Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Ok, here‘s a way to look at this: Son is working at a high risk (forCovid19 exposure) job. He is doing his best, wearing the best mask available to him (likely not an n95), which filters out less than half of the virus in the air he breathes (I believe a surgical mask or a very good multi layer tight cotton weave mask filter around 30%), and protects him from droplets should somebody sneeze, or cough or yell in his direction (though he‘ll also have to shield his eyes as another entry point for droplet infection - he may or may not have worn a protective shield or goggles). He probably couldn’t stay 6ft apart from everyone he was around at work (or possibly on his commute). Or he was indoors and shared the same air with others over longer periods of time (more than about 15 to twenty minutes). With a virus it matters how much of the virus one is exposed to, and if the exposure amount exceeds a threshold , a person gets sick. They have found that people get sicker the more virus they have been exposed to. The rest is up to personal immune response.
Now the mom is working in a feed store. There might be better air circulation, customers that could bring the virus might not hang out long, and the rest can be pure luck. Just a matter of time.
As for the testing. To the best of current knowledge (that I am aware of), people are infectious before they show any symptoms (there are other common viruses where that is the case). They are not infectious anymore after a certain time period once they have started showing symptoms, so yes, no more testing needed.
I wish your friend‘s son well! They are now finding so many terrible issues show up later, heart attacks, kidney failure, strokes.... And a lot of people are feeling sick for months. I, for my part, am doing my utmost to avoid this bug - and am hoping for a vaccine!
Son is working as a guide out in the "bush" for day hikers. Next to no inside time, very little up close and personal exposure. They are all wearing masks and he is a fanatic about stuff anyway. No commute to speak of as he lives right close to there at the house his mom bought for future retirement.

The feed store has people in and out daily, she is in the front "office part" . Haven't seen one farmer in there with a mask yet.... We both believe in the herd immunity and she has animals at home and is exposed to vaccinations and such with them.
Where has it been proven that someone is not not infectious after the 14 day quarantine thing? "THEY SAY" seems a little ambiguous to me. Especially since another friend has a neighbor that was tested positive in a random sampling that they are doing around our county, totally no symptoms.... OVER 6 weeks ago. She has had 4 tests since, all positive, and they will not allow her to go back to work, or do anything until she has 2 negative tests. No one says she is contagious.... OR NOT.... but she is not allowed out with the general public. No one in her family has tested positive for it yet and they are all still living there.

So I don't believe one small iota of all this, restrictive stuff. How can they attribute "terrible issues showing up later" when this is barely 6-8 months into it? Who is to say these things are not just because other health issues got ignored with the shut down.... or that some of these people weren't going to have these issues anyway.... and if they had had a chance to at least try some other treatments when they were first sick, maybe they wouldn't have so many "after effects " anyway?

We are on different sides of this fence. I respect that you have a right to your opinion.... but I will be d@#mned if I will trust the government with a vaccine when they were not even willing to allow for the possibility that there might be other things out there to do and basically shut down the doctors that are trying to help those that come to them. If they said try it, try anything you think will help and shorten this, then I would be willing to consider alot more.... but they have hamstrung so many doctors, and in places like NY, the governor ought to be strung up for putting elderly people back into nursing homes to infect other VULNERABLE PEOPLE.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@rachels.haven ; I respect that you have first hand experience with this drug. And that you have had very bad reactions - responses to it. There will always be someone like yourself that it just won't work for....and that is the why of all the warnings. I also know of people that have had some pretty bad responses to some "anti-depression" drugs and have actually been worse on them. There is no one perfect drug for the masses. I am terribly sorry that you had those problems and very glad that you got away from it.

I am deathly allergic to penicillin. Had to be rushed to the hospital as a kid when they gave it to me, totally unbeknowst because neither of my parents have any problem with it..... anaphylactic response I think they said.... throat closed up, couldn't breathe, thought I was going to suffocate and didn't understand what was happening.... guess I was like 6 or a little older. But it works on a great number of people..... no one knew until I had the reaction. It could have easily been the death of me.....

