Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I don't have a link but I read a bit put out by the CDC where they said the actual deaths cause by COVID was a fraction of what was previously reported.
Yeah, they are downplaying it after the official website that @Beekissed referenced had the reports of reactions/deaths in comparison to deaths from other vaccines studied over the last 30 years....

And don't forget, this "vaccine" is still not fully approved by the FDA yet because it has not met the requirements... it has been approved only under the guise of the Federal Emergency Act or whatever the official title is....
Got the book "I Do Not Consent" by Simone Gold of the "America's Frontline Doctor's" group; came today. Have not had time to read but the first few pages. Since there are over 58,000 doctors and researchers that signed the Great Barrington Letter, as well as the increasing number of doctors that have joined the AFD group.... seems like a real no brainer for me.... Got another book by Dr Mercola, and a co-author also to read on the "Truth about Covid - 19 " and some other reading by an Alex Berenson.... figured I better get them before they are banned like good ole Dr Zeus.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
So if the actual deaths caused by "covid", are a "FRACTION" of what was previously reported.... WHY IN THE WORLD, are the gov't officials still pushing the vaccines.... and did anyone hear the latest that good ole Joe had to say....About.... if you don't get the vaccine you will have to pay the price..... SORRIEST POS there ever was for a president.....
CURRENT numbers of deaths say that less than .2 % die from it.... 99.8+% rate of recovery.... so if the numbers of deaths goes down then that means there is a greater chance of surviving and recovering from it....
BETTER CHANCE to get and recover from Covid than the FLU.......


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
I've had the vaccine. My mom and stepfather have had it, they are in late 70's. My dad and his wife had their vaccine scheduled but got covid before they could get it. My dad developed blood clots in his lungs from it, but I think he's going to be Ok. Maurine's dad is 91 and he has had the vaccine, but her mom broke her hip before christmas and was in and out of rehab and couldn't get it for some reason.

Maurine and my daughter Rachel have not had it yet. Maurine is resistant and Rachel just needs someone to take her. Rachel's boyfriend had covid and his sister has it now.

I've read a lot of arguments back and forth about it. I wanted to get the vaccine as soon as I could. I had the flu in Sept 2018 and was really, really sick. That's when I quit smoking

At this point, there is a vaccine if people want it so we need to get back to normal. Everything needs to open up and the mandates need to end.

Folks that don't want the vaccine can take their chances or stay at home or wear a mask or whatever, It's not my concern what other people do. Covid isn't going to go away completely. I guarantee cases will start to go back up in the fall.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
I think I mentioned on here that we took Rachel out of school because the remote learning wasn't working. She wasn't a great student before, and she was really struggling.

She worked most of last year at my friends coffee shop/deli about 25 hours per week.

We took her last August and enrolled her in the adult education program at a nearby community college, but at that point they were still all remote, so she didn't make much progress.

But early this year she got serious about it and she just passed her last exam to get her high school equivalency diploma (they used to call it a GED)

So, now she is actually finished high school a year early. She is going to enroll as a freshman at the same community college she completed her high school equivalency. Since she is a year early I think she will just go part time.

I'm very proud of her for taking a bad situation and turining it into a positive. :thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas

That’s great about Rachel. You have good reason to be proud of her. Encourage her to use this year to get a jump start on college, she could get a degree and on to the next thing in her life.

We think Covid ran through our family in the very early months before it was recognized as a pandemic. Personally I don’t want the vaccine. If there was a killed virus vaccine I would take it. India has come up with one, but needs it for her own people and doesn’t look to be doing a very good job of it.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
Like I said, it's none of my business what other people do. I have no interest in trying to convince people either way.

I know some people try to make it their business on both sides of the issue.

One thing I forgot to mention is that one of my co-workers died from it. We've been working remotely but back at the office we worked in the same area. He had just become a grand-father for the first time. It was very sad.

But as far as I'm concerned, we need to get back to normal. There is a vaccine. Take it if you want to. Don't take it if you don't want to. Stay at home if you want to, wear a mask if you want to, don't wear one if you want to.

Covid will continue to circulate until people either get the immunity from a vaccine, or from having covid. People will also continue dying from it, but thankfully fewer will.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@OneFineAcre thank you for your thoughts. Basically I agree, it is up to the individual. What I have been tired of is the ones that keep saying-implying-insinuating that those of us that don't want to take it... or those of us that have had it and have NATURAL immunities from the previous infection..... are somehow WRONG, STUPID, UNCARING, DISRESPECTFUL of other people.
You are entirely right, covid/corona virus will continue to circulate.... it is no different than the flu in that respect.... there will continue to be variants, there will continue to be infections, there will sadly continue to be deaths. The losses will be less, the infected will be fewer.... but it will always be there.
We have corona virus in cattle. Have had calves over the years with it. Have had lots of exposure to it. I have a healthy immune system, seldom get much and when I do it is like a 24 hr thing because my body goes to work and fights it off. If I have anti-bodies to it, then don't feel that I should have to take a vaccine for it. I am covered.
If you have been vaccinated, then you are at no risk from me whether I have been vaccinated or had natural immunity, or have had no exposure. If I have it, the whole idea of you getting it from me is small to none.... that is the whole idea of YOU getting the vaccine. So, I totally agree.... you do what you want, and leave me to do what I want.

Thank you for your straight forward simple statements.
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