Good morning. I've been sipping coffee, waiting for light, now waiting for a little warm-up outside before starting.

Working on my garden plans as I sit.
I try to be as organic and natural as I can, so I have been using crop rotations as a pest and disease deterrant since 2022, with my first foray back into vegetable gardening.
Last night I could feel pre-spasms in my legs from yesterday's exertions, so I got out of bed and used a little DMSO. Went back and slept, no cramps.

Today's plans:
1. Place hardware cloth over new hoop coop, getting my DS to assist
2. Cutting downspout
and installing first two rainbarrels before storms on Sunday
Wisp approved my Thursday evening work

Working on my garden plans as I sit.
I try to be as organic and natural as I can, so I have been using crop rotations as a pest and disease deterrant since 2022, with my first foray back into vegetable gardening.
Last night I could feel pre-spasms in my legs from yesterday's exertions, so I got out of bed and used a little DMSO. Went back and slept, no cramps.

Today's plans:
1. Place hardware cloth over new hoop coop, getting my DS to assist

2. Cutting downspout

Wisp approved my Thursday evening work