Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Overrun with beasties
Jan 15, 2020
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SoCal middle of desert
coronavirus is a respiratory viral infection there are 20 something different strains actually the one that dogs get is different than the COVID 19 strain. However the COVID19 strain can be passed from humans to animals and that's why its been so difficult to contain.
and swine flu did start with pigs but any pig farmer will tell you you can give your pigs the flu if you handle them when you're sick and vice versa. same with colds and diarrhea.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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There were so many and still are on mixed reports on this virus. Your probably right i have read so many articles its probably all mixed up in there . Coffee isn't helping this morning lack of sleep is kicking my butt today if i don't get some soon who knows what could happen. I just thought it was funny considering they where telling people not to eat dogs because of it. They say alot of things i am not sure i believe them. Add in to the fact this virus isn't a level i would think would call for all of this. I still think it's mostly a distraction to all the things going on with the voting machines and the election coming up. It's seems to me like most of the hype is a distraction. Some news agency seems to have forget to report on anything else.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The whole shut down, stock market panic and all is affecting the cattle prices. We went to a sale today and the feeder steers were an average of 20 to 30 cents per pound less and heifers were also. 400-600 lb steers were mostly in the 1.25 to 1.40 per lb and they were in the 1.40 to 1.65 last week. Saw some nice 500+/- weight heifers bring .95 to 1.15 when they were in the 1.10 to 1.30 last week. There is talk that the special feeder sale we were consigning cattle to next week may be canceled. And we kept these feeders and didn't sell back in Feb, and put all this feed into them and now this.... I realize no one really saw this c-19 getting this bad..... but we are running out of feed so will not be able to keep them much longer....can't ride this out as they are on silage and once it is gone, they will be on just hay and they will lose weight and condition, until they get accustomed, because our grazing season is still 6 weeks away at best, and that is more lost money.....
Buyers are watching the cattle futures and they are dropping the max allowed everyday for the last week. Guys are losing alot on the fat cattle that are going to slaughter, and they can't afford to pay for the 900-1000 lb cattle to put back on feed, so the graziers that buy the 4-6 wts can't afford to pay what our feeders should be worth. The whole system sucks. Yet the price the "big 4" cattle slaughter companies are still getting the same prices for the boxed beef they were getting a month ago, so you are still paying the same for beef in the stores..... and now it is harder to find due to the run on the groceries, so they will just up the prices and claim there is a short supply.....


True BYH Addict
Oct 6, 2018
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SW Missouri
All the panic is just mystifying to me. We have 7 cases in Mo. All of them travelled to other places and were subjected to it there. No case here was due to community spread....yet nearly all schools are closing, people are buying anything in sight, even if they have no need for it. ARE PEOPLE LOSING THERE EVER LOVING MINDS?!
At some point someone needs to remind people there is no supply issue.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
Massachusetts has 197 cases. We're not WA, NY, or CA, but the number is growing fast. Most should be exposure before "social distancing" now...I hope. I'm also hoping for 2 weeks of rising numbers then leveling out.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The whole panic/hysterical buying is that there will be a supply issue in the near future; because, if no one is working now, then in a month or two there won't be anything to resupply with.

You are right, this is as ridiculous as it gets.....but if you live in an apartment, live paycheck to paycheck, and eat out an average of at least 4 meals a week, don't do anything more than heat up prepackaged food when you are home, stop at the store when you are down to the last roll of toilet paper or paper towels, and get a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk and some thing to make quick for dinner 2 more days a week..... with nothing more in the cabinets for more than a day or two of supplies.....and don't know what to do with the kids for more than an hour or two a day and suddenly they are there for 24 hrs for days on end..... you are going to lose your ever lovin' mind. Plus, think of all the toilet paper that is used at all the other places they are, and suddenly they are all home using it......

