Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Just thought about this CV!9 affect on me -- I used to get a lot of close dated foods from a source at a wholesale food supplier (he had a contract to remove it for them & dispose -- animal use, etc). Now, with food service down or closed, not much overstock :( Me & animals are sorry about that.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
For anyone who has ventured onto the sister site SufficientSelf.... please look up the video that @TexasLisa posted by Dr Brian Proctor.... It is another one that I have seen by good ole family practitioners that talks about the protocol that they have developed for people with the virus, and have had NO HOSPITALIZATIONS or deaths by treating this aggressively and early on. I have asked her to come on here and post it on this thread or on my journal.....

Let me tell you, if I get sick and they start to give me a bunch of BS, my butt will be on a plane to TX so fast to one of these drs..... or in a car in a marathon drive because I will not allow them to do this stupid stuff.

But he also mentions the passive immunity thing. Please, people see this video and realize that these are the kind of drs that see and treat the average everyday joe that gets sick, catches all sorts of stuff.... and knows the real day to day in the trenches stuff.

Our old family dr managed to save my fathers' life when I was a kid. He got a blood infection, all the specialists and drs in the hosp couldn't figure it out. He was very sick and they didn't know what else to do.... our dr. spent time culturing everything he could figure out from the blood samples and finally found something that seemed to slow it... got him on it against the hospitals' advice.... and then managed to culture the very unusual staph infection and got a handle on it and started treating him and he came back home. They were young, not much money for anything, insurance through work, a couple of little kids with my stay at home mom.... these family general practitioner drs see everything.... they will call a specialist in a heartbeat, but they will also try all of the out of the box stuff they can for the patients that don't have much money, or no ins.... or whatever.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
he also mentions the passive immunity thing.

Yes, he does, and his use of the term here is very confused/confusing. You don't give "passive immunity" to another person just by being around them, you have to directly put the antibodies into them. The typical way of transfer is through colostrum, but that really only works with newborns (though in humans, there is some blood-to-blood transfer across the placenta, too). For anything older than that, you have to extract antibodies from the blood of a previously infected organism, and inject them into the bloodstream of the one you are trying to protect. In either case, it is pretty well understood that this only gives short-term resistance to the recipient; their immune system has to step up and produce its own antibodies, which it may not do (which is one reason why vaccines aren't produced this way).

One of the spooky things about COVID 19 is that people only seem to have a significant number of antibodies for a relatively short period after they recover from the infection. Somebody on another forum was seriously ill in mid-January, and wasn't tested at that time, because nobody thought COVID 19 was here yet. A few weeks ago, they were tested for antibodies, and the result was "inconclusive" (neither a clear negative nor a clear positive). Their doctor said that probably indicated that they had been exposed, but it was too long ago for them to be of any use as a donor. Well, that individual is sick again, and this time, they were tested for COVID 19 and the result of that test was positive . . . does that mean, as some research seems to indicate, that catching SARS CoV 2 only grants you resistance for a few months, after which you can get it again? It is known that with some other coronaviruses, catching them only grants a year or two of resistance, but if people really are again vulnerable to COVID 19 only a couple of months later, "herd immunity" doesn't have a snowball's chance.

Incidentally, Dr. Procter said that SARS and MERS have gone away, and that's not true, particularly in the case of MERS, of which there have been several outbreaks during the years since it was first identified. One of the huge differences between them and the current coronavirus, is that SARS CoV 2 is extremely contagious, while it's comparatively hard to catch SARS and MERS.

