@Bruce yes I drank that stuff full strength as a kid. My grandmother didn't spare the whiskey! Now that I am a wimpy adult, I only use half as much whiskey. I also have used my finger to get the foamy stuff out of the cup! For the eggnog in the refrigerator, just shake it up before pouring. Did you sprinkle nutmeg or cinnamon on top?
After drinking home made eggnog, there is no way I could ever drink the store bought stuff. I've tried it and it's ...........
I forgot the nutmeg which is a bit weird as we always put it on the store bought stuff (Hood), DW likes more than I do. But we will have it the next time.
Mentioned @babsbag's comment about getting her pre boozed nog at Costco to DW. We thought for a second and said "not HERE she wouldn't" unless it is really whimpy. Can't buy high test booze anywhere but state licensed liquor stores. Only beer and wine at other stores that have permits for them.
You HAVE to put nutmeg on the store bought stuff, it needs all the help it can get. I am glad that you are enjoying Mamma Wall's Eggnog. Somewhere up there in heaven, that sweet, good Baptist lady is smiling.
See that @babsbag, I'm making Mama Wall happy, you are not! Of course you ARE really busy with getting the dairy going not to mention all the "normal" work you would have even without the dairy.
It IS really smooth! I forgot to ask Bay, what is your definition of "a shot"? I know there isn't a standard measurement. Sometimes it is 1 oz, sometimes 1.5. I used the bigger side of my double jigger to measure. I just checked, seems 2 of those is 1/3 cup or 2.67 oz. Thus 6 "shots" in my concoction was a full cup.
I don't know what the definition of a shot is. I just use whatever jigger or shot that was available. I seem to remember my Grandmother using darn nigh the whole fifth of whiskey.
When I was a bartender many years ago....a jigger was 1.25oz, but that could've been because of their factoring in liquor costs and profit too....I was 18, so I wasn't concerned about the profit & loss issues at that time....
After he got RJ, @Latestarter told me we could use his new herd sire, to breed our two does.
Three weeks ago was the first sign, we had that Falina was in heat. If I remember correctly, Latestarter was still making sure his girls were bred. So, I didn't say anything to him.
Then a week later, on Oct. 28th, Ruby had dried discharge, with hay stuck in it, on her tail hair and udder. However, her vulva didn't appear to indicate heat. So, I decided to wait to call Latestarter for RJ.
@goatgurl had sent me a "buck rag", to help get things started. So, I was hoping that would cement things. However, for some reason it has never arrived. Could it be that someone smelled it through the tightly sealed jar, and thought it was something toxic????? OR .. . . maybe a postal worker got a whiff and decided they could use it on their does, to get them in the mood. Whatever the case, I never received it.
Yesterday morning, Falina started acting wonky on the milk stand. She kept kicking her bank legs up, so I couldn't milk her. Finally I got DH to help, by standing next to her, and leaning on her. That helped. Then, when DH took Falina off the stand, I noticed she was red & puffy.
So, I asked Latestarter if RJ was available & he said yes. Both of us were busy, so we arranged a pickup for the evening.
We brought RJ home, and left him in the back of the truck, while we put Angelica in the back runs. Since she is still a juvenile (and too small to be having kids yet), I want to wait, to breed her, until next Fall, when we breed again (for 2019 Spring kidding).
Falina & the dogs could smell RJ (who peed a stinky gallon & a half in the back of the truck, before we could get him out)
It was a bit of a dance, to get RJ in with the goats & dogs, as Falina & the dogs were blocking the chicken gate - trying to get out. So, DH locked them in the chicken side.
Ruby was not interested in RJ, so she was hanging out in the goat side. I took RJ in through the goat gate, and let him have the run of the area. Of course he went over to sniff Ruby out. Ruby made sure that, on on uncertain terms, she was not interested.
RJ sniffed around and finally gave up. So, we opened the gate between the two yards. Falina was in there like a shot!!! She was definitely interested!!!
Within a short time, he was on her, and he had a failed attempt. They did a bit of a mutual, end to end sniff dance. Then he was on her a 2nd & 3rd times, which both ended with a thrust.
@babsbag, I thought you might like to know that after he dropped off, he rolled on his side & lit a cigarette. So, I guess that's proof of a successful breeding.