I realize that is a minor comparison in some ways, but I think that if a person gets monitored, and things like what happened to you are seen and it stopped. it doesn't take away that it still can and does help others. I have also read that quinine can cause some mood/personality changes.... so do other drugs, and some illegal ones that people promote, and people are killed for random reasons also. I am not saying that to be unfeeling.... but that is why there are warnings, that is why a drug needs to be monitored when it is administered.... and that for a greater number of people there are often benefits.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
I'm not sure that I have ever taken a prescription drug without experiencing at least one of the known side effects. Most of the time, they were less annoying than whatever we were treating, so I just endured them until the end of the treatment, though there have been a couple of times when they were serious enough to stop treatment, and several times I have had to take another drug to treat the side effect of the first drug.

Are these drugs safe? Well, for most people, they are safe enough. While most people don't have a (serious) problem when taking them, there is a certain amount of risk . A drug needs to be effective at treating whatever it is being prescribed for to be worth taking the risk - and that's the real question here. Not "how many people have taken these drugs without dying as a result," not "how many patients have you given these drugs to," but "are these drugs effective at treating Covid -19?"

The World Health Organization has been doing a multinational, side-by-side trial of several drugs that were thought to have some promise of helping to treat Covid -19. A few weeks ago, they announced that they were dropping hydroxychloroquine from the trial. Their data seemed to show that, as a treatment, it might be a little bit better than nothing at all, but it was definitely no cure. This is the WHO - they are getting reports of over 200,000 new cases each day; India alone reported almost 50,000 new cases today; if they knew of a cheap, readily available, effective treatment, don't you think they'd be telling?

A few days ago, this article by a group of doctors in Brazil was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Briefly, it's a randomized trial with one group being given hydroxychloroquine, one group receiving hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, and a control group receiving standard care but neither of those two drugs. They monitored for 15 days, and found no real difference between the three groups.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I can sure "identify" with problematic medications, having taken a hundred or more in my is pretty common and used extensively that I can't take, it causes me to destroy stuff...sounds very similar to your response @rachels.haven ....but, out of all that I've taken, only 10 or less have produced any side effects at all....this also proves that medicine as a whole is a "trial and error" field and nothing is a "one size fits all"....this is why the sharing of information is vitally important and "canceling" another's viewpoint doesn't seem so far as WHO is concerned, I have no confidence in their integrity or in their findings....anything beyond that would become "political" and I'm not going there....I don't view this as a debate, arguement, or competition, but simply as a "sharing" of info and my main reason for doing so is to comfort those that are overly concerned about this virus mess....too much is focused on the negative and not the positive....the survival rate with this virus is over, no I don't see any need to be so focused on many have stated, simple common sense can go a really long way towards "canceling" the fear and concern....and I certainly am a simple man.... :thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Good to see you @OneFineAcre . Hey, didn't you quit smoking like a year or so ago? Maybe I am on the wrong person... but seems to me it was you. Hope all is going well in NC.... will you be in an area that the possible tropical storm coming, will impact?

Liquor puts me to sleep..... haven't found one that revs me up... probably a good thing.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
Good to see you @OneFineAcre . Hey, didn't you quit smoking like a year or so ago? Maybe I am on the wrong person... but seems to me it was you. Hope all is going well in NC.... will you be in an area that the possible tropical storm coming, will impact?

Liquor puts me to sleep..... haven't found one that revs me up... probably a good thing.

You have a good memory. September 2nd will be 2 years that I have quit smoking.

Actually, I completely quit drinking alcohol too, so no tequilla for me.

But, when I did drink my wife and I had an agreement. I agreed not to drink tequilla and she agreed to stay married to me. :D =D

I think the storm is supposed to come in at Florida so I think we are supposed to get some rain. It's actually been pretty wet recently.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I gather and use Elderberry. I found this on FB and thought it a good article.

Elderberry Q & A
I’ve been doing a deep dive into research and investigation of covid-19 as I suspect our mast cell/histamine community could be hit harder than the general population due to many people having suppressed immune systems. I was also curious if Elderberry (an important part of my mast cell recovery!) might be effective against covid-19 as I gear up for the potential of it affecting my own family. I’ll share what I’ve learned specifically on Elderberry today. Make sure you read to the end where the best part is!

I will post soon, my in depth article, that lays out my entire “Covid-19 Plan” that my family and I will be using. It lays out what I'll be doing for both prevention and once the virus hits. I’ve also added lots of good information that is specific to the mast cell community. For instance Vit C is good for viruses… or is it? For us that depends on a myriad of factors which could influence whether you want to use it prophylactically, only if affected by the/a virus, or not at all. Now on to the Elderberry which I realized was a full post in and of itself.

