Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Penn State is refunding everyones tuition. Not jus5 if you live in the dorms. They are still having on-line classes, but they won’t have to heat buildings, maintenance, etc. plus, the education will not be as good for many of the classes. My son is in Sports Med, junior and he is furious because his classes are all hands on. He can’t learn how to examine people, etc...on a computer.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
Not that this is a big thing in the scheme of things but our mail carrier said that Amazon won't promise next day delivery until after April 14th.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Last night newscasters did a spot where they had a list of "basics" - bread, milk, eggs, meat, TP, cleaning supplies and a few other things. They wanted to see if "things were really as bad as they heard". They went to 4 markets in the West los Angeles area which is a wealthy area of the city, including Ralphs and Trader Joe's (TJ is a small chain mostly offering specialty items). They filmed all empty shelves which they showed on TV. My son went to Food 4 Less that morning and found eggs, bread and TP. There was a limit on the amount you could buy but they had the items. I think it may be the area you shop in. I also think if they continue showing the pictures of empty shelves it will only continue to encourage people to hoard. We have plenty of food stored in our place - actually had plenty and didn't have to buy much else - EXCEPT COFFEE!!! - had to buy a couple of cans since was down to last can in pantry. If necessary we can use coffee grounds twice by adding just another scoop of fresh. Did that all the time when we were low on money starting out. Tastes the same and I think I read that it has more caffeine the second around!

Anyway, our water is good and drinkable, but people are buying cases of water! I wonder if Californians are so used to stocking up for earthquakes when you can't always drink the water that they are equating this virus with that kind of emergency. The stores are allowing only a few people in at a time, and they are limiting purchases now of hard to find stuff. It is not the Zombie Apocalypse after all! We do have ammunition, luckily since you are limited to about 10 bullets in California and they do a check on you for those!

They are all crazy out there. Even some politicians are trying to scare people. Some governor (I saw his speech myself but can't remember which state so if you know, post it) said that in his state they can't get their nurses tested and 200 from one hospital have been furloughed. The news station checked on it and it was a LIE! The 200 people were not all nurses, they were custodians, file clerks, and other employees as well as some nurses, and were from 6 different hospitals. Why would an elected official want to terrify his own constituents like that?

Dr. Fauci of the CDC also said it was possible for a lot of people to have already had the virus since the symptoms are often very mild. The doctors didn't know why some people got infected but showed mild or no symptoms and why others got very sick. We are staying in, but can't live in total panic.

Now, if I could just find some flour I could bake some cookies. . . . Snickerdoodles anyone? ;)


True BYH Addict
May 29, 2018
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Duluth, GA
We usually meet with a small group on Wednesday nights from our church. Because of social distancing, we met via an app called ZOOM. It went very well. Something to put in your arsenal of supplies. It worked very well.
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