarian as DD1. Figures people shouldn't eat animals. Is he also espousing a vegan diet so no animals are raised for any purpose other than as pets? How does a vegan even justify having a pet? Stuck in the apartment/house all day while Mom and Dad are at work? Get to go for a walk once or twice a day?

I don't know how accurate the title of the book is to the text but I would argue that the BYH type of farmer is the opposite of unthinking when it comes to making the decision to eat animals or raise them for others to eat. Unthinking is a better description of many whose animal products come prepackaged at the grocery store.

Or is his purpose only to dump on the small "eco friendly" farmer? I don't think anyone in that category thinks that "big ag" is ever going to be replaced with the small "family farm". That is what we had in past centuries before economies of scale and refrigeration came into being.

I suspect this person's book is not read by many other than those already in his "choir".

It can be GF if you want it to be. Eating GF is expensive, our make-believe food is "free"! ;):lol:
And a PITA. But some do what they have to do.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Unless one is intolerant to gluten.

OK, so the guy is the same sort of emotional vegetarian as DD1. Figures people shouldn't eat animals. Is he also espousing a vegan diet so no animals are raised for any purpose other than as pets? How does a vegan even justify having a pet? Stuck in the apartment/house all day while Mom and Dad are at work? Get to go for a walk once or twice a day?

I don't know how accurate the title of the book is to the text but I would argue that the BYH type of farmer is the opposite of unthinking when it comes to making the decision to eat animals or raise them for others to eat. Unthinking is a better description of many whose animal products come prepackaged at the grocery store.

Or is his purpose only to dump on the small "eco friendly" farmer? I don't think anyone in that category thinks that "big ag" is ever going to be replaced with the small "family farm". That is what we had in past centuries before economies of scale and refrigeration came into being.

I suspect this person's book is not read by many other than those already in his "choir".

And a PITA. But some do what they have to do.

I couldn't agree with you more Bruce....but reading the prior post has made me sick of gluten :sick yikes,


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I don't know how accurate the title of the book is to the text but I would argue that the BYH type of farmer is the opposite of unthinking when it comes to making the decision to eat animals or raise them for others to eat. Unthinking is a better description of many whose animal products come prepackaged at the grocery store.
again, a rationalization. An "us vs them' comparison to (in part) try to justify the end. "Well, at least we aren't crowding them all together and force feedi...blah blah blah..." We've all read it numerous numerous times.....the rationalizations.
He did not go very far into the 'industrial' meat production much at all. That, was in another/previous book I presume.
The 'unthinking' part as it applies to this particular book is that the alt farmer types (Us) aren't carrying the thought process all the way to it's predictable and eventual end....the killing of the animal so we can eat it. We prefer to focus on all the 'feel good' things we do. I don't remember if the author mentioned it or not, but We have to be honest many threads have you ever seen started that described in any detail at all, how the actual killing process went, in comparison to the # of threads describing all the 'feel good' things we do? A rough guess, would be 1 out of 100 but probably much much less than that.

The rest of the 'unthinking' part is that there is some kind of belief out there, that this 'kinder/gentler' way of animal husbandry is somehow a stepping stone or gateway to the cessation of raising livestock for food. (evidently, a lot of vegans believe it is..or maybe wishful thinking. We are, the camel's nose under the tent in their minds.)

They are our own words, telling the world what we do..................and what we don't do, but between the lines, are the things we don't often mention that we do...or at least facilitate.
We probably aren't fooling anyone but ourselves. In the end, it's all the same.

We are going to raise 'em, kill them, bleed 'em out, skin 'em, gut em. carve 'em up, start a fire and eat them..or what they produce..and when they stop producing, then we'll kill them too.
It's ok, and I don't mind a bit he used my own words. I don't pretend to be anything beyond what I am.
a beef producer.

Ask your daughter...she may have the book or at least be familiar with it. The paperback's price is probably under $10 Amazonian or may be available online for a fee thru eBooks or Kindle type thingies.
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Granny Heeney

Loving the herd life
Aug 27, 2018
Reaction score
Upstate SC
This modern savage has coffee ready. Y’all help yourself to some bacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits and homemade wild plum jelly.

Any other modern savages got any milk, cream for my coffee and goat cheese they’d like to contribute to breakfast?
Awww, I had some homemade gravy to go with those biscuits but 9Volt and I savaged it. >:-D**

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