Coffee anyone ?


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Last night I pulled a pork butt roast out of the freezer, from 2021? Yikes. Smelled okay after a partial defrost in the microwave. Into the crock pot on a bed of sauerkraut, then a splash of soy sauce and a jar of shredded red cabbage and apples went on top. Set it to low.

About 4am I heard the garbage truck, smelled roast, so I got up to check it. Fork tender, nice. Into the refrigerator it went, will warm some up for supper. If it's too freezer burned then I will chop up some for the flock.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
@Weldman , are you reemployed ????

Nope, not going to work in -33..... no way no how....
Today's snow that started around 7 or 8 at the house that we came home to after DS helped me test... was plenty. Not terribly cold.. around 28-30 so below freezing but not miserable... Snow was nice...
Yeah and it was pretty damn funny with how it started off with I will accept your raise, but.... He was ticked that he found me in some anonymous FB group discussing about how much I should be getting for the work I do.
First of all what are you doing stalking my arse cause he had no reason in there, second of all I never mentioned his business name nor his name. Feel like I shouldn't even be here as he will eventually find me here, I have no personal information, pictures or not even my birthday is right on my FB personal page. To find me is to just find my name.
I laid out you aren't going to find what you have here from anyone in this town or probably next town over and he agreed to that.
Said we are bouncing on fine line of what they can pay my business and able to afford and that he didn't cancel my contract that he felt "I needed a day off" last Friday. Bullschit, see here is the thing son, with age if one pays attention and learns comes knowledge and experience. I have been there since mid August and since then if I didn't say I'm taking this day off, I have been there. They didn't even give me a day off after Christmas and you going to tell me out of the kindness of your heart you decided to give me a day off around 2100 hrs at night, bullschit.
Trying to say I have a good thing going for my wage as I'm not efficient in some things, somethings shouldn't take this long. I fired back with well why do you think I brought my toolbox in, I spend hours a week walking with miles, not feet, but miles trying to find a fking missing socket/tool. Seriously how does one explain 7 miles of walking in a shop that's only 80' long with 13 hours of standing time.
Anywho I digress, I spent 4 hours putting on hood ornaments yesterday for two semis, yet they are lacking money and I'm not efficient that's costing them. Last I recalled a semi doesn't need a hood ornament, chicken lights, custom painted visors to function as for what its meant to do, but yet we can't afford much more. Eh, go fck yourself, here I found this in my pocket it's for you, I hope you enjoy it since I made it just for you ,,!,, ;)

As I said, any port in the storm when I started there, well now that the storm is calming it's time to set sail soon.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all, just wanted to poke my head in. Feel like I've hardly been by since I moved this last time. Been some long but good days. I think of y'all most every morning when I get up to run.
Chilly weather here, temps in the negatives. Hoping y'all are having better weather then here.
Ok, car is running, bagel is ready, I have a Gatorade in hand, so it is probably time to head to work/school. I'll try to update my journal soon.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Storm passed on through, dumped 1 1/2” plus the inch from yesterday. Standing water, it’s soggy out there.