Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun! It wouldn't quite work here. Our only neighbors live next door, and they spend a LOT more time in Rockwall (with their kids & grandkids) than they do here. If they do come home, it's maybe twice a month, they stay 1 or 2 nights & then head back to Rockwall

So, if we had a "neighborhood party" it would most likely be DH & I. :lol: :gig


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
About a mile or so from here, a house burned to the ground day before yesterday. They had insurance and will rebuild. We did not know them. But you can bet we will be knowing them. They are our neighbors. :)


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
We tried to introduce ourselves to our neighbor's on the other side of our next door neighbor. They have a cool mule drawn, covered wagon, that they drive down our road sometimes. One day, the lady was going by, in the wagon, with her father (I'm guessing). We saw them coming and went out to the end of the driveway, to introduce ourselves. I said "Hi" as she got close. She nodded her head (in acknowledgement) and kept right on going. She almost ran my toes over, we were that close! We were shocked! :ep She's driven the wagon by since, but we don't bother going out to the road anymore. o_O

Our only other neighbor's 1/2 mile away) just moved in last Spring. When The kitty, Buttercup, started hanging out here, we took him down to see if he belonged to them. They are young with children. They seemed nice enough, but we never see them, and they aren't home much. We invited them to come down anytime, so the kids can see the goats and ducks, but they never have.

Down the road further is the couple that owns the 160 acres across from us, that a dairy farmer leases to run his heifers on. We know them, but they aren't very friendly, except to say "Hi" and go on their way. Other than that, we don't have any neighbor's that we could socialize with.

We have our church friends, so we have plenty of socialization. They are a really nice group of people. :hugs Besides, we have a fellowship meal every 2nd Sunday, and get to have a party, of sorts once a month, with our friends. So, our situation is different, from your, but the same.
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Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
It sure doesn't work here either....we have tried to be neighborly up the road and even invited a few out from town, but we can't even get people to call when they need, wish, or want eggs...for free. We don't go to a church so, there isn't any inlet into those closed is so bad, that the Jehovah Witnesses have even stopped coming by....they used to come fairly often, but even they pass right on by.....yep, it is just Joyce, me and the animals here....and the youngest 2 DD and families when they can make the trip. The guy that owns the property west of us, last I knew was in the "State Militia" and they'd shoot over there once a month, but haven't heard anything lately.....we had words about 16yrs ago and haven't seen any of them since.....:)


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Sometimes, I wish I had those 'problems'. Weekdays aren't bad but some weekends it's like a freeway coming down the driveway.
Always someone coming by wanting to talk cows or wanting me to go fishing or borrow something or wanting me to go to town and eat lunch or have coffee or show me the hog or deer they got.
Hosted Christmas dinner here, had 17 and there were more neighbors and friends than family.

Then scouts and 4h take up a lot of my time as well.

Don't get me started on telephone calls. Wish I didn't have one most of the time..or wife would let me leave it in the house.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
It's nice to know who your neighbor's are, sometimes nice to be friends. There's a mixed bag in my area -- some oldsters, some retired, others almost -- there are those with out of school kids, a few almost out, etc. The "retired" are multi aged - meaning retired military in the 45-50 age -- others retired one job & doing another, some retired and home. So everyone has some weird schedules. Then, I am the only one with much in the way of animals. There are a few families with some horses -- rarely see them riding. One family does use their horses a lot, go to a lot of shows, etc. Far end of the road, we wave. They also board some for other people of like interests. My neighbors to the rear have a couple young children, both work -- it's hectic.

Honestly, I only find 2 of us with chickens. I was the only one with any pigs. Am only one with goats. So, interests vary. :)
And I have never seen any evidence of anyone gardening, since an older neighbor had to go to assisted living. He & I used to talk garden and share occasional work & produce. He loved to just come pet my mini horses. No one seems interested in any self-sufficiency, except a friend of the people who live to the rear of my farm. He stopped by a couple times & I've seen him at some chicken swaps.

Yet, at my end of the street, we all "know" one another by sight (some by name), occasionally stop on road and chat a minute or two, know the vehicles. And if an emergency, any would help you out. Of course, sometimes there is a "need" that you don't know about, not being friendly close.

Strange how we can be so close and yet, so far apart. :idunno
Some are friendlier than others. Some want to be left alone.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Interesting @Mini Horses.

What you were just talking about is what I was trying to accomplish, by getting to know our neighbor's. Personally, I believe the old adage, "No man is an island." Sure we can keep ourselves to ourselves. But, as human beings, sometimes we need help, and it is nice to have someone we can call on to give us help, and or give someone a hand with a difficult project.

When we met the young couple up the road, I gave them my cell number and told them if they ever needed anything, to not hesitate to call or stop by. Well, hopefully, if they ever DO need something, they will remember my offer.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I feel strongly about building community. We are SO Blessed to have landed in a nice little community. Sure, there are a few that I'd druther not have anything to do with, and those that have had something to do with them, regret they ever let the "using" get started. but over all we are in a great place.

It can be made better. If we have to be the catalyst to get it going, so be it. There is a short fat man, AKA The Rocket Man, with the United States in his cross hairs. If worse comes to worse, we might NEED those neighbors and they might NEED us.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
@greybeard what do you do with the Scouts? Both of my boys are Eagle Scouts and my DH and I were both scout leaders, committee members, and active parents from the time our boys were 6. My youngest son still participates on the council level. It offered my kids so many opportunities and experiences, a great program.

Our neighbors are ok, except for the one crazy that we had problems with. Most of them are nice enough and I know that they would help in an emergency but I don't want to hang out with any of them on a personal level. Not my type at all, we have nothing in common and never will unless I decide to start growing pot.

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