Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
Tired and feel like ****. I'm dealing with the other end of mess @Blue Sky is dealing with. I adopted then spent $600 to get him healthy and neutered. He doesn't appear to have the LGD instincts needed and I'm trying to find him a pet home. It's all "killing cats is FINE", "how dare you dump him", "you shouldn't have bought him". :he :barnie :he


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Tired and feel like ****. I'm dealing with the other end of mess @Blue Sky is dealing with. I adopted then spent $600 to get him healthy and neutered. He doesn't appear to have the LGD instincts needed and I'm trying to find him a pet home. It's all "killing cats is FINE", "how dare you dump him", "you shouldn't have bought him". :he :barnie :he

All the “Holier than thou” idiots come out from the cracks in the walls like cockroaches. Morons with nothing better to do with their empty lives.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
The rescues -- especially those for the LGD breeds!😠🙄 -- know the dog, if bred correctly, needs to BE DOING a job. Yet, they want to inspect your house and fenced yard. Should be your barn & pastures & care of your livestock!!! Just not right. All these dogs (of all kind) need homes. 🥲

To bed at 8:30 last night -- so tired. Went fast asleep until alarm at 6am. Feel better 😊. Working today. Rather not but it will be better than yesterday and sleep deprived. 👍Weather is lovely, would be good day to be on tractor. Maybe later today I'll get to rock place for a load...trailer still hooked up on truck. I'm driving car again today. Cooler, drier, breezy...things drying off. Could dump & spread gravel.

Better refill cup & do last min checks....go to work.:frow


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
The whole idea of working dogs blows the mind of some people. One of those things that "hurts their feelings" thinking that a dog might actually have a job. Especially a job they are bred for. I'd even say it applies to cats too. I love my cats, but they too, need the barn, and a job out there.

Alarm sang to me this morning. Up at 5:15, and out the door at 5:45 for the gym. Had a coupon for a free drink from the coffee shop in town. Time to do homework for about an hour until class. Raining here, but we need it. Every time I check Facebook there's a new fire in the state.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
I got up this morning with the firm intention of putting the Rescue situation in the rear view mirror. I looked at my FB feed and the Rescue has posted a pic of an adopted dog and beaming owner. WTH? I do not want to get into a spittin’ contest, I just want to adopt a dog. Possibly two. On the chance this is some function of a busybody AI and not spite I’m not going to acknowledge it.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Long, LONG, LONG day yesterday. Gestation on dogs is 58-65 days. Belgians tend to be early - less than the average 63 days.
The Cliff's Note Version:
Ree started out temp drop 98.1 - normal, uncomfortable - normal. Lots of licking - normal, no contractions - not normal, I did a finger exam and had dark green to black "liquid"/mucous. BAD NEWS. Meaning ruptured placenta. Mom dog health and puppies all at risk with that.
Couldn't get my vet (and he's usually very good) so went to the nearest ER vet -- they couldn't start on her until ~3 hours from the time we got there, we could not be near to watch or help with pups, said pups would go in an incubator and they'd keep momdog for at least 3-4 hours after the surgery, and "you can spay her now too" -- might as well say "want fries with that?" GRRRRR and vet would NOT listen to what I had to say and seemed annoyed that I was messaging with Ree's breeder in Spain -- she has 29 years of breeding experience - the vet not a breeder.
Did an ultrasound to see if there were viable pups. Yes there were.
Headed to the next ER vet with specialists. A friend who also uses my vet got through and he called me as we were close to the specialists. Turned around - went home for maybe 45 min??? then off to my vet. Csection started still before that first jerk of a vet would have started.
I was in the room while the csection was done, had pups handed to me, I was part of the picture and could be in as deep as I wanted. LOVE MY VET. 3 dead -- one had detatched about a week ago - was rubbery (you who've seen that in lambs understand), the next placenta ruptured probably a few days before - still inside sac. next ~maybe could have made it - he tried and tried but could not get a heartbeat. Three alive - 2 boys and a girl. Girl is improving - small but gaining being tube fed and is finally learning to hunt for a nipple (and not constantly screaming). Next for her will be to latch on.
My vet uses as light an anesthesia as possible - "you can always increase" he says. I knew that from previous litters. Ree was brought out of anesthesia and was awake for the ride home - from start to finish about 1 hour. Take that you ER vet we were at first. Jerk. Young with a superiority complex and condescending attitude.
Tube feeding the girl now every 2 1/2 hours and she's gaining! And she's no longer screaming constantly, and is now hunting for a nipple. Next to get her to do is latch on. Both boys are doing well. All are either gaining or not losing weight. Rees is being a fanstic momdog.
And that's the Cliff's Notes version of my last 36 hrs. A bit sleep deprived. Sleep is not overrated! ;)

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