Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I appreciate all the articles being shared.... especially since I am not a computer person so don't go on and look or find much of this info.... sorta like I need someone to practically put it in front of me.....

Talked to my sister yesterday when she was on the way to my parents place in NH , to see my dad and how he was doing after my mom passing Tuesday... be there as some support I guess for a bit.... and talk to my brothers and all.
Anyway, she said that her co-worker's granddaughter got the first covid shot, because of the rules being imposed now for some of the sports.... she has had a very bad reaction to it, has the heart inflamation, swelling, and wound up in the hospital... now, nearly a month later, she has no strength, no energy, loses her breath walking down the hallway at the house going to her room.... and the doctors are concerned that this may have caused permanent damage. This is horrible as this kid was into every sport imaginable... my sister said the family is going ballistic and threatening the school system with a lawsuit...they have already contacted a lawyer,,,,, because this "vaccine" is not an approved vaccine, and that the school had no right to require it for the kids to take it to play in the sports.....this child may never be "right again".... and sissy said the young girl is beside herself and so depressed over not being able to even do normal stuff....

So please, please, do not give it to your kids at this point in time. You read the statistics and all... but this is an actual case of someone that is "known"... to my sister at least....
Her son and daughter-in-law have a little girl and they are talking another child and so neither of them will take it either because of possible problems with infertility, sterility, or birth defects.

This vaccine has only "emergency authorization"... it has not gone through all the studies and all to get full FDA and whatever other boards' approval. With the increasing numbers of reported adverse effects.... everyone should think twice and three times and then think again, about giving it to kids and younger people.
It may have been the saving grace for older people and people with co-morbidities and problems...

Sadly, I think we are going to pay for this dearly down the road.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
One of the things that I have been reading, is that with all these new "variants" of the coronavirus, that the "vaccine" that was originally developed....will not actually protect you from the variants because the mRNA that causes the spike protein... is specific.... and that you will actually get sicker from the variants if you have had the vaccine, rather than if you get a natural immunity from being exposed or contracting the virus its self.... because by getting natural exposure, it does not target just the one strain, but causes your body to produce anti-bodies to ANY strain that you get exposed to in the future... it says, hey, this is SIMILAR the last one, and so if it is like it, it is something we need to guard against... the vaccine says.... this is not the exact thing so not to worry about it.... and the variant gets through...

I don't know how exact that is... but it makes sense. You get a flu "vaccine" which is based on the most "likely" strain they think will hit.... and so another strain hits and you have some but not a full reaction because it is similar but not the same....and you get sick anyway....

The thing that concerns me is that this mRNA type has been used on animals and every study that I have been able to find .....they have halted the studies because all the animals had reactions and/or DIED during the studies.

The passing of the blood/brain barrier is concerning to me.
And now the huge rise in things like the heart problems, inflamation and such, in younger people..... and the possible other side effects... because this "warp speed" developement of this "vaccine" has not gone through the studies normally required, so it is not been given full status, but only an "emergency authorization".

It may have been the best way for elderly and people with co-morbidities , to be able to fight this off.... but there is not any good reason that I see to give it to younger people that have less chance of dying from "covid" than they do of dying from the "regular" flu.... with the long term side effects not having been studied because there hadn't been any long term trials available....

How many drugs were approved that have been taken off the market after hundreds of people had problems with or reactions to the drugs....with far smaller numbers than have been reported to the CDC and such through that VAERS system....

The fact that the studies of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were squashed as basically "voodoo" medicine..... because of the fact that they were brought to the forefront due to Trump.... really sets wrong with me. Especially since they have both been QUIETLY now approved for use.... That is really WRONG.
I don't care who promotes it.... if it is a basically SAFE drug, why not try repurposing it.... We do it with animal drugs all the time.....especially if it has a good track record for what it was originally prescribed for....if it can't hurt why not try it....?????

But then it is well known that getting and keeping your body as healthy as possible is not good for the big pharma.... and results in fewer doctor visits... so they cannot keep you coming back to take more and more drugs.

