Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Occasionally a face across the table, friendly talk, even someone to complain to and about.... plain old company.... I have been single since 1979. Yeah, had a couple of long term relationships, and a very good friend that I also loved dearly. In the process of getting his horrible situations straightened out, and freedom from someone who was certifiable, had a heart attack and died at 55. I was devastated because he was first my best friend....
I do like being on my own most of the time. But there are times that someone to just go out to dinner with, or someone to want to do a little better job of being a cook or taking care of the house, or working in the garden with.....
So yes, @Rammy I get it.....
Thanks for the info on the Instant Pot. Will have to look into it. Might be a big help to wanting to cook and eat a little better. I have gone on a bit of a "watch what I am eating" thing. And trying to make my evening meal a large salad. Tonight had some chicken that I added.... it hit the spot. Trying to do my "heavier" eating in the middle of the day... I definitely need to drop some weight which would make it better for my ankle and knee no matter what I do in the future. One thing, I usually do lose some weight in the summer, just with the heat, on & off the tractors making hay and all. And I drink less milk in the summer and more water and tea....


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Occasionally a face across the table, friendly talk, even someone to complain to and about.... plain old company.... I have been single since 1979. Yeah, had a couple of long term relationships, and a very good friend that I also loved dearly. In the process of getting his horrible situations straightened out, and freedom from someone who was certifiable, had a heart attack and died at 55. I was devastated because he was first my best friend....
I do like being on my own most of the time. But there are times that someone to just go out to dinner with, or someone to want to do a little better job of being a cook or taking care of the house, or working in the garden with.....
So yes, @Rammy I get it.....
First, I’m sorry to hear you lost your best friend, Jan. Family is important, but not everyone finds a true best friend, and I’m sure that was a devistating loss. :hugs

I was single for 12 years, after my Ex left me to marry someone he met on a business trip. Don’t get me wrong . . .. it was a good thing, for many reasons.

After I was single, I dated a few men, but nothing ever clicked. I finally decided that I needed to wait on God to bring the right man into my life . . . Or not. My son went into the army in 1994 and I lived alone until late 1998. At first it was hard, but going to school and working full time kept me busy. Wen I graduated and was only working, being involved with church helped, because I was able to do things with my church friends. If you aren’t involved with a church, you might consider getting involved with some kind of volunteer organization (i.e. Meals on Wheels or Habitat for Humanity, or FFA, etc.), where you can get to know other people with similar interests.
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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Yesterday was a great day on Deonviolet Acres! :celebrate

DH has trouble lifting the 50lb bags of feed. So, I went out to unload the monthly supply (500 pounds).

I have been wanting to broadcast pasture forage seeds, left over from last year, and since I was out there, I asked to see what we had in the 55 gallon barrel, in the shed. It turned out we had about 75 pounds of oat seed, 25 pounds of Winter Rye, 3 pounds of Purple Top Turnips and 4 pounds of field peas (legumes). So, we put them in the wagon and went out to the pasture to broadcast them.

The goats and dogs made it so much fun!!! I guess I made the “mistake” of giving Rosemary a handful of the oats. :lol: But it was so CUTE!!! She kept following us around the pasture trying to get some more oats from us. :gig It was a bit obnoxious, but I couldn’t help but laugh. At one point, DH had his bucket of seeds in front of him, and she came up from behind and slipped her head under his arm, coming up right where he held the bucket. He started laughing his head off.

Both goats and the dogs would come to see what we were doing, and then wander off. It was so cute, when they all of a sudden wanted to see what we were doing again. They would come running out to the pasture, full speed ahead. Rosemary is so cute when her ears are flopping around in the breeze!!! You can’t help but giggle. Angelica obviously doesn’t have the floppy ears, but she was running and kicking up her heels. :) This is not a goat that does that very often. So, it just warms my heart when I see her that happy. :love
It took us a while to spread all that seed by hand, so the dogs and goats came and went several times. It was so much fun to see how happy they all are. :love

Then, when we were finished, DH pulled the wagon to the gate and was outside the gate. By the time I got there, Deo had plastered himself against my legs, for some lovin. Sweet Violet had jumped up on the gate so I couldn’t get out. So, of course I had to grab her and give her a big hug, before I could put her front legs on the ground and go out the gate.


