Herd Master
Unfortunately, I fit in with the weak immune system...have auto immune...but...I’m still being optimistic!! I did put a post on the coffe thread about a podcast we listened to from a scientist involved in the vaccine. My family cancelled the Vegas trip..,yeah! Our stock market guy called us personally to tell us how much we lost. For once, Chris didn’t care!! What?! I sure did!! But, Chris said that he’s not taking the sticks out, so eventually they will go back up. We don’t need the money, so, for us, it’s , hopefully, ok....I mean, we don’t need that money know? In case you don’t get a chance to read my post on the coffee thread...the biggest thing the scientist said...this is not going to be over in a month. He said they could have a vaccine tomorrow, but they have no way to prove it’s safe down the line. That takes time. So, he said, be prepared for at least 3-6, maybe more, of this....he also said...the people who are super freaked out, need to calm down, but the people who aren’t worried, need to get concerned. So, while I’m concerned, I’m trying to keep my stress we all know that stress drags us down.