Common Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions


Overrun with beasties
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Cleaned again folks, last chance. Everyone has their right to their opinion and to give information with respect from all others. No one is right or wrong, just present your point of view.

Further posting of popcorn just to incite may result in people taking some time off. Just sayin'


Overrun with beasties
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
My opinion:


when they are full or tired of the horses stepping on them they go out to the pasture....the 2 other bales scattered around the pasture look about the same chaos wise....They seem to have kids every year at least 1 sometimes 3....But what do I know?
I've never heard of the popcorn ration...but I'll check with my extension agent tomorrow<----That was a joke


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
abac said:
No one is right or wrong....
Sometimes people ARE wrong.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, either...that's just a fact. It's actually not all that uncommon for misinformation to be posted as though it's gospel on this forum. I've seen it time and again...heck, I've even been guilty of it!

The difference between myself and some, though, is that when I'm corrected, I thank the person who corrected me whereas some folks here seem to be prone to report the person who corrected them.

Given that the topic of discussion here typically surrounds the health and welfare of animals, I believe a lot of us -- no, I *know* from PMs that a lot of us feel morally compelled to correct that bad information, or at least point out that it's opinion and not fact (as opinion is so often presented), and we do so on behalf of goats the world over.

Again...I'm not looking to stir up arguments, nor am I questioning anybody's moderating style. I'm just pointing out that, yes, sometimes people are just patently wrong, and if we're not allowed to correct them, goats will die.

While I understand that bickering and backbiting can kill forums in a hurry, so will bad advice and information...and dead goats. If this forum becomes known as a place where bad information is not only allowed, but encouraged, to stand unquestioned, nobody will trust it and it will fail just as any other forum would fail under the same circumstances.

I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin. :)


Overrun with beasties
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
There is a ton of bad information out there, on many forums. Over time, I have come to the conclusion that we can't save every goat, as much as we might want too, and as hard as we try to give good information, there will always be those who don't bother to treat the goat, just complain, and those that want to treat with a witches brew. It is an unfortunate fact of life, and if I let every slight, or bad post ruffle my feathers, I would be one unhappy person. So cmjust0, deep breaths, deep breaths, no one is right all the time, many people do the wrong thing and get the right results, and isn't that what we all want, the right results?


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
I know what you mean, believe me.. I lent a buddy some meds just a few days ago for a kid he'd been treating for worms..

I don't think it had worms, though...pretty sure it was coccidiosis.

We'll never know, though, because by the time I saw the little doeling she was already sunken in from and bones...cold-nosed from a dead rumen...weak as water.

Needless to say, she died overnight. She wasn't even my goat, but I was the last person to lay hands on her. It just makes me really sad because she was a pretty nice little doeling who could almost certainly have been saved with less than a dollar's worth of di-methox, had it been caught early on..


That's how it goes, though...I know that...but I still hate it, ya know?



Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Western MA
Isn't the whole point of a FORUM to have discussions and get multiple viewpoints? Then use the ideas as a springboard for new directions in our own research so that we can formulate our own conclusions?

At least that is what it is for me. I want to hear (read) all opinions. When people are asked to explain or justify their position on a topic, it becomes clear which ones are well-thought-out and which ones are just regurgitating something they heard or thought they heard.

If I wanted just one opinion, I'd buy one book, and get all my information from that.


Chillin' with the herd
May 18, 2009
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I still think its about people believing that one certain way of doing things is the only correct way. Everyone has their own animals to be worrying about, not someone elses, unless they ask.

I honestly don't care how anyone raises their animals, as long as it works for that person. I may not agree with it, but I'm not going to tell them they're wrong simply because my opinion is different. Who am I to do that?

I do find it ironic that what some call 'witches brew' today is what many called conventional medicines years ago when they first started being used. All about opinion. :thumbsup


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
I get where you're coming from, blackbird...I really do. There are many, many situations where what works for one person will be catastrophic for another, and I've said as much myself on several occasions.

That's not exactly what I'm talking about, though.. Consider this scenario, for instance......

Let's just say someone comes here and states -- as a fact -- that tetanus anti-toxin provides extremely short term protection against the effects of a tetanus infection, and is basically useless as a prophylaxis.

Well, that's just wrong.

It's bad information and that person needs to be corrected in the open forum, lest someone else come in and read that in the future and put it into practice on their herd. It's not a matter of opinion at that point -- indeed, it's widely accepted as fact that tetanus anti-toxin provides protection for up to 2 weeks..

As it turns out, that actually happened -- and it was ME who made the incorrect statement. I was corrected pretty quickly, and instead of hitting the REPORT button against the few folks who corrected me on account of hurting my feelings or singling out my "opinions" personally, I was bad!

I even went to another thread and corrected another statement I'd made to the same effect.

My point is...corrections truly need to be made sometimes. I'm sure we can all agree that it's probably best to sprinkle a little sugar around when you're calling out misinformation, but suffice it to say that when it's happened to me -- especially in the tetanus instance -- there was no sugar coating. It was like BAM!'re wrong, here's what's right, end of story.

But, hey, that was fine with me. The corrections, if not 'pleasant' per se, would be clear and concise to folks who run across them in the future. That's what's necessary, as far as I'm concerned..

Anyway...that's mostly what I'm getting at.
