Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Unfortunately, I fit in with the weak immune system...have auto immune...but...I’m still being optimistic!! I did put a post on the coffe thread about a podcast we listened to from a scientist involved in the vaccine. My family cancelled the Vegas trip..,yeah! Our stock market guy called us personally to tell us how much we lost. For once, Chris didn’t care!! What?! I sure did!! But, Chris said that he’s not taking the sticks out, so eventually they will go back up. We don’t need the money, so, for us, it’s , hopefully, ok....I mean, we don’t need that money know? In case you don’t get a chance to read my post on the coffee thread...the biggest thing the scientist said...this is not going to be over in a month. He said they could have a vaccine tomorrow, but they have no way to prove it’s safe down the line. That takes time. So, he said, be prepared for at least 3-6, maybe more, of this....he also said...the people who are super freaked out, need to calm down, but the people who aren’t worried, need to get concerned. So, while I’m concerned, I’m trying to keep my stress we all know that stress drags us down. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
We haven't done anything but reading for the past two years. this is our first comment. the only thing we have seen related to COVID-19 is a minor panic in buying up TP and cleaning supplies. a few local closing off of nursing homes for the protection of seniors.

We are a hobby farmers and have small acreage. we bought in the path of progress and it is close to paying off. we have a generous offer to close very soon. this time we are moving so far out that we are coming out on the other side---literally half way between two small towns east/west and a little further apart to two smaller towns north/south in South Central Texas.

our main interest is truck gardening, with chickens, Nigerian Dwarf goats, a donkey, dogs and lots of cats.

we are better prepared than most. we have a year supply of canned and dehydrated food. an abundant supply of eggs.

as mentioned in the first paragraph the supply chain problems are minor. keep you posted on that. just going to hunker down and weather the storm. Mostly worried about the political fallout.

living the dream on the small country farm

Farmer How
Welcome to the forum. I also lurked here for awhile before joining. This is a wonderful site with lots of nice people, I hope you stick around and that we get to know you. Good luck on selling your place for a tidy profit and moving on to somewhere else more to your liking. Would love to hear more about you and your farm. If you like, you could go to the new members forum and introduce yourself. Glad to have you here.


Overrun with beasties
Mar 7, 2020
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We're pretty well prepared year round.
On our own well and septic so we keep large bottles of water in each bathroom to facilitate flushing if the power goes out. (which it frequently does) I have about eight large bottles and refill them once in a while. Beats buying water.
There's also the outside cook shack which I use all summer. Four bottles of propane and a Steel Keg, Charcoal BBQ.
The only thing I did buy specifically to deal with the current "Scare" is 12 crossbow arrows and 12 broadheads.
Like most of us here, we have plenty of livestock should the need arise.
We also happen to be overrun with Blacktail Deer.
I'm in a couple of church choirs which, for the moment are day to day.
My biggest challenge so far?
The NHL season is on hold.
I'd say we're pretty lucky.
Be safe, people.
P.S. I do spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to believe.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
No TP anywhere. Maybe I should invest in a bidet?

Or maybe a bucket and a hose? :lol: That would really wake you up!

No toilet paper here either. DS1 just tried 5 stores all out. Luckily future DIL ordered some on Amazon. Hope it gets here. Too bad Sears doesn't publish a catalogue any more - I could hang one from a hay rope in each bathroom! Rustic chic!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
We need to get hay, but raining like mad here so don't want to bring any home unless we can load it into the shed dry. On the other hand, we can bring it home in the stock trailer and tarp it. Also need more rolled barley corn for the lambs that need to fatten just a bit before going off to the butcher in a few weeks. For some reason Chewy says the dog food we order is out of stock? I don't know why people would stock up on dog food instead of people food.

I had to increase my autoship order of dog food which os when I noticed they were out of stock on my brand. Hopefully they will get more in by April 1. We just got our order so good for now.

I don't like people panicking and grabbing everything off the shelves like this. It is not like a blizzard where you can't get out to the store! As of today called all the membership and cancelled the next 3 weeks of Bridge club. The senior center is closing, but staying open just to serve the hot lunch program. I would rather eat a cold sandwich than a hot lunch that was made by strangers in a senior center that is closing all other programs due to the virus!

The schools are closing for 2 weeks, and our mayor has banned any gathering of more than 50 people! Does that include the homeless camps? Our governor has made emergency rules commandeering hotel rooms for people infected with Covid. What is that about? Most hotels share air filtration and heating ductwork, making it easier for the virus to travel between rooms. Are they going to put sick people in the hotels and then allow the hotels to take in paying customers too? Are sick people going to be forced into those hotels to be quarantined? That sort of stuff is scarier to me than the virus!

