Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
YAHOO! Moved my injured doe from field into shelter. She's one who got hung in fence almost a week ago. Wasn't able to stand but did start moving self around in grass. I've been doing room service and she's eating/drinking well. No signs of injury beyond extreme hyper extension in hips. Weather has been good and her twins are with her. I've seen her get up on front knees, raise hips some and "crawl" a short distance -- further each day, so she's beginning to use her hips. Plus it's best PT I could give 🤷. Can't walk yet. I got her onto a tarp and pulled her about 150' to the pasture shed. Let me tell you, she's 2X my weight but, it's done!!! :old:clap I feel like a plow horse must :lol:

Starting to rain now....knowing it was coming was my incentive to pull harder!! Could not leave her out in it. She's in a big dry shed, lots of orchard hay, plenty of water and her kids with her.😊 Sleep well girlie.

Barn hay racks then got filled...evening chores done!