If you are wondering where the twins were, they are currently in with Danny Boy. :) I put them in with him last week. Hope was definitely in heat and flagging her tail. Danny Boy immediately started talking trash and sticking out his tongue. I am certain he got her several times. At one point he almost fell over and lit up a cigarette. :lol:

Faith wasn’t flagging and after a snif or two Danny Boy wasn’t interested in her. So, we just left them in with him at least until 21 days after we put them in and we knew Hope was in heat.

When they had been in with him for four days, Faith was flagging her tail and he seemed interested, but I never saw him get any action. However, Faith and Danny Boy seem to be the best of friends. To get him a bit higher, so he could reach the girls, we put some cinder blocks in the middle of the paddock. Well, they didn’t seem to figure out what they were for, but they seemed to want to lay on them, in the sun. So, I suggested we add some more, so the platform was bigger. Lately, Danny Boy has been napping on the patio and Faith has been snuggling right up next to him. Then, a couple days ago, I saw her nibbling on his ear. :love How sweet is that???? Lately she just seems to want to be right near him all the time. :)

When I opened the crimped oat bag, I gave a few handsful to each of the three goats, that are near the feed shed (Danny Boy, Faith and Hope). And, as will happen, some of the oats fell on the ground. I wasn’t worried about any waste, because we have one of the drake Muscovies in with the goats, and I knew he would vacuum up what fell on the ground.

We currently have two drakes. The plan, all along, has been to butcheer one of them. But for a number of reasons, we haven’t butchered birds for quite a while. Being drakes, they fight incessantly. So we left the dominant one with the girls and had to separate out the other one. DH calls him Scruffy, because the dominant one did a number on his wing feathers, and they looked rather scruffy. :D Scruffy and Danny Boy seemed to get along fine. Then, when we put the twins in with them, it seemed Faith was chasing Scruffy.

Sure enough when the goats left that area, Scruffy went about cleaning up the grain. Then, as I sat watching them, Faith walked up behind him. As she lifted her foot, I thought “No, she’s not going to do that!!” But she DID! She tapped his rear end, so he ran away. :lol: That stinker was antaganizing poor Scruffy. :lol: But that didn’t slow him down any, within a few seconds he was back vacuuming up oats. :D
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yesterday was beautiful and a great day to be outside. Sounds like y'all had a lot of fun and got some forage seeds scattered to boot. Making progress with getting your girls bred. That means more babies! I can't wait for you to have more goatie babies!

I have a question for you. I know canning sauerkraut kills the beneficial bacteria, but what if you had a "live" jar in the refrigerator and opened up a jar of canned, and added the "live" juice to the canned jar? Would that put the beneficial bacteria back in the canned jar? Reason I am asking is that I just planted a whole flat (64) in cabbage seeds. NO WAY we can eat all that, so my mind went wandering...… Of course, that is assuming that they all sprout, survive transplanting, survive me, continue to grow, survive bugs, grow some more, survive general kill and die conditions and grow to maturity. But I can dream, can't I?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I have the 6qt. Best deal ever!! Free from a demo. :D Yes. And, I have one of these by a different brand, bought almost 2 yrs ago. It has a removable pot that I coated, the Instant Pot one is stainless. I love stainless and cast iron.

pasteurizing milk, making large batches of yogurt

I thought you drank raw -- but, pls explain how you pasteurize and make yogurt in yours. Yeah, I know it can be done but haven't. Interested in yogurt. I do have a YoLife unit that I have never used -- yet. Habitat buy for $5, looks to have never been used, boxed, manuals all there :). Got after milking season. But kids cometh and milking begins!

Like you Devonviolet -- ready to crank it out! Cream separator, cheese press, yogurt maker, instant pot, pressure milker & jars, stacks of wipes (more demo freebees) Can't wait! :celebrate

Has anyone tried canning in their instant pot? It does this with sufficient pressure. I'm looking at small batches of stuff that would really be nice to use this. Sometimes we have just a few pints or couple qts. Not enough to drag out the big guns canners. Anyone?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I agree with the singles -- now & before ones :D =D -- liberating and yes, a friendly "share it" person is nice. Being single, you can also choose the time & place to share. :D I'm strongly independent. My work often gives me more conversation than I want. :hide