Herd Master
UM, new plate for sure and nothing that was on the original plate could go on the new one because it MIGHT be CONTAMINATED. But I THINK there is a bit of a difference (maybe not). She is totally anti-"any part of an animal's body no matter how small". Not sure how being "anti bone" would be QUITE so earth shattering. Especially since though Dad won't touch it if it was cooked with a bone in it, they apparently don't have an issue as long as someone cuts the meat off the bone for them right??
Have you asked them to THINK about why these bones are such a problem? I figure it is the "milk on cereal is yucky" training thing. Dad says it is "yucky and you shouldn't eat it". But other than to make Dad "happy" mom might not have a problem with it at all. Maybe if they think about WHY they have an aversion, they may decide it isn't actually based on anything that is of concern to them. But they would have to THINK about it first.
Or not.