Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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unforantly thats one of our problems on one of the kids currently likes eggs gp figure. umm i think my oldest likes pudding alittle the milddle hasnt had any as i never made from scratch (first year we really over flowing with milk last year we just had lilly in milk and i kinda watch how we used her milk) i appericate all the ideals i like alot of them and wil now be on a recipe hunt.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Ahhhh...2nd cup going down smooth. Have some. :D =D

Home today. Heading out shortly to tractor to back & help DD move another tree trunk out to where she can cut it up. She split one she had already cut to length and I helped her move and stack the split stuff to the wood racks after I go home last night from work. Wanted to see where we could pull the next two. We have a plan and she will cut on in half so we can move for her to cut. We move the splitter & she will put it vertical to roll the pieces too big to lift & split.

Then, I will have DS get his hind parts in gear for a day of "help mom". Need to get the barn roof repairs working, right after new brake pads on my truck. We all go back to work tomorrow -- gotta hussle today! :D Where's my whip? Get cracking!!

@Jesusfreak101, here's an easy on. Tastes good, useful, simple, plain cheese. No special equipment, special rennets or enzymes. It's very basic. Try it. Slow heat milk and that takes about 20-30 min. Another 30 to put rest together& clean up. Easy peasy.

Whole Goat's-Milk Ricotta

1 gall whole milk
1/4 cup ACV vinegar
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 tsp baking soda

Heat milk to 195 not boil...heat slowly & stir to prevent sticking.

Then slowly stir in vinegar a little at a time, watching for the separation of whey. If the whey is still milky, increase heat of milk to 205. Adding too much vinegar will impart an acidic, or sour, taste to the cheese.

Gently ladle curds into colander lined with butter muslin.

Drain slightly, put curds into a bowl. Add butter & baking soda, mix well. Store covered container in frig. Good about 1 week that way. Can freeze it.

From Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll.

So, I don't drain in colander. It gets too dry for my ricotta use. It is supposed to be a rather "loose" cheese & will tighten up is drained too much. I slotted spoon it into a really large glass measuring bowl, with spout & handle. I carefully pour the whey from that bowl into a smaller (1 cup) measuring cup, then add the butter/soda, mix and add back whey as needed to keep it the consistency I want. You can mix it drier for use on crackers, etc. When making and freezing for lasagna, I like the looser consistancy (think cottage cheese). When you add dry spices they will rehydrate. Generally I throw in garlic powder, basil, a touch of black pepper...great on crackers. I have made it with sun dried tomatoes & oregano, good mix. If you want sweet, cinnamon, figs, etc. works. Bagels? Stir more & it will become creamy smooth. It sets up more after in frig. Less whey and it is thicker, also, if you do drain thru muslin, it will be much thicker. Better use than dumping milk.:D =D

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
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Crawfordsville, IN
In response to something @Jesusfreak101 said Friday, I wish I had paid more attention to the chores and jobs Dad did while I could have. He picked up carpentry and electric from his dad. He could do plumbing and auto mechanics too. My father in law is a mechanic, so other than keeping up on fluids and simple prev maintenance, I don't mess much with our autos. I will do simple carpentry, but the one time Dad showed me some wiring, he couldn't see as well by then, and he crossed some things abt the time I was starting to get it. But, I have two friends that are electricians.

Mom has taught me cooking, cleaning, washing, and canning. I did awful on her sewing machine and decided against future attempts. I can do simple hand sewing; buttons and seams or easy repairs.

There was a lot of lost domestic and technical arts that used to be passed down within families. I feel it is good to be self sufficient as possible. Ok, enough of my spiel. Everyone have a good Lord's Day!


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Morning everyone!
Coffee is on and it's extra strong ;)
Didn't get my camera figured out yesterday so maybe today.
Big heat advisory in effect from today through Wednesday :hide
Gotta run to TSC today, pick up some probiotics for the bunnies, get a few cages, and anything else I can think of.
Have a great day everyone, try not to go outside for too long...:frow


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Went out to feed yesterday evening and found visitors wandering around the side yard:

This morning they have made their way in to the pasture. I swear I didn't bring 'em home, lol. They just appeared. All drakes.