Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I am on the last of 3 days off -- in a row!!. What an experience. :D My body told me to relax, rest and recoup. I have done that so far. Not wanting to "waste" any time off, I have done some things but, nothing heavy. Little cleaning, lot of sorting & tossing out, the daily animal chores, slept in & even a nap each day :old Nice. Could do this each week.

Picked more blackberries yesterday. Saw the front end of one of the several groundhogs living along the banks of the old RR tracks, where I was picking some of the blackberries. There must be 25 holes over there! :eek: Watch where you step! He retreated as soon as he saw me. Have a little over 2 qts of berries in the frig, so may do a batch of jam later. That's a low energy activity. :\ Will make way more than I will eat in a year. Will gift some.

Rain late day yesterday -- again -- went thru quick but, everything wet yet another day. MAY mow yard later. Need to & might be only chance for another several days. Today is quite cool...only 60 now, with 15 mph winds. Dry out grass day. :D =D Only going to low 70s, making for a good day to do that chore.

Back to work tomorrow -- will make beef sirloin shish-ka-bobs. It will be fun and busy! Who doesn't like a nice piece of steak!? Guess what I will have for dinner...:D

@Baymule, I'm certain you will have that knee "reworked" soon as your insurance kicks in. I think you said you are waiting for Medicare? It will be so nice to walk without all the pain! Makes the recovery time & hurt worth it. You have DH here to confirm that!! :D And, I don't run a lot, either. Thankfully, still can if need arises. I do walk a lot here on the farm. A round trip to the back fields is 1/2 mile. Couple times a day & exercise is done! Some days, ride the mower :lol:
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I'll be filling everything I can up with gas and diesel today, ahead of the big price increase at the pumps when ww3 breaks out.
It will likely go up before that. Oil went up with the 2 tankers being attacked in the Gulf of Oman yesterday. By Iran if you believe our government. Not by Iran if you believe them.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Picked more blackberries yesterday. Have a little over 2 qts of berries in the frig, so may do a batch of jam later. That's a low energy activity. :\ Will make way more than I will eat in a year. Will gift some.

@Baymule, I'm certain you will have that knee "reworked" soon as your insurance kicks in. I think you said you are waiting for Medicare? It will be so nice to walk without all the pain! Makes the recovery time & hurt worth it. You have DH here to confirm that!! :D And, I don't run a lot, either. Thankfully, still can if need arises. I do walk a lot here on the farm. A round trip to the back fields is 1/2 mile. Couple times a day & exercise is done! Some days, ride the mower :lol:

I just finished with my 3rd batch of plum jam. Not bad for 3 hours. After chores this morning, we spread 55 bags of rock on the driveway. We got busted bags yesterday from Lowes for $1 a bag.

BJ's doctor said knee replacements will last up to 40 years. That gives me pause.....I may need to wait awhile, I will live past 100 and don't want the durned thing to wear out before I do. :lol:


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on. Taking in the meatpen to be tattooed.
Already checked... 1 doe had her litter.... just 1 live.... not sure what the other two are waiting on.... one has a nest full of fur. The other was working on hers and is huge... one more has a fur nest too but her dd is tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Hope you get good litters from your does. On second cup of coffee, today is meat chicken slaughter day, shooting for 10 processed chickens, then only 30 more to go. Not looking forward to it, but it has to be done and I'm tired of fooling with them. Sure glad that it doesn't take long to raise them to freezer size.