Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
It's a crap shoot. :eek:
Our county is doing their best so kids can show, it'll be an off the trailer show. :fl
I am bad at this social distance thing. Wehner Homestead and her hubby came to get a couple of bunnies for their kids, totally forgot and shook hands...:hu
Sorry, but when governors start saying that shaking hands is a no go but it's still ok to "shack up" with a stranger at "you own risk" that's when I skip off to Looney town and continue to shake hands with people. You know, the polite things to do. I feel this whole thing has made the entire world into some preppy class drama adventure. And by preppy I don't mean people need to prepare for the worst. I'm talking about that one guy in school who thought he was too good for everyone else and always ran his hands through his hair because it needed fluffing.

Onto what @farmerjan said about the masks being bad because people wear them all the time. My wife told me that one of our friends child recently had to go to the hospital for a severe respiratory issue. The hospital tested her for covid of course but it was negative. I forget the name of the problem but the doctor himself even said it was because she was wearing the mask all day.
So, do I know anyone who had covid? No. Do I know anyone who knows anyone who had covid? No. Do I know someone who's gone to the hospital because of the "safety" procedures to save you from covid? Yep. And now they are talking about making children wear the masks all day in school when it comes back in session. Reason #3851 why homeschooling is better.
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Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
The fact that it looks to definitely be an engineered virus, with the un-natural sequencing inserted into it, just proves it is something that was "planted"

The only thing this proves is that, no matter how many times people who actually know what they are looking at and know what they are talking about say it isn't true, there will always be people who are going to continue to believe and repeat misinformation. The life cycle of a virus itself creates an environment in which mutation is bound to happen, easily and frequently. The fact that SARS-CoV-2 isn't 100% identical to the form that was identified in Chinese bats a few years ago just means that it has done what virtually all living things do, given a little time - change. There is nothing unnatural about that. In fact, it has done some changing just in the few months since it was first identified in humans - checking the genetic makeup of samples taken from COVID 19 patients have shown that, while the earliest infections in this country came from China, there were subsequent introductions from Europe.

Sadly, the tests that are being used to diagnose COVID 19 infections are not entirely reliable. There are lots of false positives and false negatives. The antibody tests are even less reliable, but in the mad scramble to get some kind of a handle on this situation, they are all we have right now, so they are being used in the hope that at least some of the time, the results they give will be correct.

Whether you know anyone who has had COVID 19 at this time or not is pretty irrelevant - we have done such an abysmal job of containment, sooner or later, you will. It's been running rampant through cities all over the country, and is now working its way into more rural populations. So don't feel left out, it will be knocking on your door soon enough. Do you realize that, though the U.S. only has a little more than 4% of the world's population, we have had more than 25% of the to-date-confirmed COVID deaths? "Embarrassing" doesn't begin to cover that. We all just have to hope that we won't be like that 23-year-old nurse in Charlotte who probably caught it at work, and who died in spite of not having any kind of pre-existing health condition. And now we are learning that, though rare, there is an inflammatory syndrome that has been identified as being connected to COVID 19 infection, and which may turn up anytime within 2 months after a child has apparently recovered. So if a child has even what looks like a cold, the parents need to monitor for the symptoms of that, just in case their child really has an unrecognized case of COVID 19.

Frankly, the idea of anyone wearing a mask all day long fills me with horror; how anyone could even think you could do that with children goes beyond my comprehension. But since hand washing seems to be such a rare behavior in the population in general, and touching one's own face is such a universal habit, I guess a mask is less obnoxious than tying their hands so they can't physically reach their face. :idunno


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
No kid of mine will go to school to wear a mask all day and sit in a closed room together in a big group so they can all wait together to get sick. That is impractical and not going to realistically happen. Online and correspondence schools exist for a reason. We as a country need to use them now...unless were too thick to see that. My kids can hardly wear a shirt all day, forget a mask. And my kids are about the same as the next ones in that regard.
Fortunately (?) we are in one of the harder hit areas, so I don't think we'll have to worry. I have my doubts that they will have in building school until this finishes and is either preventable or curable.
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True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
The only thing this proves is that, no matter how many times people who actually know what they are looking at and know what they are talking about say it isn't true, there will always be people who are going to continue to believe and repeat misinformation.

I've always been curious about this. When you have one group of experts says one thing and then a second group says a second thing which one is then considered "misinformation" and how do you sort it out?

Whether you know anyone who has had COVID 19 at this time or not is pretty irrelevant - we have done such an abysmal job of containment, sooner or later, you will.

Yes, I agree. They've already said that there WILL be a second wave worst than the first. I don't know about doing a bad job of containment since, at least in my case, I haven't seen any of it so for me the containment seems well done. I mean, at least here, the entire state was contained. Yes, this was done after people had come down with this but I never knew the H1N1 version of the flu, which everyone seemed to worry so much about back when it was a huge hit, cause containment.

Future will tell I suppose. I 100% after that people should use common sense. Way your hands etc. That's like people who milk animals not washing things afterwards and then wondering why they come down with some sickness.:th


Chillin' with the herd
May 31, 2020
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Even livestock forums are not immune to divisive misinformation it seems. Don't fight with people that don't think the virus is serious or vice versa. Everyone needs to look out for their own family and do what they think is best. My family is staying home as much as humanly possible and we wear N95 masks or full half respirators when going into public for necessary groceries and supplies, which we pick up curb side of course. Folks in our community think we are crazy, but I don't care. We are doing our best to not get the virus, because regardless of statistics or experts, it's not good. Disney doesn't close for just no reason.