I keep getting all these "reminders" to come in for this test and that, to get this shot and that.... I need this booster for this and that.... I would be going to the dr office every month for something if I let them start with the whole list of things I "need" to stay healthy.... yet I have done without most of them all my life by trying to naturally stay healthy.....
Maybe I will miss something, and wind up with some dreaded disease, or cancer... or something. But I just don't see having to go in for this test and that test constantly. I am not going to live in FEAR, that I might get sick.... but rather live, and believe, that I am going to basically be a healthy person by trying to keep my body in decent shape and not overdue stupid stuff like constant junk food, and unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles. I am far from perfect, and I like to indulge in "unhealthy" things too.... But I refuse to get on the treadmill of a pill for this and a pill for that.... and keep on taking more and more that causes more and more reactions that requires more and more pills....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
One of the things that I have been reading, is that with all these new "variants" of the coronavirus, that the "vaccine" that was originally developed....will not actually protect you from the variants because the mRNA that causes the spike protein... is specific.... and that you will actually get sicker from the variants if you have had the vaccine, rather than if you get a natural immunity from being exposed or contracting the virus its self.... because by getting natural exposure, it does not target just the one strain, but causes your body to produce anti-bodies to ANY strain that you get exposed to in the future... it says, hey, this is SIMILAR the last one, and so if it is like it, it is something we need to guard against... the vaccine says.... this is not the exact thing so not to worry about it.... and the variant gets through...

I don't know how exact that is... but it makes sense. You get a flu "vaccine" which is based on the most "likely" strain they think will hit.... and so another strain hits and you have some but not a full reaction because it is similar but not the same....and you get sick anyway....

The thing that concerns me is that this mRNA type has been used on animals and every study that I have been able to find .....they have halted the studies because all the animals had reactions and/or DIED during the studies.

The passing of the blood/brain barrier is concerning to me.
And now the huge rise in things like the heart problems, inflamation and such, in younger people..... and the possible other side effects... because this "warp speed" developement of this "vaccine" has not gone through the studies normally required, so it is not been given full status, but only an "emergency authorization".

It may have been the best way for elderly and people with co-morbidities , to be able to fight this off.... but there is not any good reason that I see to give it to younger people that have less chance of dying from "covid" than they do of dying from the "regular" flu.... with the long term side effects not having been studied because there hadn't been any long term trials available....

How many drugs were approved that have been taken off the market after hundreds of people had problems with or reactions to the drugs....with far smaller numbers than have been reported to the CDC and such through that VAERS system....

The fact that the studies of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were squashed as basically "voodoo" medicine..... because of the fact that they were brought to the forefront due to Trump.... really sets wrong with me. Especially since they have both been QUIETLY now approved for use.... That is really WRONG.
I don't care who promotes it.... if it is a basically SAFE drug, why not try repurposing it.... We do it with animal drugs all the time.....especially if it has a good track record for what it was originally prescribed for....if it can't hurt why not try it....?????

But then it is well known that getting and keeping your body as healthy as possible is not good for the big pharma.... and results in fewer doctor visits... so they cannot keep you coming back to take more and more drugs.

I keep getting all these "reminders" to come in for this test and that, to get this shot and that.... I need this booster for this and that.... I would be going to the dr office every month for something if I let them start with the whole list of things I "need" to stay healthy.... yet I have done without most of them all my life by trying to naturally stay healthy.....
Maybe I will miss something, and wind up with some dreaded disease, or cancer... or something. But I just don't see having to go in for this test and that test constantly. I am not going to live in FEAR, that I might get sick.... but rather live, and believe, that I am going to basically be a healthy person by trying to keep my body in decent shape and not overdue stupid stuff like constant junk food, and unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles. I am far from perfect, and I like to indulge in "unhealthy" things too.... But I refuse to get on the treadmill of a pill for this and a pill for that.... and keep on taking more and more that causes more and more reactions that requires more and more pills....
A BIG HUGE AMEN!!!! to that!
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