Dr. Procter's "shotgun" approach is interesting; I wonder which of the many meds he's using are actually helping. Hydroxychloroquine has been dropped from the WHO's multinational, multi-drug study; according to them, the patients it was given to showed no significant improvement. Azithromycin is an antibiotic (meaning, effective against bacteria, not viruses); while it might be useful against secondary bacterial infections, it wouldn't have any impact on the original infection, which is viral, not bacterial, and like any antibiotic, it does have potential nasty side effects. Losartan is a blood-pressure medication. Zinc has long been credited as an immune-function booster. They keep learning new things about aspirin, and of course, CBD is being touted as the wonder drug for everything from hangnails to cancer (some of which is hogwash, of course, though there are certain things for which there is pretty solid evidence of its usefulness, among them, as an anti-inflammatory). Considering that a major difference between the mild cases and the life-threatening cases seems to be that in the serious cases, the patient's own immune system is running amok, the anti-inflammatories may really be the key (and, in fact, one drug that has shown some promise in the trials, Dexamethasone, is a steroid and thus has anti-inflammatory properties). "Hit it hard and fast" may indeed be the best approach, though, since according to Dr, Procter, two thirds of the people he has treated hadn't tested positive, so he can't even be sure what he was treating them for. Before anybody makes a bee-line for Texas, you need to remember that even most of the people who test positive won't get seriously ill, so in reality, Dr. Procter's treatment regimen (assuming that it works) has kept maybe 5 or 10 people out of the hospital - but, with confirmed case numbers skyrocketing in Texas, that's that much less pressure on strained resources.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Okay I haven't got on here much but i want to point this out yes case are on the rise but two things here apply. One they are test alot more then they the were there would be less cases if they werent test every where. We live in the middle of no were and they set up testing locations in place there weren't any before a few weeks ago. Second no matter what anyone says the best defensive is always the offenense sitting around waiting to get it or worrying your going to die from it just makes you more likely to get sick from something even if it's not covid. I know from experience that the less exposure you have to the herd shall I say then the more likely your to catch something when you go out into it. Eventually this will be just like any other illness and it will fade into the back ground changing everyone's life's and basic freedom by demanding everyone wears a mask or gets a shot or does what ever they want to push is not right. We and our founding fathers of this country knew that when you give some one control over you life stops. You either become their servant or their slave and your freedom is lost. If the ability to live or doing things and they way they are done are dictated by any person or persons in goverment then the government becomes our task master and are no longer a governing body that is run by the people but is a governing body that controls the people and to what end. Yes I know it's not a favored look when you see things going on. But reality is the best people to make the desion for a person's life is the person living the life. We as Shepards and as animal enthusiasts know that we can only do so much to help the animals we care for at some point it becomes up to them whether they live or die. I can not make them drink the water or eat the food i provide or take shelter where i make it for them at. I can also only provide as much protection as i can. Granted yes i could make a place where the animal lived in a bubble and couldn't come into harms way but that would limit the animals life and would there fore cause the animal mental and emotional distress and therefore be against the animals best interest. When we take away their ability to defend themselves or live and find things for themselves we are indeed making it impossible for them to live a full life. I am not will to give up my right to not wear a mask or my right to wear one if i felt the need. I am not okay with doctors telling me things that i have to do either if idon't agree with it. When you go to the hospital to give birth they tell you that you can't drink or eat but you have to do some of the hardest work in your entire life. Logic dictates if one works one needs energy and in order to have that you have to eat and drink. I given birth in a hospital and at home at home i ate and rest when i needed to and labor was so much easier and less traumatic then in the hospital. They don't give you a choice you either accept what they say whether they are right or not or you don't get the help that you need. Granted you could go somewhere else but that doesn't work for a nation. I hope explained myself well enough here. But I will say this i do not wish to offend anyone however i can cab say how anyone reading this may view it. Life contiunes and therefore living must continue.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I'm not going to get into a p**ing match but you can get passive immunity through other ways that colostrum. I have proven that colostrum has been effective given to calves several days old; not just the suggested 24 hours. Vet did blood work on some calves in a study that a university was doing, and I was buying calves that had questionable colostrum feedings, and I fed colostrum from my own cows, from frozen bottles I had saved. Don't know what all they were testing for but had several pages of items that they were tested for. Calves that drink milk continue to get passive immunity that the cow has. It has been shown that there is some passive immunity in cattle that have been exposed to others with certain diseases. If you can't get any passive immunity through contact and air breathing, then why would you be able to catch the virus either? All those droplets can contain things in minute amounts that your body can process and use.
People that have colds, a corona virus, can get over them, and in another couple weeks or month get another cold.... same principle with this c-19. I never said that they would be immune to it, just that it could ramp up their immune system, so that it could fight it, or never get it or get it with no symptoms.
I will opt for a healthier immune system, whether it has all the antibodies for 2 months, or 6, or 2 years, than to sit and hide away and lower my bodies ability to fight off anything.
All the younger people that are showing "positive results" and no symptoms is really no different than having a cold or flu and showing no symptoms. They have not PROVEN that it is contagious for just the 14 day period..... they recently did a turn around on how it was contagious from surfaces for days, to hours, to probably you can't catch it off a surface after a very short period of time.... Maybe it is contagious for 4 weeks, maybe only a couple of days.....
Common sense says to not DIRECTLY expose those susceptible or immune compromised..... just like any other sickness.
So, if I get it and have to, I WILL make a trip to whomever will try an aggressive protocol.... rather than try to play catch up after I am real sick.
To each his own. I am an "outside the box" kind of person because I have found that the current system of treating the symptoms, instead of trying to eliminate the cause is just not enough for me.