Over the past 20-30 years the evidence of elderberry’s effectiveness with viruses has flooded in. Pushing elderberry from a folk remedy to a trusted ally. Typical flus and colds, the swine flu (H1N1), bird flu (H5N1), noroviruses, herpes viruses and etc have all shown reduced length and severity when elderberry is used. It’s clear it has now proven itself on a scientific level to be helpful in fighting viruses.

In 1993 the US government used elderberries to fight a flu epidemic in Panama.

Elderberries have been found to be effective against colds, flus, noroviruses, H1N1, H5N1 and HSV-1.

Elderberries shortened the length of the flu by 4 days while reducing the severity of symptoms.

Then we see evidenced with this study, that was done in an animal population, that it was effective against a coronavirus. (Named “corona” for it’s crown shaped appearance.) Although not the same as a human study it still shines a light into elderberry’s widespread viral fighting benefits.

Elderberry was shown to be effective against a coronavirus.

Elderberry is great for allergies, blocks histamine and is a mast cell stabilizer. This is likely in part because of it’s high quercetin content. This is also a pretty big deal as quercetin is actually being trialed as a treatment for covid-19. I’m an herbalist so I prefer using plants in their whole form so I can reap ALL of their benefits. Yet quercetin is clearly one of elderberry’s strongest benefits.

Quercetin being trialed as an antiviral for covid-19.

It’s fairly well accepted now that Vitamin C is helpful in combatting colds and flus. Elderberry is a high vitamin c fruit. This is also helpful from a histamine/mast cell perspective as well as vitamin c is a powerful antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer.

Vitamin C reduced symptoms of cold and flu.

This is a really valid question and deserves some clarification as there are lots of half truths floating around out there. People get, and pass on, snippets of information and imo it’s important to make fully informed choices. So, yes, elderberry can potentially push th1 dominance. Many autoimmune conditions are considered to be th1 dominant, but not all. Even illnesses considered to be classically th1 dominant are often found to have th2 influence. For those of us with mast cell and histamine issues, allergies and etc those tend to push us into to th2 dominance. This is one of the reasons elderberry is so effective in stabilizing mast cells and is an excellent antihistamine. (Thanks to high amounts of quercetin and C in particular!) People don’t typically sit in either th1 or th2 dominance all the time though. It’s not a said and done static thing. People can float back and forth over months and years of illness and healing. I suffered from Lupus and Mast Cell and there were times that elderberry (and likely other simultaneous factors) flared inflammation for me. During those times I stopped using elderberry daily and only used it for rescue at the onset of mast cell or viral symptoms. Unfortunately the water is muddy here and it’s up to each of you to make thoughtful fully informed choices about how, or if, to use elderberry with your current set of circumstances. But lets discuss this a bit more below…

Changes in th1/th2 cytokine dominance in rheumatoid arthritis.

This is coming up a lot lately and I’m including the research that is initiating the concern below. It seems that one article, taken a bit out of context, may have convinced people elderberry is bad for the flu. First it’s important to note that cytokines can be both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. It’s not as simple as cytokines are bad and cause inflammation. Like anything else they work in delicate balance to keep the immune system functioning properly. Elderberry increases both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine storms still aren’t well understood. But the problem seems to arise when someone’s body doesn’t get the message that it’s time for that immune response to settle down. Which could happen in an extended illness, or when things become more systemic, etc. Again, most of us are typically th2 dominant a lot of the time. So that pushing of th1, and the riling up of the innate and adaptive immune responses, is normally helpful. In the case of viral onset inducing that immune response, the macrophages and etc is essential in being able to stamp out the virus. For without that response an infection will just run us over. Which is why those with CVID, that can’t mount a good immune response, are so susceptible to various infections. I personally would watch for any evidence of an overabundance of inflammatory cytokines over an extended period of time. When inflammatory cytokines and macrophages are doing there job, in most cases, that comes with a fever and inflammation. (Which by the way is useful so why do so many people try to stop fevers?) An initial short lived fever is the body doing it’s job in my opinion. If that became an extended, or very high fever, or there were other signs of high systemic inflammation and distress I definitely would not personally choose to continue using elderberry. For the many of you that have trouble mounting an appropriate immune response like I do, that maybe rarely if never get a fever like I do, elderberry is quite useful. It’s helping to mount the response our body should be able to mount on it’s own but can’t. Again, it’s all in assessing your own personal situation and from a fully informed standpoint.

