Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Adversity and stress can certainly bring out the worst in folks. And with that - I'm outta here. You folks can keep on spewing hate - I'll take a pass!
I think what is going on here is more frustration with politicians than anything else. Bad laws and policies have led to rampant homelessness, drugs, things that nobody wants in their towns and cities. Instead of thinning out the herd, maybe thin out the politicians? (this is meant as a joke, ok, maybe a bad joke, but I have a streak of dark humor)

We as a nation, cherish the least among us. There are so many people with compromised health. This is why we have taken so many precautions that are quite restrictive. Some officials have gone too far overboard, swollen heads of their own importance and power over others. Other officials have used good sense, trying to strike a balance of keeping people safe, and letting the economy start back up before the country crashes in the worst depression the world has ever seen.

This is a virus. It is an insidious virus, it is sneaky, infected people shed the virus, sickening others for weeks before they themselves even know they are sick. We need to not lose sight of this fact. Some never even show symptoms. Some get deathly ill, but recover, albeit slowly, but they recover. Some die. Covid-19 is no respector of persons.

Whether you "know" anybody that has had Covid-19 or not, whether you believe the conspiracy theories swirling about or wherever it came from, the absolute truth is that this virus is real. It is a threat to the world population, just as much as any other pandemic of times past. It is a threat to healthy people, not just the unhealthy and/or elderly. Let us not argue with one another.

@frustratedearthmother, I truly believe no one here is a hater of anybody. I truly believe no one here wants to see anyone die from this virus. Discussions wander, thoughts come out in various ways, and they sure can strike a nerve. Please don't leave the discussion, we need everyone here.

We won't all agree all of the time. We are all under some degree of stress due to current conditions. This is tough on everybody, there is not one person in this country that has not been affected in some way, be it as simple as having to wear a mask all the way to having a loved one sicken and die alone in the hospital, watching your business shut down, or losing your job.

Bottom line is that we now have this virus. Whatever your feelings or beliefs, it is here and it is real.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
So where does helping people come from? Do u think it's from evolution? Did we just happen to evolve morals and values one day? Just some thoughts.

Not everyone has the same moral values or feelings abut helping others. It all depends on your upbringing and the morals of your society. It also depends on your own life experiences. Kindness must be taught.

Early tribal people made sure that the old and helpless were fed but also abandoned old and infirm relatives when they could no longer travel with the group. In their society at that time period it was necessary for the survival of all. In times of plenty people cared for orphans and the helpless. In times of famine many people starved, unfortunately the helpless first. In past centuries the churches and religious orders, not the government, cared for the indigent and helpless and dispensed charity. Moral values must be taught, the least kind people are small children. Unless they are taught kindness, small children are selfish and ruthless. Just see if a 2 year old wants to share unless he is made to "play nice"! LOL

It is only in the last 100 years that we see it as a duty for the government to care for the indigent. People now expect the government to care for them. Sadly, this mind set releases them from being responsible for their own welfare. We can all see the results of that irresponsibility.

There is no point in getting angry at someone who expresses feelings you don't agree with. There is no morality in feelings, only in the actions one takes based on those feelings.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
Went to a big Market Basket grocery store yesterday. I fear our area will be the first for round 2 (stay away from the Boston area!). Not a lot of space between people despite employees best efforts and a group of young men behind me verbally abused the petite older cashier woman for a long time until they left when she asked them to please stand on their line. She was terrified and shaking under her mask as they trashed her to the whole store. There is a lot of that attitude here. It's like they've forgotten the morgue trucks that were parked outside of their hospitals waiting for them or the cashier who works directly with hundreds of people daily to fall ill and not recover. I know they're in a hurry and think they're great, but "protect front line workers"?. We all need our groceries! Give someone's grandmother (or friend or spouse or sister) her space!!!

I hope warm weather helps. We're just barely warming up now. We all need a break.
From what I hear Boston is still not doing great and doubly needs that break.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I don’t think I could have stayed quiet with loud mouth morons like that picking on someone whose job depended on her not defending herself. I can’t stand rude people who talk on their phone while their groceries are being checked out, like the person waiting on them is a non entity. I have been known to call them out on it and shame them. It costs nothing to be polite, it costs nothing to give a smile to those who serve us.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I have to wonder at people's reactions to this pandemic with all their complaining about "the inconveniences to their normal life" on earth would this country react to a missile dropping on their heads ?
Americans are spoiled complainers when their luxuries of daily life are interrupted, try living in another country...I guarantee you will kiss the American ground we stand on when your plane lands, I know I have !
This pandemic is a good learning tool for the majority of people who are in the routine of "easylife" , it's time for everyone to become less dependent on the system, and more dependent on themselfs....and WE on BYH should be setting a good example by NOT complaining and offering helpful information for others to learn from... you can't blame everything on the politics...our actions speak louder than any spoken words, if you don't like what is going on then get up and get active in helping change happen.....griping about it does nonthing ....
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