Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Don't blame you for wanting the ac when it is hitting 108 inside !!!!! Is the house in full sun with no trees or anything for shade? We get some humidity here, but nothing like @Mini Horses gets closer to the coast. I didn't know that Tenn got such high temps and humidity.
We had an attic fan when I was a kid too. Pulled the cooler air in through the windows and the hotter air went up and out. I still use the basic principle. Have a fan in the kitchen window and it pulls the air in from the bedroom, and the "den" and the bathroom and it does cool it down to almost the same temp outside. The one nice thing about this house, it was built in the 1750's of stone. Walls on the original part are about 12 + inches thick, and it does not heat fast from the outside. I close it up in the mornings that are going to get up in the 80's/90's so it stays cooler inside. The kitchen is a brick addition, before insulation was thought of I guess as it gets hotter than blazes. I can close the door into the kitchen part during the hottest afternoons and it helps the main part stay cooler. And surprisingly, once you get the main part warm in the winter, it will hold the heat. But if it gets real cold, then it takes a bit to get it warm again. One reason I have liked those infared type heaters. They will get it warm, quietly, and keep the temps decent. This place has hot air oil heat and it costs a small fortune to heat, without any other supplement. Sure wish I could bottle or can some of this heat to save for winter!!!!


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Don't blame you for wanting the ac when it is hitting 108 inside !!!!! Is the house in full sun with no trees or anything for shade? We get some humidity here, but nothing like @Mini Horses gets closer to the coast. I didn't know that Tenn got such high temps and humidity.
We had an attic fan when I was a kid too. Pulled the cooler air in through the windows and the hotter air went up and out. I still use the basic principle. Have a fan in the kitchen window and it pulls the air in from the bedroom, and the "den" and the bathroom and it does cool it down to almost the same temp outside. The one nice thing about this house, it was built in the 1750's of stone. Walls on the original part are about 12 + inches thick, and it does not heat fast from the outside. I close it up in the mornings that are going to get up in the 80's/90's so it stays cooler inside. The kitchen is a brick addition, before insulation was thought of I guess as it gets hotter than blazes. I can close the door into the kitchen part during the hottest afternoons and it helps the main part stay cooler. And surprisingly, once you get the main part warm in the winter, it will hold the heat. But if it gets real cold, then it takes a bit to get it warm again. One reason I have liked those infared type heaters. They will get it warm, quietly, and keep the temps decent. This place has hot air oil heat and it costs a small fortune to heat, without any other supplement. Sure wish I could bottle or can some of this heat to save for winter!!!!
I love stone houses! I lived in a house in Maine that was built in 1880 and it was made of stone...only had a fireplace to heat the entire 6 bedroom house! It was freezing in the winter and I had to cut all the firewood myself because a cord of wood in Maine is crazy expensive! The fireplace was beautiful was covered in crystals, amethysts and quartz that the elderly woman who owned it found on trips to Europe. It was pretty amazing!

It does get hot's my first summer in Tennessee so i'm new to it. It was 96 degrees outside today with no clouds. My house is really small and it sits in full sun all day. There are woods all around me but no shade on the house at all. I spent most of the day outside, in the woods looking for critters and blackberries. It's cooler in the woods! The humidity here crazy but I don't mind it...growing up in Hawaii i'm used to high humidity ;)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
And a popsicle for your breakfast, you can have all you want.

How thoughtful :D

I had split pea soup, some left if you want that.

Done with coffee and going to head to TSC for a bag of Sr feed. Would have stopped yesterday after work at the one near there BUT -- a "scattered shower" was happening. :D Those are probable daily for the next week -- with heat & humidity this week, I can expect this. Most of the Eastern USA can expect them! It's a lot better, IMO, than days of big downpour.

Will work this afternoon....then OFF for 2 days! :celebrate

Hope all are planning a balanced 4th -- fun & relaxation.


