Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
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Eastern WA - USA
. . and catch it, and catch it, and catch it again (probably).

Just out of curiosity, I looked up what has since become known as the Black Death. Apparently there were three waves of it, in fairly quick succession, each a bit less lethal than the previous one. There's a lot of speculation as to why this was; "herd immunity" is one thought, as is the possibility that it was mutating into less and less nasty forms.
We can only hope that this will mutate into less nasty forms! The Bubonic Plague was pretty horrible!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
From the studies I have read, MOST, not all, "waves" of any type of infectious virus or disease, will hit in a "1st wave" then it will mutate a bit and any "waves" that come after will be a bit milder because the bodies defenses have reached a level of immunity against it. If it was the exact same virus as the first hit, it would fizzle out in no time because it would not be able to take hold in bodies that have some / a lot of immunity. So there is a mutation, and it will affect some but usually not as badly.
One of the reasons why so many that get the flu, but do not get as sick; There is some immunity from the body recognizing that it is an invader, but the new strain is not completely protected against. So flu shots can work as a "hedge" to help fight against whatever strain hits, but not always. Unfortunately, the ones that get hit are ones that usually always have other outlying problems, either due to older age and health issues, or due to young age and not having natural immunities, and their systems have little or no ability to fight it off even with a "similar " strain that they get the shot for. I have NO DOCUMENTED PROOF for this thought..... but I think that if you have a good functioning immune system from exposure to many things on a regular basis, you are better off not getting all sorts of vaccinations that might actually cause your own immune system to work against it. There have been some studies in cattle as to whether some of the MLV vaccines are as effective in animals that have had a passive immunity from previous exposure or from immunity that has passed from dam to calf. It is widely accepted that you should not give blackleg shots to a calf nursing it's mother until at least 6-10 weeks as the vaccine actually works against the immunity that is in the cow's colostrum and first milk.
And I am a big believer that giving too many vaccinations to a little baby, before their own system even has a chance to recognize what is a foreign invader, has caused many of the problems that kids have. You can overload their system. There is a study I read just recently that some of the "stablizers " used in vaccines are a big part of the problem.... like thimerisol and other preservatives. There are lots of studies that claim there is no problem, also. However, we did not have this huge number of ADD . and AUTISM, before the advent of this huge push to vaccinate babies with multiple vaccines all at once and at such young ages.
You will not stop people from getting this corona virus, possibly several times, any more than you are going to prevent people from getting the flu, with or without vaccination, or getting a common cold. Hopefully we will not see the horrible fast moving speed of it, but there will be other things to come along. This world is too transient, and things are spread too fast with other countries not having the same thoughts as we have about it and the possibilities for spreading it.

Maybe we should be quarantining people like we do animals when they are shipped to other would cut down on something like this ever happening..... and there would be no open borders then either.....


True BYH Addict
Oct 6, 2018
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SW Missouri
Hmmmm. I have one of those 4-foot-deep "inflatable" pools in the back yard; for years, it has had water hyacinths in it and it has been raising tree frogs by the skazillions. Do you reckon I could use it as a fish farm?
View attachment 73069
The "redneck pond," post-Florence.
You could easily raise tilapia in that.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Va just said we can start to have elective surgeries, some other lifting of some things. Ah, dentists can have routine appts. starting May 1st.... tomorrow. But we still have a "stay at home order" until June 10th??????


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Update from California.

In spite of the findings that the California form of the virus is milder than the NY virus, our quarantines are remaining in place. Studies show that being exposed to sunlight kills the virus but we have to stay inside our homes or apartments breathing germy air. No one is allowed to be in public without a mask. The corner mask sellers are doing a booming business. Wearing these masks is not very comfortable. I’m considering ordering a burka since I could wear a bathing suit under it in this heat. I won’t inflict the sight of me in a bathing suit on the public anymore. :sick

Our CA governor has signed a law closing state owned parks and recreation areas. He was going to close all the beaches, however yesterday decided only to close the Orange County ones since they had remained open during the heat spell and residents were driving in from other counties to go to them. The citizen’s disobedience to his recommendations due to the excessive heat and nothing else to do infuriated him. He is punishing us now. San Francisco beaches remained open. Go figure. Apparently there are several CA cities now calling for Newsom's impeachment. :gig

Our L.A. mayor has announced that he is also extending the quarantine indefinitely. All "non-essential" businesses are forbidden to open. HE will decide which businesses are “non-essential”. Any “non-essential” businesses will have their utilities shut off by the Department of Water and Power by his order. :ep

Now, in addition to enforced mask wearing, everyone over 65 remaining in their homes, and toilet paper and sanitizer in short supply, our mayor has issued an order rationing meat. You are only allowed to buy 2 lbs. of meat per visit to the market. I wonder if he is preparing to issue ration books! Luckily, we have plenty on the hoof, as well as 3 at the butcher along with my side of beef. :drool

Living in California is becoming more and more like living in a police state! Our governor was going to take our government aid money and give the illegals each about $1500. Nothing was coming to our citizens. Luckily, some citizens filed lawsuit and prevailed since that action is illegal. The more power these liberal dems are able to wield , the more they want, and the more they try to gather more. The socialist state (communism) looms ever closer. Luckily, our citizens are starting to get annoyed at this. They need to return to work and try to save their businesses. What few are left here. :\

We have been under quarantine 45 days and nights now. The Great Flood only lasted 40 days and nights. Judging by occasional relations in this household, if Noah and his family had not been able to disembark after the 40 days, it might have been the end of the human race! I imagine Mrs. Noah, her DDs, and DILs might have been getting a bit testy. :smack

Our new garden is coming along. I was able to get tomato, squash, and cucumber plants. I was also able to find a few packets of seeds. Naturally, the next day I got an automated message from Burpee saying that several of the “out of stock” seeds were back in stock. Of course, if our mayor and governor decide to ration water, we will have to buy bottled water to raise it.

It is a good thing that we have nice weather and beautiful scenery here because living under this political government is extremely worrying. Luckily, we have a barn full of young lambs, a field full of breeding ewes, the birds are building nests with the Dorper's shed wool, everything is in bloom (ACHOO!) and the hummingbirds are back.

God is good, and we have ammunition. :) Keep your powder dry and your rifle and bible close!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
FDIL's grandfather died of it 2 weeks ago. BUT he had TB as a young man and had many bouts of pneumonia resulting in badly scarred lungs. He also had some fibrosis in his lungs. FDIL's great aunt also had it but has almost recovered without being hospitalized. FDIL's sister had it and has just about recovered. All lived with grandfather so not surprising 3 people in household had it. With her sisters and brother home from college, there are about 9 of them at home right now. FDIL lives with us luckily (no room at home with all those siblings showing up - they took over her room!) FDIL's mother's test was inconclusive so she had another test Wednesday.

DH and I have phone appointments with our doctor Monday requesting antibody tests since we are pretty sure we already had it in February. When I talked to the Infectious Disease nurse at UCLA describing our symptoms she said it sounded like we had it since they are learning that it is not as dangerous to most people as originally thought.

I will let everyone know what happens with that. I think a lot more people had it before the quarantine than most people think. The news has really been effective with their scare tactics.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I think our family had it too. Our daughter, her husband and the 3 girls all were sick and felt bad. We kept the sick little girls. My husband got sick, deep in his chest with a cough that wouldn’t go away. He went to the doctor, got a steroid shot, antibiotic shot, antibiotic pills and a breathing thing that he used twice a day. I never got sick, so was probably a Typhoid Mary, going around spreading the virus. @Ridgetop I’m interested in your test results, if you had it or not.
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