Herd Master
I stayed up late watching funny Reels. I slept until 6:40. I got over 7 hours of sleep and didn’t wake up 2-3 times. It’s 50 degrees this morning, high of 62. Back to normal cold/chilly weather.
State owned building. Bureaucracy means maintenance worker will wander in at some point. The carpeting is soaked, puddled, so ideally everything should be removed from the room so the water can be vacuumed up. The filing cabinet is going to start rusting. But bureaucracy means they will hem and haw and move slowly while everything molds and rusts. They're going to build a new structure next to us, so why spend money on proper repairs?Ugh, snow is cleaner. Need to get those wet tiles out of there and carefully see if water is getting on top of that light fixture. They aren't water proof and make an impressive noise when the ballast fries.