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Coffee is ready. @AmberLops i have iced coffee for you! LOL And a popsicle for your breakfast, you can have all you want.
HA HA! I actually did have iced coffee this morning :lol: I'm gonna need a pitcher full of that stuff please!
Those popsicles will be breakfast, lunch and dinner for me!
@Mini Horses I think i'll skip the soup this time around :gig

Never got to make those nesting boxes yesterday...cutting the wire and attaching baby savers to 4 giant cages took up most of the day so today will be the day to break up those pallets.
So far I don't have any plans for the 4th...I was thinking of going down to the river but I know it's gonna be packed.
My neighbor came over yesterday and invited my to his place for a cookout but then he warned me about his crazy/wacky family members and told me stories of past 4th of July thank you! :eek:

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good morning all -- :caf

Up & working the elderberry boughs I picked late day yesterday. Found a couple more patches of those bushes that were begging to be picked. scissors in hand, I cut those pods, dropped into a box and smiled all the way to the house. Worked some last night, some this AM.

All I can say is these are not as easy as picking those wild blackberries. You are working with little berries -- I'm thinking, you aren't sick and haven't been in 20 yrs! What are you doing this for??? :D =D OK, DS gets sick often. :idunno It's the challenge of "doing it".

Getting self ready to tackle outside now. Supposed to be hot day, so it will be a "see how it goes" day. Always things to do, just not always the mood to do or supplies on hand. Need to mow yard areas. Sounds like low stress work :D That's probably going to be my "big" accomplishment for the day. Oh, fix chicken coop door that wants to come apart. Think this is shaping up to be a "touch up" day. We all need a few of those. :D =D Yep, mosey around and do what hits your fancy. Moving all bucklings to weaning pen is on that list :lol: again!


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Well -- belt broke on tiller, went to TSC & got one. By the time I got home, time to get ready for work. So, three laps around the outside edges and kapoot! Rain by daybreak -- home tomorrow & will be mighty annoyed watching it rain on my parade!!!!! I'd be happy to just get the tomato area done, so I can transplant these huge tomato plants. The rest could get done later in week. I'm sure praying for a light and fast rain.

On the good side -- before I left this afternoon, one hen had hatched 2 chicks, one still wet. Tonight, she had 3 chicks & 2 eggs. Another nest/hen had a lone chick & couple eggs, took that chick to #1 hen. A third nest (2 hens on it) had a single chick, 9 more eggs, took chick to hen #1 -- who now has 5 chicks & 2 eggs. It's dark & by daylight all should "be hers".

Obviously I had not penned them off and volunteer eggs appeared, so hatching will be odd. I plan to swap out and eventually the eggs, too. Like the two at hen #1. If not hatched out tomorrow, I will add to another nest. Musical chairs?? Or, musical chicks.

Figure more will be hatched and raised that way. It's tough to check them all each day. They attack! Will put mom & chicks into other pens as they stop sitting. Takes a day or two. Then.....will see.

They sure are cute! :love
glad you hatches are going well. hopefully your hands will be smarter than mine were with their chicks. I had to nice group of Heritage Rhode Island red chicks for a change. unfortunately, my hens weren't very bright and in one of our arial floods, and they really do deserve to be called that, all five of them were taken out into the run and they drowned
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I know the "catch up" kind of day. Going to take water up to the meat birds, and then get the other truck and start moving round bales out of the fields so that when we keep getting all these pop up storms, the grass all gets watered so the fields will grow back. Already see new regrowth from the rain we have already head.
Going to be hot and humid here too, with a marginal chance of the storms being severe that will coming in from the west. Need to mow the yard here too. Temps suppose to get up to the low 90's with heat index near 95-100.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
morning everyone, sounds like yall have all been busy. just been doing the normal around here. farm chores, house chores, home school. the only thing new is i believe i found the culprit to all my duck eggs going missing. my ducks tend to lay at night and keep their eggs hidden so i always have to hunt for their eggs but i been finding their nest with no eggs. last night i went to let the dog inside through the back door she runs in and doesnt even see the (looked to be) four foot long texas rat snake loving know as a chicken snake. its the second one we have had around. i vote we catch it and get rid of it by relocating to the back of the property or kill it i dont like to share my eggs even more so when i am not getting any. my husband wants to leave it and not kill it and he might be talked into relocating. he thinks it around because the tall grass i am going to have to remind him the last one we had around was around when the grass was cut and stole my egg from the chicken coop. i actually like snakes just dont like them eating my food is all. thankfully all my chicks are almost full grown or i would be worried about them. outside of our visitor last night he would be the only new thing that has happened as of late. i am already ready for fall and this heat to be over. i am not handling it well pregnant. some days have already been in the 100s+ range i believe the highest we have had is 104.

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