Hens and Roos
Herd Master
A little bit of good news.
The older doe still has done nothing through day 33. The first-timer kindled nine since yesterday. The bad news is that she pulled no hair at all. I found one dead one on the wire just outside the box, two dead ones in the hay in the box but not back in the nest depression, and one dead one in the nest depression. I put hay on top of the survivors and turned the heat up in the enclosed shed. The survivors appear to be reasonably plump, so it looks like the doe fed them at least once. I hope these five can hang on. Is there any reason why it might not be a good idea to scrape up what hair I can from my wire cages (and other rabbits) and cover the kits with that?
Congrats on the kits, hope that they continue to do well. As far as using hair from other rabbits- I guess it would depend on your does attitude and if she is okay with it. We have used dryer lint once before when a doe didn't pull hair and the next day she had replaced the lint with some of her hair....