I am really worried that panic may set in soon to the point that people will begin to attack others. The networks are not helping either. They are hyping up the dangers from this virus. Most children will not get it. Most younger healthy adults will not get it. Most older healthy people will not get a dangerous case. Unfortunately, many people that are infected will be unknowing carriers with little or no symptoms. The most publicized case is Tom and Rita Hanks who when they had it just thought they were tired and had a small cold! That is the dangerous aspect of this virus, that people don't feel sick so they go about their normal activities ad spread it. However, according to the CDC, Covid 19 has already mutated to a less virulent form. As I understand what the CDC said, that milder form is the form that is currently spreading in this county from those who originally brought it in.

Keep calm - Oh yes, and buy stock at the bottom price if you can afford to hold it for a while. What goes up must come down, and what goes down will come back up. Just have to hope and pray.

Stay safe and well everyone. :hugs :hugs


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
Y'all may never have heard of the North Carolina Azalea Festival, but it's a big deal around here. For the last 72 years, it's been an early-April fixture; a community-wide party that goes on for the better part of a week, with concerts, garden tours, a street fair, fireworks, a parade, etc. A lot of the local economy is based around tourism, and the Azalea Festival is pretty much the kick-off of our tourist season ("if it's tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?" "Welcome to Wrightsville Beach - now go home" - yeah, definitely a love/hate relationship). Well, they've just cancelled the Azalea Festival for this year. Ironic; the opening salvo is the announcement of which celebrity is going to be this year's Queen Azalea, which they just did a few days ago, and now they're telling her (and everyone else, including the Azalea Belles) that they are all dressed up with no place to go. I wonder whether she will be available for next year, or if she will forever be the Queen that Wasn't. That will probably be the fate of a lot of the Belles - they are all high school girls, and a lot will probably graduate before next year's festivities. Yep, this one's gonna bite us all, one way or another, but when you consider how many of the folks with tourist dollars to spend fall into the "at risk" categories, it makes sense . . . . :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Y'all may never have heard of the North Carolina Azalea Festival, but it's a big deal around here. For the last 72 years, it's been an early-April fixture; a community-wide party that goes on for the better part of a week, with concerts, garden tours, a street fair, fireworks, a parade, etc. A lot of the local economy is based around tourism, and the Azalea Festival is pretty much the kick-off of our tourist season ("if it's tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?" "Welcome to Wrightsville Beach - now go home" - yeah, definitely a love/hate relationship). Well, they've just cancelled the Azalea Festival for this year. Ironic; the opening salvo is the announcement of which celebrity is going to be this year's Queen Azalea, which they just did a few days ago, and now they're telling her (and everyone else, including the Azalea Belles) that they are all dressed up with no place to go. I wonder whether she will be available for next year, or if she will forever be the Queen that Wasn't. That will probably be the fate of a lot of the Belles - they are all high school girls, and a lot will probably graduate before next year's festivities. Yep, this one's gonna bite us all, one way or another, but when you consider how many of the folks with tourist dollars to spend fall into the "at risk" categories, it makes sense . . . . :idunno
Tyler, Texas does the same thing, plus the Rose Parade, Rose Queen, etc. But that is all cancelled.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
We have three close friendly neighbors who are in a bad way, cow neighbors wife is coming home from the hospital to spent her remaining days, goat noise neighbor just got home from hospital with his cancer issues,and isn't doing well at dear friend neighbor is loosing weight like crazy and I have been trying to encourage her to at least drink BOOST, she is so weak she just tilts and falls... ...if the virus arrives do you make a decision on who to help ? Everyone around us is in need right now and we are just getting over a month of being sick ourselfs...
I think many of us will have to make choices that we are not used to making, I am so wired to automatically help out those that are close to me....but we are all in our mid 60's plus in age.....???

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
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I have done a lot of first aid training over the years, and the first thing they always say is never enter a situation if it puts your life at risk. While it is good to help others, it’s better to be able to help other in the future. In a situation like that where everyone else is at risk but so are you that when you need to rely on the kindness of others who will be able to do what you can’t at the moment. It’s hard, but it’s what has to be done.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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San Antonio drank the koolade. They shutting things down, telling people not to go the hospital unless its a life or death situation. Anything over 250 people are banned. So here our plan get animal feed and a few groceries such as cow milk for the calf. And call it done. I am more stressed about this craziness then anything. My kids are homeschooler and we have lots of live stock on the property so it's not like we in a bad spot. We have a well, generators and other such things so no reasons to stress and yet here I am with four kids trying not to get upset... They only have one case here from some one that came in from another state. Two in Austin same thing. So both are shutting everything down. This might ger ugly. I was going to sale some birds but dh prefers we hold on to them incase we need to process them. I not feel to hot today to began with. Allergies are kicking my butt. Sinus headache burning eyes ect.
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