Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
lol we plan on getting either kunekune next year or american guinea hogs.just depends on how much we decide to spend. i don't know about anywhere else but the kunekune are expensive. they are going 400 -300 a piglet on craigslist. the american guinea hogs are 50-70 a piglet. i really like the kunekune coloration and their faces they remind me of gremlins. i like the american guinea hogs as well they just arent as colorful but they both are known for being docile and grass eaters and they only get to 250 unlike my durocs we had almost two years ago until i got pregnant and hubby wanted them gone cause they were more like pet pigs they loved to be scratched and i would get in the pen with them. our male was 650 and our female was 350 neither were very old. we got one litter of piglets before he made me sale them. apparently you cant have lap pigs and be pregnant around here lol.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
There isn't very much that a pig won't eat....

Living garbage cans! They will also devour chickens, if fhey feel like it. My American Guinea hogs were quite tame and people oriented. They never bothered the chickens. The will root!!! yes, they graze but trust me, they root. KuneKune not so much but, I'm thinking it is because of the structure of their face. Their snout is short and very turned up...making it more difficult. Both are lard hogs, so you get the fat. Mine were about25 when butchered. Excellent meat.

wonder how many snakes those grass-fed vegetarian pigs eat

:D If hungry, all they find. Maybe it's a moving corn stalk and NOT a "snake". Anyway, no one will tell!! Nope, hogs will keep a secret.

There is no fail in jelly/jam making, just use it like syrup!

Often, it is the BEST use of jelly/jam. Glaze your pork & cream syrup, or crepes! I've even MWd jelly when I had no syrup.

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!

YES :celebrate Enjoy our USA Country...happy 4th !!

Last night, I heard the popping and noise from firworks. Go out onto the front porch and see a lovely display coming over the tree tops in the distance. There is a large park there (International Paper/Union Camp) and they had an employee party/cook out, complete with fireworks.

Enjoying some hot tea with fresh from the goat milk. :D I drink coffee straight up but, hot tea with cream & a touch of sugar. This is wean the kids, start milking week. My work schedule and age of kids are well aligned. Now, I have been considering reducing my herd and the milking will certainly be a selection process. o_O One has a side easy to milk and other side, small orifice..takes longer, harder -- all part of it. She's a great mom! I do have 5 young ones coming up. Couple yrlings I want to keep and milk next year. :idunno I have to many WANTS :lol:

It's hot, hot, hot out there All water tubs cleaned yesterday. All top offs done, coops open, milking done this morning. Inside to have my tea & clean these elderberries I picked last evening. It is a real job beating the birds and deer to them!! Couple more pickings, then I'm done for this year. Will have enough frozen to process later. Not feeling it right now. :D =D Just that collecting has to happen when it has to happen!

I got the yard(s) mowed yesterday. A tank top helped even out the farmer's tan :D Yeah, sun damaged skin and all that...? Speaking of skin -- I found a saved piece of info, while looking to clean files on computer saves, about oil from Queen Anne Lace seeds. It mentioned wrinkles, age spots, etc., improved by it. Guess that is why I saved it. As I was picking elderberries, I cut a couple of the seed pods from nearby Q Anne. :lol::lol: those seeds are so tiny I'm way I can squeeze those. Smaller than a sesame seed. :idunno Cross that off list. :old

I'm out for more adventures. Hope you can do the same!:frow

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
i'll have to learn how to get the oil out of those little things!

I've looked and most sites direct you to purchase areas. Then, some suggest actually using the carrots. Q Anne known as "wild carrot" & is relative of our "carrots" we eat.

So, most of these oils are steamed. I'm thinking to dry these seeds, put them into the Ninja with a little water, whip it up, then heat it, cool it. Hope some oil forms on the surface :idunno It's pretty much what they suggested with carrots. I want the Q Anne as it's free and plentiful here -- Seems wrinkles are also :lol:

Be sure you know difference between QA and hemlock!!!

Incidentally, roots can be eaten (carrots) & dried, powdered, used to replace coffee --??-- that's a stretch for ME. I like my coffee. I know chicory roots work nicely. QAnne, uhhh??

I don't need any of this but, nice to know. Kinda fun. Survivalists info can save your life! With all the crap going on in today's world, we never know what is in store for us all.


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
I'm all about finding edible wild plants/weeds and using plants for natural remedies!
But I don't know about that Queen Anne coffee...I love my coffee :lol:
Will have to look and see the difference between Queen Anne lace and Hemlock...not sure I know the difference!
But I did not know that it's a wild carrot...yum! Thanks for the info!!