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
I'm not sure what you mean by people fighting here. I thought it was simply sharing different ideas with each other and getting the other side. Just because 2 people have different opinions doesn't mean it gets nasty and from what I've seen people have stayed quite civilized and respectful. If they haven't then I missed those posts.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
No worries here in Los Angeles about the Covid - instead we are having riots and the looting. We watched the looting going on in all the upscale areas and stores last night! Very well planned out with SUVs following the looters who ran out with armloads of merchandise from high end stores and electronic stores and loaded them int the backs of late model SUVs! The SUVs - with their license plates either covered up with paper, or removed - then drove off while another SUV arrived to take their place. These are not just poor people carried away by grief or outrage at injustice. There is some definite planning going on here with this looting. The shopping areas that were invaded and looted were stores like Gucci's and Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, etc. Looters targeted other high end malls in affluent neighborhoods. The people breaking into the stores were all in black and armed with hammers to open the premises for the looters. The newscaster identified most of those people as Antifa members. Those people broke into the stores but did not enter - they went on to the next one to open it for the looters.

The mayor of Santa Monica, a super liberal stronghold, had a very hard time in his public announcements asking people to go home and stop looting. First he announced that the city sympathized with the rioters but then he asked them POLITELY not to ransack his town! Had to laugh at the liberals getting the short end and not able to excuse it! Beverly Hills and the Wilshire District also looted along with other affluent areas in surrounding towns.
Newscasters were interviewing people that said they came from out of town, some even out of state, "to lend their support" to what was supposed to be a peaceful protest. Some of the peaceful protestors linked arms in front of small stores to help the owners protect their premises. Some looters gave them the go by, others pushed them out of the way and broke into the shops. What wasn't stolen was totally trashed and destroyed. The National Guard was called out. One looter was caught, cautioned and let go because the police department in Santa Monica refused to arrest and hold anyone in the jails because "they might catch Covid"! LOL

Los Angeles County was preparing for its first day of actual shopping in months and the looters and rioters completely destroyed everything. Some wore masks, probably not to avoid spreading Covid, but to avoid detection. Others had no masks. And there was certainly no social distancing!

FDIL's boss is married to a Sheriff and she texted all the employees to stay home today. (It was supposed to be a school day to close down the premises for the summer.) Her boss' husband told her that the intelligence received through police informers is that the rioters/looters are going to start trashing and invading neighborhoods today. Most of the neighborhoods will be Beverly Hills, etc. and other high income areas.

The rioters broke into a bank, a post office, and the DMV. These are now federal crimes. Several groups were seen trying to break into ATM machines. When they couldn't get them open they just put them into vehicles and drove them away.

No worries that they will come out here. If they do, the only area with more guns per capita is East Los Angeles! Not enough police to control these agitators. National Guard are trying but can't use force so . . . . ? LOL
Covid is on its own here - I hope all thee rioters get nice big case of Coronavirus!


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
No worries here in Los Angeles about the Covid - instead we are having riots and the looting. We watched the looting going on in all the upscale areas and stores last night! Very well planned out with SUVs following the looters who ran out with armloads of merchandise from high end stores and electronic stores and loaded them int the backs of late model SUVs! The SUVs - with their license plates either covered up with paper, or removed - then drove off while another SUV arrived to take their place. These are not just poor people carried away by grief or outrage at injustice. There is some definite planning going on here with this looting. The shopping areas that were invaded and looted were stores like Gucci's and Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, etc. Looters targeted other high end malls in affluent neighborhoods. The people breaking into the stores were all in black and armed with hammers to open the premises for the looters. The newscaster identified most of those people as Antifa members. Those people broke into the stores but did not enter - they went on to the next one to open it for the looters.

The mayor of Santa Monica, a super liberal stronghold, had a very hard time in his public announcements asking people to go home and stop looting. First he announced that the city sympathized with the rioters but then he asked them POLITELY not to ransack his town! Had to laugh at the liberals getting the short end and not able to excuse it! Beverly Hills and the Wilshire District also looted along with other affluent areas in surrounding towns.
Newscasters were interviewing people that said they came from out of town, some even out of state, "to lend their support" to what was supposed to be a peaceful protest. Some of the peaceful protestors linked arms in front of small stores to help the owners protect their premises. Some looters gave them the go by, others pushed them out of the way and broke into the shops. What wasn't stolen was totally trashed and destroyed. The National Guard was called out. One looter was caught, cautioned and let go because the police department in Santa Monica refused to arrest and hold anyone in the jails because "they might catch Covid"! LOL

Los Angeles County was preparing for its first day of actual shopping in months and the looters and rioters completely destroyed everything. Some wore masks, probably not to avoid spreading Covid, but to avoid detection. Others had no masks. And there was certainly no social distancing!

FDIL's boss is married to a Sheriff and she texted all the employees to stay home today. (It was supposed to be a school day to close down the premises for the summer.) Her boss' husband told her that the intelligence received through police informers is that the rioters/looters are going to start trashing and invading neighborhoods today. Most of the neighborhoods will be Beverly Hills, etc. and other high income areas.

The rioters broke into a bank, a post office, and the DMV. These are now federal crimes. Several groups were seen trying to break into ATM machines. When they couldn't get them open they just put them into vehicles and drove them away.

No worries that they will come out here. If they do, the only area with more guns per capita is East Los Angeles! Not enough police to control these agitators. National Guard are trying but can't use force so . . . . ? LOL
Covid is on its own here - I hope all thee rioters get nice big case of Coronavirus!
It's absolutely crazy and it's definitely well organized! So glad to hear that you and yours are safe!
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