Mini Horses
Herd Master
@Daxigait, I liked your post for the great looking Nubian and that you are getting her back!! Sad she is in such poor condition and MORE sad they didn't even CALL to ask for help. Just thrilled she is back home!! She will recover but, it will take a little while beyond obvious weight gain as I'm sure her whole system went "down" healthwise. Being home and happy will spur her to return to her previous good health.
I have one who will hold her milk if she runs out of feed.
So I keep some extra to add if I haven't gotten her milked out before she gets the feeder emptied out. Same one who gave me a fit day before yesterday as her "boys" were bawling in another field. Rank, she was. Yesterday I made sure the bucklings were fed and quiet before she got fed and milked. Back to old self, stood nicely and ate.
Then another I milked yesterday -- had taken HER twin boys, also, was so very pleasant. She didn't care about her kids. The routine is eat and get milked -- came when called by name, thru gate and directly to her spot, gave all her milk and never budged. She hasn't been milked in over 6 months but you would have thought it had never NOT been day to day.
Brat is full sister the other, Lilly, but one year older. Similar but, different. Both give 1 + gal per day. Lilly's twin, Daisy, has twin doelings still nursing for another week or so. Then there will be three -- 4 gal a day 
The bucklings are staying put in their paddock. Dad is with them! His turn to help out.
Ten days until auction time for the bucklings.
I believe cheese will be on the to do list for Friday. Gotta use it up. Still have soap but, will make more when it cools off....Novemberish. Will freeze milk in soap batch portions. Have enough of the oils, butters, lye to make about 400 bars. Yeah, I used to make & sell it. May start that back up next Spring. 
So, @Baymule, you are busy!!!!
Who puts the fence back up? Are they leaving the cuttings? Did you get your elderberries picked? Did Devonviolet? I know she has her own bushes -- but not sure if enough production for her yet. I grabbed a few more yesterday. Have about a pint of dehydrated ones plus a gal of strong juice and three 1/2 pint of lightly sweetened juice. Probably dehydrate these last ones as easier to store.
Plus, dehydrator is finishing 2nd batch of figs today!
I'm planning to go to the veggie auction tomorrow night for some tomatoes & eggplants. Can tomatoe sauce, prep eggplants for freezing -- make eggplant parm for winter.
Worked 9 hrs today 7-8 tomorrow. Off Friday
Need to go do chores, get eggs & milk 2 goats. 
once she runs out of juzt the oats in the feed mixture she throws a fit....![]()
I have one who will hold her milk if she runs out of feed.
Then another I milked yesterday -- had taken HER twin boys, also, was so very pleasant. She didn't care about her kids. The routine is eat and get milked -- came when called by name, thru gate and directly to her spot, gave all her milk and never budged. She hasn't been milked in over 6 months but you would have thought it had never NOT been day to day.

The bucklings are staying put in their paddock. Dad is with them! His turn to help out.

So, @Baymule, you are busy!!!!

Plus, dehydrator is finishing 2nd batch of figs today!

I'm planning to go to the veggie auction tomorrow night for some tomatoes & eggplants. Can tomatoe sauce, prep eggplants for freezing -- make eggplant parm for winter.

Worked 9 hrs today 7-8 tomorrow. Off Friday