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 8, 2020
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I am the newcomer here and have no affiliation with anyone on this site. I've been following this thread for sometime. now and I've noticed a few things.

There is a lot of information and misinformation being bandied about. The truth about this virus is that no one person has the answer. I come from a family that is rife with medical professionals. Many, many nurses, several physicians with different specialties, technicians, therapists, and my own husband who is a retired physician. Most of my family members are aghast at how this pandemic has unfolded and taken such a strong foothold in our country.

Regarding the aforementioned video by the doctor who posted on social media about his 100% success rate treating C-19 is frightening. His sample population of 75 patients is nothing more than a drop in the bucket of this disease. This was not a controlled study and his experiences are nothing more than empirical observations at this point. As was previously mentioned, many of his patients were not proven to be suffering from C-19.

One poster stated if she got this disease (perhaps because of no mask) she was going to board the first plane to Texas. Please don't do that! That is an example of the type of actions that have allowed this disease to get so out of control in the first place.

Why has this disease become so politicized? Why is a percentage of the public fighting back against safety guidelines? There are many laws and statutes in our country that are set up for protection of the public. Do you wear a seatbelt when you are in a vehicle, or a helmet on a motorcycle? I do because I've seen firsthand what can happen when you don't. Were these laws enacted to "control" the population? We are controlled by the government on a daily basis. We pay taxes, we follow laws etc., etc. Mandates to wear masks are no different.

Masks help to control this disease. Social distancing helps to control this disease. Staying home helps to control this disease. That's not political. That's the truth. To say that you're not wearing a mask because your freedoms are being impinged upon makes no sense to me. To not wear a mask is simply showing a complete disregard for others.

I realize that there are people in this world who have a serious need to be right and to have all the answers. There is no place for that here. No one has all the answers. This is too new and protocol is being developed, discarded, and reinvented every day. Our choices can help mitigate the damages to ourselves and others. By the same token our choices can make this much, much worse.

This is not a political issue even though our current leadership has done their best to make it so. This is a disease that will likely be with us, in some form, forever. We need to do our best to help prevent the spread and to do it out of respect and care for others.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
It has been shown that there is some passive immunity in cattle that have been exposed to others with certain diseases. If you can't get any passive immunity through contact and air breathing, then why would you be able to catch the virus either?

Oh, c'mon, you know cattle a lot better than I do. They lick each other, they lie around in their own and each other's poop and pee (not to mention the flies!) and eat off the ground near where others have eliminated; that's a heckuva lot more intimate than I want to be with the members of my "herd," I can tell you that! Organisms that continue to shed pathogens long after they seem to have recovered from a disease are well documented, Typhoid Mary may be the most notorious, but she was in no way unique. I propose that it is possible that these cattle got exposed to the pathogens themselves, but at something below an infectious dose; enough to trigger an immune response but not produce clinical disease. I know a lot of things get into breath, but has anybody ever shown that antibodies do, especially in a large enough concentration to extend immunity? Gives "the breath of life" a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

When you go to the hospital to give birth they tell you that you can't drink or eat but you have to do some of the hardest work in your entire life.

What brute told you not to drink? My kids are 19 and 24, and I was sipping Gatorade during both of their in-hospital births. The nurses considered my doctor a dominating, controlling, old-fashioned dinosaur way back then, and even he allowed me clear fluids - in moderation. Doctors are trained to think of the worst-case scenario; it would be nice if they could assume that all will be well, but the moment anything goes wrong, some people immediately think "sue for malpractice!", and Obstetricians pay some of the highest malpractice insurance premiums in the country. Even beyond the financial implications, losing a patient is the most horrible thing a doctor can experience, and those who escort new lives into the world have some of the most vulnerable patients of all.

