Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Today was another busy day on Devonviolet Acres.

Of course it started out with DH feeding animals while I milked the girls. I'm drying them off, since they will both be kidding around the middle of April. Actually, they have already been drying themselves off. I'm just taking a little less each day. Today, it was a little less than 5 cups for both girls.

Lately, we have been eating a lot of grapefruits and oranges, and giving the girls a few pieces of the rinds after they finish milking. To watch their anticipation :drool and the way they relish each bite, you would think it was candy. :lol: I had been trying to give Angelica pieces of rind also, but she would sniff it and run away, shaking her head, like I had tried to give her something awful!!! It was quite comical. :gig So, she would get some dried apple leaves, which was her favorite treat.

This morning I gave her some of the green leaves, that fell off the lemon tree, in the house, and then I slipped in a piece of grapefruit rind, like I had done in the past. Only this time, she sniffed it and tentatively took it in her mouth. :ep WHAT??? She actually took it???? WOW!!! So, I got another piece and called her over to the gate. She took that too!!! Only she had to be fast, because Ruby was trying to take it from her. :lol:

I had about 4-1/2 gallons of milk in the fridge. I was planning to freeze it. But then decided to make some Feta cheese. I hadn't made that before, and wanted to make Spanakopita, for dinner soon.

So, this afternoon I opened one of my cheese making ebooks, and looked up the recipe. Thankfully, I did have the rennet, Mesophilic starter and calcium chloride. With two one hour resting periods, and hanging time, it took about 5-1/2 hours to make.

I used 2 gallons, of milk, figuring I would get 2 pounds of cheese. However, as I worked with it, it seemed like more than 2 pounds. So, I weighed it and we ended up with 3 lbs 6 oz of Feta cheese!!! :celebrate:weee

Here it is sitting in the whey after I added the rennet & let it sit for an hour. I then cut it into 1/2" cubes, to help release the whey from the cheese.

Here it is after it hung over the sink for 3 hours, and I sliced it into 1" slabs, before I cut it into 1" cubes.

And here it is in the bowl, after I salted it.

It is in the fridge now, as it has to mature for 4–5 days. But so far, we are happy with the results. It doesn't taste anything like what we have bought at the store. It's a lot milder. But then, I had read that somewhere. The recipe says for a stronger taste, put it in a salt brine for up to 3 days in the fridge. I would think if it is in a brine, it could stay in the fridge for longer than 30 days.

While I was making the Feta, I also made some Matzah. We are having communion at church tomorrow, and a while back, I offered to make some. So, between adding ingredients & letting the milk rest, on the Feta cheese, I was also making Matzah & cleaning up after myself. By the time I hung the cheese, to drain, my feet hurt and I was exhausted! But, the kitchen was clean and it felt good to get so much done.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I love feta! I bet that is sooooo much better than anything that you could ever buy from a store. Your goats, healthy, loved and adored, well fed, sweet, giving you the best milk, and you make the cheese! That is beyond awesome. Yup, you are living the dream, fer shure!

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We bought some feta from the Amish that was 10 times better than anything I have ever had. Put a bunch of that and some anchovies on a salad and I'm happy. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We ate at a Greek restaurant and they offered grilled feta. Basically I think they pan fried it, it was toasty browned on both sides, crunchy and delicious.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Today was foggy & miserable out, so I stayed inside & made sauerkraut. I got my Cuisinart out & using the thinnest slicing blade, shredded two good size heads of cabbage and 1-1/2 big carrots. I ended up with a gallon of sauerkraut.

I'm planning to keep it out, culturing, at room temp (66-70°) for 7+ days.

We still have some sauerkraut, that I made last Spring. Since it is still flu season, I want to keep plenty of cultured foods (kefir, Kombucha and cultured veggies), on hand. They are loaded with natural probiotics, that help prevent the flu, by keeping the gut healthy. Over the years, homemade sauerkraut has proven to bring people back from the depths of dispair within a few hours. Last spring, a friend of ours was really sick with the stomach flus, plus the respiratory virus. I took her some sauerkraut juice & Elderberry syrup, and by the next day she was feeling a LOT better.

We have been eating sauerkraut, as well as kefir and Honey Ginger (2nd brew) Kombucha (YUM!!!), in addition to daily Elderberry syrup, to prevent the flu virus from getting a foothold in our house. So far its working & we are both well.