Herd Master
It is insane here this week. We’ve had a forestry mulcher here. Got 2 granddaughters, age 2 & 4, plus their 2 dogs. Dogs are small enough to go under gates, go through cow panels, have to watch them closely. Great Pyrenees are on lockdown so they don’t make a snack of the interlopers. They aren’t happy. I’m giving them dog popsicles, half frozen pork bones, to pacify them. We have cut gaps in fence in 2 places so mulcher can go on neighbors property. Horses are at another neighbors. The 40 bales of hay we got were put up too wet and are hot and moldy in the middle. I guess we have hay mulch now. We have company coming Friday, meeting friends for dinner Saturday and more friends coming Sunday. 

When the babies go home Friday morning I think I need a drink and I don’t men iced tea!

When the babies go home Friday morning I think I need a drink and I don’t men iced tea!