Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
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Even though the Tennessee order doesn't have a lot of teeth, people are paying attention. I called the vet and asked them to set aside flea and tick collars for three of our dogs and when I got there, saw that they are only letting one client at a time in the office and provide a station to wash your hands as you come in.

Traffic in town is usually pretty heavy at noon but today looked like a Sunday morning. All of the restaurants are closed as well as most of the fast food places.
Here in mid-Wales folk are behaving quite well. too. Supermarkets have 'spacer lines' to ensure social distancing outside the store entrance and by the checkouts where folk must wait. Only a certain number of folk are allowed into the store. There's disinfectant wipes for the trolleys and perspex screens in front of the cashiers. We're encouraged to pay 'contactless' and to take our own receipts or go through the 'self serve' checkouts.

The farm store has its shop closed. Feed and farm supplies are ordered and paid for over the 'phone and we give our car reg. number and our approximate time to get to the store. There we are encouraged to stay in our vehicles and feed etc is loaded into the trailer/trunk. Very little contact.

There are a lot of exceptions for essential business here in NC. Such as liquor stores. But, I guess we don't need the alcoholics crowding the ER's because of withdrawal either.
Maurine and I were talking about it and probably the best thing they did was when they closed the schools. All of those kids getting together every day and then going back to their house and their grandparents. That probably more than anything slowed this thing down.
And in hindsight the mayor of NY not closing the schools may be partly to blame for why things are so bad there now.
Our 'booze shops' remain open, too. I like a drop of wine (or two) but always have a good supply in, so don't need to go anywhere other than my local supermarkets. Like you, our little country did 'too little, too late' in my opinion, such that schools, pubs, non-essential shops etc remained open whilst the virus spread. Our infection rates are much like yours. Hopefully lockdown will arrest that growth for all of us.


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
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Clinton (piedmont) SC 6am, South Carolina has a burning ban "until further notice". Seems smoke inhalation mimics symptoms of Covid 19. Wettest winter/ spring in memory and I just cleared an area for a burn pile two weeks ago.
Guess we're about to go into a stay at home and don't do anything phase.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
Went to the dr today, they had a tent at the driveway entrance, nurses took temp asked travel questions and general flu symptoms questions, all staff inside wore masks, Dr. Had mask and full face shield and gloves.
Walmart pharmacy, you had to wait in line 6 foot apart to get your turn to go inside the store..., pharmacy now has full plexi shield up for their masked personel, cashiers have plexi for their safety in the grocery checkout.....
Felt like I went out into another world today...not comfortable one at all !


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
I have a couple of respirators that I use when spraying paint that ought to keep people at least 6 feet away from me if I wore that.

my husband has a respirator that he wore while spraying a customer's lawn. The customer asked him to stop; he said it was :hide scaring the neighbors.:hide

The chief surgeon at the local hospital thinks everyone should wear masks, even if you are out walking the dog, or whatever - you never know when you might encounter another human. He admits it probably won't protect you, other than keeping you from touching your face, but he thinks just seeing you wearing a mask (any mask) will make people try to avoid you - thereby keeping you from infecting them.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
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Fort Worth, TX area
The chief surgeon at the local hospital thinks everyone should wear masks, even if you are out walking the dog, or whatever - you never know when you might encounter another human. He admits it probably won't protect you,
This is the part that is driving me nuts right now! Everyone is saying wear a fashion fabric masks! Sew masks for our nurses! This is a MEGAFAIL on 2 counts- Particle Size and Fit.
Virii are < 0.3 microns. Some sources say Coronavirus particles are on average 0.125 micron. A N95 micron mask will catch 95% of <0.007 micron particles by design. Fabric with a micron rating under 5 microns let alone 1 is NOT standard household fabric!

Also, to actually catch anything the air needs to not bypass the filter. Any gaps around your nose or jaw means the air will go right on by. The basic work fit test is mask on tight and swamp gas stink tube while your head is a bag. You smell it your mask didn't fit. You could use these inside a well fitted fabric and get somewhere, maybe. Most stock in raw 0.1micron sheet goods is being diverted.

Random fabric on hand- it's like trying to catch mice with 6"x 6" welded wire. Just increasing my anxiety that CDC is basically recommending a placebo.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
I think that the rapid rate of spread is one way to determine what a person is sick with. I don't see how anyone can not catch it if they live in the same house. But I might be wrong. There should be a antibodies test soon; looks like CDC just rolled it out.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana
My husband says the masks is so you don't share the virus.. not so you don't get it. He says he can't wear it for his job... not for 8 to 10 hours working on farm equipment... IDK I am going to get groceries tonight... probably won't wear anything, though I have a respirator for working in the farmhouse... Makes me feel like Darth. :rolleyes:


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Even the CDC is saying to wear a fabric mask if going out and they have patterns on their website for making them. While it may not be perfect it is better than nothing. I made one for my husband that has a pocket for an additional filter and the suggestion from the CDC for a filter is a coffee filter. I also read that blue shop paper towels are the best...they did some actual lab testing to find a good filter. I can't find paper masks, but I can make a cloth one.

This is the part that is driving me nuts right now! Everyone is saying wear a fashion fabric masks! Sew masks for our nurses! This is a MEGAFAIL on 2 counts- Particle Size and Fit.
Virii are < 0.3 microns. Some sources say Coronavirus particles are on average 0.125 micron. A N95 micron mask will catch 95% of <0.007 micron particles by design. Fabric with a micron rating under 5 microns let alone 1 is NOT standard household fabric!

Also, to actually catch anything the air needs to not bypass the filter. Any gaps around your nose or jaw means the air will go right on by. The basic work fit test is mask on tight and swamp gas stink tube while your head is a bag. You smell it your mask didn't fit. You could use these inside a well fitted fabric and get somewhere, maybe. Most stock in raw 0.1micron sheet goods is being diverted.

Random fabric on hand- it's like trying to catch mice with 6"x 6" welded wire. Just increasing my anxiety that CDC is basically recommending a placebo.
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