fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Another thought, goats will tap dance on your hoop coop. A tarp top will get punctured by sharp hooves. Somewhere I have a thread on building a hoop coop with tin top. I’ll go find it. It may be on TEG.

Found it! I used 1x4s on the inside to screw the tin to. A neighbor held them up on the inside while I held up the tin on the outside and screwed it through to the 1x4. Had to use pretty long metal roofing screws, then snugged the tin up tight. That left the ends of the screws bristling out on the inside of the coop, just waiting to snag me. Neighbor cut those ends off flush with boards.

That said, I’ll take your idea of a tarp top for my hoop coop I’m about to build. I’m building it to be very temporary so I can tear it back down.
That is something to consider. I don't have spare tin so that would be an additional expense.

Going to add these ideas to a hoop coop thread: