Devonviolet Acres

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
And in the case of getting one off a pickup.... you can always drop the tailgate and back up fast and hit the brakes so it will roll off.....

:lol: Yep!1 And pray it lands & stays where you want it.

I've tied the rolls to a tree or post and drove off. they will come off of a truck or trailer that way…..then it's already tied up :D =D


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I know I promised to update on DH and how is is doing after his quadruple bypass surgery, a little more than a month ago. So here it is:

DH is going amazingly well. He is determined to heal quickly. So, he has been doing his breathing exercises and walking everyday. In the beginning, he was pleased if he could do 200-300 steps at one time. Now he is doing a half mile, plus a few hundred feet. He is also doing arm and leg exercises.

He has also started helping with non-strenuous jobs around the house. He likes to tell people that I LET him do the dishes and laundry. :lol: He has also started watering the garden and fruit trees, while I am doing evening chores. That is huge, for decreasing my workload. The hard thing is to keep him from lifting anything heavier than five pounds and lifting his arms over his head.

He has a doctor’s appointment on Monday, and hopefully he will be released to drive, which will mean he can also start doing more and lift more weight.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good job!! :highfive:

When you accept mentally, you can accomplish a lot. He is doing great with this and I'm sure (other than sore & healing) he feels better. As you know, when they change his exercise "allowable" range, there will be some added aches but, he sure sounds up to the challenge. He should be proud.

It's tough to be restrained when not used to it.:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
That is really Great to hear and he is progressing so well!!...:celebrate...after my 1st attack, I only had a stint placed, I just couldn't stay in was Feb in Florida and the oaks were pushing the old leaves off and growing new ones....I looked at Joyce and told her I had to get outside...."remember what the doc said, no lifting of anything over 5lbs", is what I beard as I went I looked around....ah-hah!!...."what in the heck are ya doin?"....came from behind me...just raking some leaves....rake doesn't weigh 5lbs, and I ain't raking above my head....just the ones on the ground.....:).....hope things continue to go well for ya and DH!!....:fl..:frow.....oh, and how is your foot doing?....:)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, it is great to read about how he is improving. And really, although it has made it much harder on you in the summer weather, it is the best time for him to have had to "take it easier".... because the heat has also conspired to keep him "slower".. If it was nice fall weather, cooler but not cold, he would be much more frustrated at not being able to "do" stuff and might have been pushing himself too much. I am so glad for you both, and sorry that you had to take the brunt of the work in the heat.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
DH continues to get better. Last week, he had followup visits with his surgeon and his cardiologist, for his six week post-op appointments. Both of them gave him a clean bill of health and released him to our primary care doctor. According to the surgeon, his sternum is 80% healed at six weeks. It will take another six weeks for the remaining 20%. By that time he will be able to go back to doing everything, without restrictions. DH cracked up. The doctor said he could mow the lawn, with the push mower, but he couldn’t pull the pull starter. That’s okay. I can do that. :lol:

When I learned that I would have to be doing all the chores, we agreed that I should sell some of the animals. I called the man, who had bought our Buff Orpington rooster, for a good price. He had told me that when I was ready to sell goats, he would love to buy them, and any chickens, that I had to sell. Well, it took him a while to get back to me. Then, he told me his son was the one to buy goats, and the most he would give me for six goats was $500. :ep AND he wasn’t interested in any of the chickens I wanted to sell. :duc

So, eventually, I wrote up ads for the goats and chickens on CraigsList. I’ve gotten a few bites on Rosemary and April, but in the end, they didn’t take them. Eventually, I decided to keep them and breed them this Fall.

I did sell my Sweet Faith (and oh, how I miss her!!!) and that buyer wanted to buy Hope, but the day he came, she got sick, and I told him I won’t sell a sick goat. Long story short, I got some help with a treatment plan, and she is doing great. I’m going to give her another week, and then will give him a call, to see if he is interested. It IS a 2-3/4 hour drive - each way, so I will understand if he says no.

In the mean time, I got a call yesterday, about my sweet little Calendula. The lady has a young LaMancha buck. She wanted a friend for him, and a gentle goat for her grandchildren. So, they came today and bought her. :celebrate They brought the buck with them, so I got to see him. They got along nicely, when we put her in the trailer. The lady said she will wait until December to put them together, so she will have time to mature, and will be just over a year, when her kids are born.
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