Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Well, I had done a whole write up about how well DH is doing, and then explained what these photos are all about. I came into the post to make two small changes, and POOF the first part of it is GONE!!! GRRRRR!!! :hit I don’t have a clue what happened! I’m too exhausted to recreate it right now. I’ll try to do that later.

Suffice it to say, that our old round bale finally ran out, and I needed to move the new round bale off our trailer, so I could start using that hay. Needless to say, that I wouldn’t be able to roll it once I opened it and started getting hay off it. DH couldn’t help me, due to his quadruple bypass one month ago. So, I wore myself out moving an 1100 pound bale of hay, all by myself, and here are a few photos, to show you what I did.



Success at last!


After that was done, I got a ladder and cut the netting across the top, so I could start pulling hay off the bale. In the end, I filled FIVE - 5 bushel baskets PLUS two 60 gallon tubs, with hay. That should last me about a week, before I have to go back and get more off that big bale. :)

My next project is to build an 8x8’ hoop hut (using 2 cattle panel over the round bale, and for now use a tarp, to cover the hay, and keep rain off it.

Eventually, AFTER DH is released to do a normal work load — after at least six months — I want to build a lean-to style car port, attached to our 12x16’ workshop. That carport will be 24’x 20, which will allow us to put the truck under cover, if we have a hail storm, and we can also store at least two round bales in the end — which will have a hinged wall, to keep the rain off the hay, and then we can get at the hay from the back side. :)
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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Awww shucks! You guys are too kind. :) But SO right!!! :lol: I'm determined to make this whole working the farm work, even at MY age! And actually, I'm pretty darn strong!!

DH and I have moved round bales before. I figured I had to at least try. I wasn't sure I could move that 8 foot pallet, but when I did and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, I figured I could tackle the round bale. Actually, I kind of surprised myself, when I started rocking it back and forth, and it actually MOVED. I'm stronger than I thought I was!!! :lol:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I came into the post to make two small changes, and POOF the first part of it is GONE!!!
Sometimes I highlight a section and somehow delete it. But Ctrl Z (or on my Mac Command Z) often brings it back. I was going to ask how DH is doing, I guess we'll find out when you have more time.

Yep, you got it done. Leverage and thinking is your friend!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I know all too well what moving one of them is like. Before we got the tractors with loaders, and the bale bed truck. I often had to do things like you did. Congrats for making it happen. One trick.... whenever you have them load it, make sure that if it has a flat side, it is NOT sitting on the flat side. If the bale is stored for a length of time, on the "round" side, they will get a flat side. Like the tire is only flat on the bottom!!!!!!. But if you get it loaded and the flattened side is "up", you can deal with it. Many places that store the round bales inside, will actually store the flat side down so the bale keeps it's round shape. It is easier to deal with them if you have a "grapple" that is like a clamshell that grips the bale "around it"..... but they do keep their shape a whole lot better.

And in the case of getting one off a pickup.... you can always drop the tailgate and back up fast and hit the brakes so it will roll off.....