Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
Really, are all these people going to make their own bread??!! :rolleyes:
Lol, actually we went to the store the other day to get flour for that exact reason since all the bread was off the shelves. Flour was all gone and so was the yeast. No baking bread for us I guess.

My sister just told me her friend was robbed broad daylight in from of Kroger. People rumidging through her bag taking stuff. She called the cops and they told her it's the 3rd time in 2 weeks they've been called out.

Society at it's best.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
Shelves are all empty of canned goods and for some reason FLOUR! I UNDERSTAND WHY ALL THE BREAD AND TOILET PAPER IS GONE, BUT ALL THE FLOUR? Really, are all these people going to make their own bread??!! :rolleyes: Most people anymore can't even make a home cooked meal let alone bake bread! I wanted flour because I figured I would make shortening biscuits and use it to thicken gravy. However, I have lots of instant mash potatoes and can use that for thickening.

I'm betting they have good intentions of making bread, just like all the folks who say they can't stand to kill their chickens and eat them, but would be able to "if I had to in an emergency and we were really hungry". All those folks trying to learn a skill AFTER they need to know it will be mighty sad with the results. The time to learn how to make do is every chance you get in your life to do so, so you'll know how when you have to.

Close to us we aren't seeing a run on store shelves like folks are describing's hit or miss. My local DG has no toilet paper but it has everything else~cleaning supplies, food, meds, etc. No folks acting ugly except at Sam's Club, where I saw a few cidiots pulling two carts at a time piled high with paper towels and such.

I'm very pleased with how WV seems to be handling it, though that could be due to not having any confirmed cases and/or we always stay pretty stocked up out here in the sticks. It's the townies that seem to be the most unprepared, which is natural, I guess.

My mother's line dancing class~all ladies 60s up to 85(my mother is the eldest)~didn't cancel their dance practice and most of the folks I saw in the stores on Monday were elderly folks. Don't seem a bit phased by the whole elderly being the most at risk thing. I'm glad.

I only ever use homemade bread, so we stay pretty well stocked to do so here and even have a grain mill for grinding our own wheat, which I also have on hand. It's a handy skill to have and it's nice having real bread all the time. My brother was complaining about not finding any yeast on the shelves and I'm wondering why in the world they didn't have any at home, as his wife fancies herself a chef. Guess they are going to have to start a sourdough.....


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
I wonder if those people grabbing all the flour KNOW that they need YEAST to make bread?! I have yeast in the fridge, but no flour. LOL If they don't have yeast they can make cake! :gig

I told DH and DS1 that they are not allowed to have eggs for breakfast any more since we are having a hard time getting them. LOL Very sad family - too bad, they can make pancakes. I also have oatmeal. "Please, sir, may I have some more?" :smackHEE HEE HEE!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
And they wonder why there is a run on ammo and guns????? When people are stealing your groceries right out in broad daylight.??????

This is scary in that it is a harbinger of things to come. This will get better and blow over. There will be a vaccine, or at least they will figure out how it will mutate and how to manage it like they do the different varieties of flu.. But mark my words, there will be another "emergency" and things will continue to get worse as the population gets bigger and "dependent city-type" people do less to really become somewhat self-sufficient and able to rely on themselves; instead of relying more on more and more government handouts. And I don't think that it will be another 100 years like since the spanish flu in 1918. I may not live to see it, but this is the 2nd financial crisis in less than 20 years..... 2008-09...

I don't spend alot of time on our sister website sufficientself, but do go there from time to time. There's alot of good stuff on there too. The thing is, maybe we all need to get just a little more prepared than we are right now, to be able to really pull in and isolate ourselves from others and be able to do it comfortably for more than a few days or weeks.

I know that I am assessing some of what I have here, and realizing that I did have the surgery that I had tried to prepare for and had lived here for nearly a month with very few inputs from out in the real world except for a few things my son got me. And the milk and bananas and all, was simply because it was easier than for me to try to even think about it with the physical limitations at the time.
But I am also thinking about the freezers, and the electricity to keep them running. I do not want to have everything canned; although I guess if I had to I could. But the convenience of having the freezers, and the quality of the food that comes out of them I prefer. A whole house generator, natural gas which will keep as opposed to diesel. Something I have given some thoughts to but never really seriously.

I like being able to order things like my vit C and other things like that. I appreciate the modern world of medicines, and the pain pills and things. Still, I am thinking things that I use, and do every day, and am thinking more about wanting a place where we (son and even friends) can be more isolated, yet more able to take care of our mutual needs. Maybe we will look at what we are doing and change our strategies a little. might even push his comment that maybe we ought to move somewhere there aren't so many people.... I do think that I might become a little more prepared with supplements and that. And yes, even with a little more toilet paper in reserve!!!!!

I am also trying to clean out some more clutter, and take a hard look at things that I have and if I really want them or am I just a hoarder.... which I am. But some of this is really silly stuff.... other things like all my books are really a boon to times of inactivity.

First things first..... get through all this, get the ankle working, and grow a garden again this year. Can stuff, and freeze stuff. That is why I have nearly all my grandmothers canning jars in storage. Make order out of the junk piles that I just stack instead of having stuff on shelves and in some sort of a neat order.
Breed some of my purebred show birds so I have a viable group of birds and breeders to carry through. Start back with the "left-behind" cornish again, thinking sometime in April or May, will have to find out when the next group goes out; and raise as many as I can and start canning some for use as well as freeze. Cut more up into parts and then take the carcasses and cook down into broth that can be canned and stored. I should have a beef to kill this year and I will make it a point of having a whole bunch done up into things like hot dogs and stuff again even though it is not cheap; because it is my beef. That way I know what I am eating. A friend gets some pigs to use to "till up" the barn floor and get it so they can clean it out and spread it on the fields and have a clean start every fall. Might just see about one of them since I cannot have one here.

Okay, it is past time for some dinner. Had eggs, and some sausage out of the freezer for late breakfast, need to figure out what interests me for this eve.

I will have a dairy heifer to calve this coming late summer, then several that are with the bull that should be ready to calve late fall. They will get calves but a couple are cows, so have been milked before. I just would like to get things more convenient to me. Finding a place would be nice where I can have my cow(s) at home and my chickens right there too.


Herd Master
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
Well, here we run through 6 loaves of bread in about 5 days and that's with only one sandwich per person. So, we've near run it and with no yeast out flour to be found I looked up basic breads. Came up with something called Navajo flat bread.
2 cups flour
Baking powder

Seems fairly basic, only takes 35 min and makes 8 so the children all get a sandwich if they are cut in 2. I need a diet anyway.


True BYH Addict
Oct 6, 2018
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SW Missouri
Even my guard dog has gotten in on the craziness.


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
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Clinton (piedmont) SC
School closings, business closings, public gathering limits, all the stuff we're talking about on here.
Maybe overdone, maybe just prudent.
But the city I moved from last year, Columbia, S.C. (and the state Capitol) will, as of tomorrow, institute a curfew......drumroll please....wait for it......
From 11:00 pm to 6:00 am.
???? Wait....what....what time? How's THAT supposed to help? Buying a years supply of toilet paper makes more sense.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
There are other reason for a girl to crave chocolate lol its chocolate xerocles mmm oooo cookie and cream ice cream sounds good to. But no the store is out just rude.
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