If they showed half this much concern when we had some of the other flu's..... GRRRR:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Well honestly it's closely related to the common cold. That's why this is annoying to those of us. The only CDC state symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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PA has closed all non- essential businesses, but they are only allowing ten people there. We have many factories in this area...thousands of workers...laid end in site. We go to Sunday dinner every week at our best friends. They are in FL. Flying home tomorrow. I told Chris that we can’t go for awhile. He said, if they weren’t just traveling, he wouldn’t care...but, since they’ve been on planes, etc....he’s also supposed to work on the race car with him Wednesday night...he’s going tomorrow instead. I feel bad, and hope they understand. All the casinos in the country are closed...EXCEPT in Salamanca....right near here where my Dad and his...umm. Wife? Go and waste thousands of dollars!! We’ve told him not to go. But, he’s still going to his senior center tomorrow for a poker tournament. They didn’t decide yet if they should close? Are you kidding me? PA has over 187 cases...everything is shut down..but not the senior center my dad goes to!! Nuts!! I do realize, that a lot of this sounds crazy, feels even more crazy. But, in my opinion...if it’s needed to stop this...then so be it. The first person to get the trial vaccine took it in WA today...healthy young woman. Even if it works, they won’t have enoug( to give everyone for 18 mths. The Pharm called today before delivery of my meds to be sure I wasn’t sick. I signed the slip and went to hand back the pen...he said, no, we have to make you keep them....geez


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Because it caused so much serious sickness, and then so many deaths in China, SO FAST, and we were not given a little heads up until it had hit epidemic proportions over there, and it spread so fast into other places like Italy, and there is SO MUCH TRAVEL nowadays, and the incubation period is longer from pre-symptom people, it can spread so far and so fast. Plus, it is a strain that has never been seen in people before so it just went viral.... and people went totally nuts over it.

And I am very sorry, but like was said earlier, maybe by @The_V's , or someone else, that since it does affect the elderly and the ones with compromised immune systems, it is a way that nature has to weed out the less healthy.
Understand that my parents are in their mid-80's..... my mom has some dementia and other mobility problems, my dad had a severe stroke in July and has made a near miraculous recovery...... but they are still on that list of compromised immune systems, as well as just being elderly. I don't want them getting it or dying. I wouldn't want them to be one of the ones like in Italy where people are dying so fast, and the hospitals are so overwhelmed that people are dying in the hallways waiting for a bed and doctors are making decisions who to treat first..... with younger and healthier people getting some preferable status.....

It is mostly that it spreads so far and so fast mostly due to the "mobile" state of our existence nowadays, that this has become such a big deal. I get that they want to slow down the speed that people get it, so as to not overwhelm our hospitals and "emergency" response ability, all at once. When all the BS came about with the "Affordable health care act" , and there were fewer and fewer choices of doctors and the way things really worked out, health care costs went way up and alot of small hospitals had to close because they could not afford to stay open and operate on a basis that they could pay the bills. Many were "for profit" hospitals, many of the small ones were a "first stop" for sick people, and then worse cases were transferred to larger hospitals, of which many of them were subsidized by universities and other things that helped to cover costs. But with the mandate that we all must have everything available, and that the smaller ones often could not meet these requirements, they closed. Look at all the doctors that quit delivering babies due to the cost of the malpractice insurances......
So all this has contributed to fewer hospitals, and so now when you go to the emergency room, you sit and wait. There are many more people there. you are exposed to all the germs, bugs, viruses, bacterias, etc., and so on.......
And you don't know if the person next to you in the restaurant, or the grocery store check out line, or the movie theatre, or in church, was at their own house and job all week or if they visited their brother/cousin/uncle that just got home from a trip to Hong Kong where they carried the virus home with no symptoms.....

So all the shut downs are to try to SLOW DOWN the speed that it is spreading so a million people don't all get real sick at once and the hospitals cannot take care of them and they are having to make choices of who to treat. I get the reasoning..... I think we should have closed our borders .... tighter..... sooner...... to prevent so many travelers in, that could be carrying it. There are going to be alot of people who get it and get over it with no big deal..... but they are more contagious than people with other types of "bugs". A greater number of people will have some immunity to it after getting it.... we just have to go through this initial "infection stage" with hopefully not too many becoming deathly sick.

And that means dealing with all the WTF idiots in the meantime.
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