The reason for the "don't eat or drink" order is that they are thinking they may have to do emergency surgery to save your life and/or that of the baby, which means anesthesia, and since people have been known to vomit under anesthesia, and laboring mothers often vomit when they reach the point of labor known as "transition," there is a significant risk of inhaling vomit and getting inhalation pneumonia. Obviously, if there is nothing in your stomach, you can't vomit, can you? A lot of doctors want to put an IV line in as soon as the laboring mother is admitted; fluids and nutrients are easily given that way (the clear fluid in the bag that an IV is hooked up to is kind of like Pedialyte without the sugar), as are any drugs that may be required. If all goes well, the IV will be a totally unnecessary procedure, but it's a lot easier to install one before the patient becomes dehydrated and their veins start collapsing.
One they are test alot more then they the were there would be less cases if they werent test every where.

Yep, and to take this kind of logic one step further, if they didn't test at all, there wouldn't be any cases at all :idunno

- but people would still be getting sick, and even dying, the only difference is that nobody would be sure why. Those test kits aren't free, nor is the labor to process them. Don't know about Texas, but in North Carolina, there is a question-and-answer session before you get tested. Until recently, they wanted symptoms and a good reason to think you had been exposed before they would break out the kit, otherwise, they'd just tell you to go home and stay there unless you got worse. Even with symptoms and probable exposure, only a relatively small number of those tests were coming back positive. The reason they are testing more, is to try and figure out how widespread this is; they aren't just looking at the number of positives they are getting, they also want to see the percentage of positives when compared to the number of tests. If you test 10 people, and three are positive, that's about one third of your test group and it looks pretty serious. If you test 100 people, and you only get 3 positives, that looks like a very different picture, doesn't it?:idunno
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I am the newcomer here and have no affiliation with anyone on this site. I've been following this thread for sometime. now and I've noticed a few things.

There is a lot of information and misinformation being bandied about. The truth about this virus is that no one person has the answer. I come from a family that is rife with medical professionals. Many, many nurses, several physicians with different specialties, technicians, therapists, and my own husband who is a retired physician. Most of my family members are aghast at how this pandemic has unfolded and taken such a strong foothold in our country.

Regarding the aforementioned video by the doctor who posted on social media about his 100% success rate treating C-19 is frightening. His sample population of 75 patients is nothing more than a drop in the bucket of this disease. This was not a controlled study and his experiences are nothing more than empirical observations at this point. As was previously mentioned, many of his patients were not proven to be suffering from C-19.

One poster stated if she got this disease (perhaps because of no mask) she was going to board the first plane to Texas. Please don't do that! That is an example of the type of actions that have allowed this disease to get so out of control in the first place.

Why has this disease become so politicized? Why is a percentage of the public fighting back against safety guidelines? There are many laws and statutes in our country that are set up for protection of the public. Do you wear a seatbelt when you are in a vehicle, or a helmet on a motorcycle? I do because I've seen firsthand what can happen when you don't. Were these laws enacted to "control" the population? We are controlled by the government on a daily basis. We pay taxes, we follow laws etc., etc. Mandates to wear masks are no different.

Masks help to control this disease. Social distancing helps to control this disease. Staying home helps to control this disease. That's not political. That's the truth. To say that you're not wearing a mask because your freedoms are being impinged upon makes no sense to me. To not wear a mask is simply showing a complete disregard for others.

I realize that there are people in this world who have a serious need to be right and to have all the answers. There is no place for that here. No one has all the answers. This is too new and protocol is being developed, discarded, and reinvented every day. Our choices can help mitigate the damages to ourselves and others. By the same token our choices can make this much, much worse.

This is not a political issue even though our current leadership has done their best to make it so. This is a disease that will likely be with us, in some form, forever. We need to do our best to help prevent the spread and to do it out of respect and care for others.
Voice of reason. I have no problem wearing a mask in public, especially if it makes someone else that may have compromised health issues, safe from me breathing my germs on them. With a 2 week incubation period, shedding virus or asymptotic, I don’t think me wearing a mask is an infringement on MY rights, it is just the considerate thing to do.


True BYH Addict
Nov 20, 2016
Reaction score
North central Ohio
I don't wear a mask. I don't think it goes against my rights. I just see how people who wear them handle them and what they are made of. To many people touch them all day long witch is worse then no mask.That's what the real joke is. So I don't wear one and people avoid me like I got the plague. So I'm practicing social distancing by not wearing one.
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