Elderberry induces the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Elderberry increases inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Elderberry, cytokines and the immune response.

Here’s the good one I promised! Last year elderberry was found to stop viral replication. That’s very exciting news! Stopping replication is really where elderberry’s power lies I suspect. I see this evidenced in my own use as my stints with cold and typical flu viruses are barely a blip anymore. Usually lasting about 48 hours depending on how run down I am, if I’m under any stress and whether or not I increased my use from maintenance to rescue quickly enough. (More on that below.) Avoiding cellular replication of a virus throughout the body, including in the lungs, which are being hit hard by covid is the ultimate goal. If we can stop covid-19 in it’s tracks there well that’s something to be very thankful for. I’m sure I’ll begin to hear stories trickle in on it’s effectiveness and will pass that on to you.

Elderberry blocks viruses from attaching to and getting into cells, thus inhibiting viral replication.

Timely ingestion is key and why my family uses it daily during cold and flu season. It is the viral replication piece mentioned above that I believe explains my typical response to a virus. I feel fatigued, get the sniffles or have a family member or friend around me that is ill. I go from taking my daily dose of elderberry to taking it 3-4x daily. Within 48 hours my symptoms are typically gone. I believe this is the blockage of viral replication at play. (My personal opinion.) With this coronavirus, viral replication could be happening silently, before people are even symptomatic. (Again, my educated take on it.) I don’t think this is hugely different than how most flus operate but I think there is more at stake when covid-19 goes undetected. There are many reported cases of people going from asymptomatic to having double pneumonia and fighting for their lives in a matter of a couple of days or even several hours. Which seems to be an indication, (not by just my opinion but doctors and scientists have spoken about this), that it’s replicating very quickly. The one time I got pneumonia was the year I sold myself short of elderberry and wasn’t using it daily. Within 2 days both my son and I had pneumonia. So my suggestion is to use it daily if at all possible. If not try to stay in tune with your body so you can start taking it at onset for best benefits. When using it for viral fighting increase the daily to 3-4x daily, continuing until at least 48hrs after symptoms have resolved.

So… to elder or not to elder. That’s up to you and now you can make a well informed decision!

DISCLAIMER All information provided in this post is for educational purposes and does not seek to diagnose or treat. Some opinions are personal and have been noted as such. Please consult with your medical team regarding any changes to your protocol and to see if elderberry is right for you.

Thank you Younique Healing for the in depth info


True BYH Addict
Nov 20, 2016
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North central Ohio
Sooooo anyways back to how it's affecting us. Our school district has stated we will have online school at home untill October. So we will probably be home schooling this year with our own lessons.

Fairs have been shut down. Except for 4h animal shows family only.

They want u to wear mask I'm still not and have no problem with social distancing.

And for a comment on the last 3 pages of postings.

Why doesn't anyone know why does everything change? Some people think we are sooo smart. But if u actually think about it most of what we do in life is a gamble or a guess or an assumption. Try this medicine get this test one Dr says one thing another says something else. So we say science is always correct follow science we have to trust the drs and science. Why do two different people get so mad and take two different sides and they both think they are right. Hmmmm maybe cause no one knows and it's all opinions or science.

I think we should stop guessing and worrying. We all die some time. I'm content with it. ARE YOU?

Most of the people I know who are having difficulties right know are worried about death and don't want to die. But sorry everyone is going to and u can't say when. I am not a health nut but I don't destroy my body either. I'm here to live my life and to die with my boots on not hiding in a bunker or behind a mask (unless I'm playing Zorro with my kids and I miss the jump from the roof to my horse)

Soo if u wanna hide and argue knock yourselves out.
But for me and my house we will live our lives.

And also. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Looks like hydroxy chloroquine is going away as a covid treatment because studies show it increases mortality. More for people who need it, I guess. Remdesivir is staying for now. I wonder where this will end/what the "winning" drug will be here. This feels like a really morbid horse race that we're all forced to have a horse in.

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